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 self…destructive nut。 Kyle didn't seem to have a choice; however。
 〃Okay; Karon; tell them I'll pick up some gear and head on over; but it'll take a couple of hours。〃 Kyle was hoping the situation would be resolved long before he could get involved。
 〃They know that; Kyle; they said there was no hurry。 The guy in the cave isn't going anywhere。〃
 Not one will get away; none will escape。 Though they dig down to the depths of the grave from there my hand will take them。
 …Amos; 9:12
 Oregon Caves
  Ellen and Terry were sitting down; using each other as backrests。 Most of the others in the cave were either lying down or leaning against the cave walls。 The initial panic the group experienced had died down。 Nothing had happened since the kid had scared off the next tour group; pointing his gun at the members entering the cave as he told them to 〃get out and stay out。〃 The kid made no demands or political statements; but it was clear he wasn't going to let anyone go either。 Occasionally his sister would plead or try to reason with him; but each time she was rebuffed。 Finally she gave up and sat in silence with the rest of the hostages。
 Terry was mentally reviewing what he knew about hostage situations。 If they remained captive long enough; and if the conditions were harsh; some would e to sympathize with the hostage…takers。 Persistent anxiety; with no control over the situation; causes one to identify with the source of the anxiety; in this case the kid with the gun。 Terry remembered one case where hostages were held in a bank vault for three days。 The police turned off the air…conditioning; poisoned the food; and provided minimal water while the gang holding the hostages sexually abused the women。 Yet; when finally released; many of the hostages expressed concern about what would happen to their captors。
 The two boys were throwing rocks in the back of the cave。 Terry turned to look at them and noticed something peculiar。 The military man was no longer toward the back of the group; but in the middle。 The kid was sitting with his knees up to his chest; and staring straight ahead。 The gun was still in his hand; although it was pointed toward the ground。 Terry pulled his own head to his knees; put his arms on top; and then lay his head down sideways so he could watch the military man。
 It took a long time; but Terry could see what was happening。 Every once in a while the military man would stretch a leg; or an arm; or arch his back and yawn。 And every time his leg came back down; or he finished stretching; he would be an inch or two closer to the front。 Terry watched him move an arm and rock sideways。 A few minutes later he stretched the other arm and rocked back the other way。 He was now two inches closer。 It was like watching a clock。 It took patience; but if you stared long enough you could see the minute hand move。
 The military man's moves rekindled Terry's sharp fears; waves of panic swept htm。 What if the kid noticed? What if the military man did something? What if he did something that made the kid punish the group? On the other hand; Terry didn't know enough about the kid's condition to be certain that he wasn't a danger。
 Terry had once worked with a paranoid schizophrenic named Larry who was high functioning。 He lived in his own apartment; held down a laborer's job; and took good care of a white Persian cat named Katrina。 If it hadn't been for his persistent claims that a group of telepathic Masons were trying to kill him; Terry would not have been treating Larry。 Then one day a salesman wearing a Mason's pin came to Larry's door。 Larry shot the salesman in the chest; later claiming self…defense。 Larry ended up in the state mental hospital and Katrina in the animal shelter。 Could this kid be another Larry? Did Terry want the military man betting all of their lives that he wouldn't be another Larry?
 Terry gently pushed Ellen into a sitting position; and then cleared his throat。
 〃What is your name?〃 he said weakly。 Then; in a stronger voice; he repeated himself。 〃It's Kenny; isn't it?〃
 The kid raised his head; his eyes glassy。 Slowly his head turned in Terry's direction。 Terry noticed the gun followed his stare。 Even when Kenny was finally facing Terry; he wasn't sure the kid was seeing him。
 〃I said no talking。〃
 The kid said it without conviction。 Terry assumed he was as bored as the rest of them; and probably more scared。
 〃It's Kenny;〃 his sister answered for him。 〃Kenny Randall; the nut case。〃
 Kenny glared at his sister; but the gun remained pointed at Terry。
 〃I'm Terry; Kenny; and this is my wife; Ellen。〃 Terry thought about telling Kenny he was a psychologist。 Sometimes troubled people found that reassuring。 On the other hand; many people who have had institutional experiences harbor hostility toward psychologists。 Terry decided it was too soon to mention his profession。
 〃Kenny; Ellen and I are scared; and I bet you are too。 Are you scared; Kenny?〃
 Kenny's eyes were still unfocused; but he seemed to be taking the whole group in。 Terry wondered if he was monitoring the progress of the military man。
 〃I don't want to talk about it。〃
 〃What don't you want to talk about; Kenny?〃
 〃About what is going to happen。〃
 〃Kenny; I want to understand this。 What is going to happen?〃
 Kenny's eyes finally focused on Terry。 His direct stare; gun in his hand; twisted Terry's stomach into a knot。
 〃I already told you。 The world is going to end。〃
 〃How; Kenny? How will the world end?〃
 〃You don't believe me。 No one believes me。 I tried to tell people but no one would listen。 No one would believe me when I told them。 I even tried to show them; but they wouldn't see it。〃 Then with bitterness in his voice; and a nod toward his sister; he added; 〃Even my own family wouldn't believe me。〃
 Terry had worked with a number of paranoid patients before and Kenny seemed to have the symptoms。 Kenny believed he had secret knowledge; something he had discovered and something only he could understand。 If Kenny was paranoid then he was potentially dangerous。
 〃Kenny; you haven't told me about it yet。 I promise you I will try to understand。〃
 〃I told you; he thinks the sky is falling;〃 Kenny's sister said。 Kenny's eyes flamed and his face reddened。 〃You never really listened to me; did you; Jill? I never said the sky was falling。 I said things were falling from the sky。 There's a difference; a big difference。 I have the proof too; but you wouldn't look at it; would you?〃
 Terry saw Kenny's anger was welling up and worried it might drive Kenny to lash outmaybe with the gun。 Terry decided to try again to deflect Kenny's attention from his sister。 He could see Kenny loved her; but her ments were provoking Kenny's anger。
 〃Kenny; I really would like to hear your story…theory。〃 Kenny sat silently; breathing deeply and staring at Terry。 Terry; afraid that murder was going through the kid's mind; was relieved when Kenny finally spoke。
 〃All right; smart man。 Can you understand why corn falls from a clear blue sky? Can you understand why people suddenly burst into flame? Can you understand how whole civilizations simply disappear? At first we couldn't either。 But then we found someone else who had seen it; someone a long time ago。 Everyone thought he was crazy too。 He understood it; and so did we finally。 We proved it just as scientists should。 We had the data; the theory; and the evidence; and still no one believed us。〃
 Kenny looked lost in thought for a minute; a pained expression on his face。 Then Kenny's expression changed to profound sadness; and he spoke again。
 〃I wish to God that corn had rained on someone else。 Maybe I was meant to know。 Maybe I stumbled into it accidentally。 It doesn't matter now; it will be over soon。〃
 From a professional viewpoint; Terry saw much to explore in what Kenny had blurted out。 He was emoting freely; and if this had been a therapy session Terry would have followed each lead deep into Kenny's subconscious。 Things falling from the sky; people burning; the mention of God。 Were people being burned for their sins? Who were the 〃we〃 Kenny referred to and who was the person from long ago? But Kenny wasn't a patient and certainly wouldn't cooperate。 Terry knew he had to focus on their immediate situation。 Even the briefest therapy was no good here。
 〃Will we burst into flame; Kenny? Is that what's going to happen?〃 Terry worried that Kenny might have a can of gasoline in that yellow backpack; and when the world didn't end he might try to simulate it。
 〃No; we're not going to burn; at least I don't think so。 Not down this far。 I hope not; but I don't。 。 。〃 Kenny's sentence trailed off and his face showed confusion and then anger。 〃How am I supposed to know? Jeez; I'm not some sort of Einstein。 I only know it's going to happen。〃 Kenny glanced at his watch。 〃And it's going to happen soon。〃
 〃Are you expecting a nuclear attack; Kenny? Is that why some people will burn?〃
 〃No; nothing like that。。。 well。。。〃 Kenny's lips pulled up briefly into a smile。 〃In a way it is a nuclear attack。 But it is more than that; it's natural too。〃
 〃A natural nuclear attack。 Can you explain that; Ken
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