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would be an easy climb over the boulders and loose rock at the bottom; but above that the rock face quickly became vertical。 Shirley returned from talking to the mother while he was still mapping his climbing route。
 〃She's terrified。 We'd better get up there quick and settle this one way or another。〃 Shirley looked up to the overhang where the girl had disappeared。 〃We can do this free climb。〃
 〃No we can't;〃 Kyle responded quickly。
 Shirley looked at him and raised her eyebrows。
 〃There's two of them; remember? We want to be anchored if the other one es after us。〃
 Sure that Shirley saw right through him; Kyle quickly changed the subject。
 〃Not only that; but that guy back there;〃 he said nodding to the pale man; 〃well; he said the bird up there was a dinosaur。 Really! He called it a pterodon。〃
 〃No such thing; Officer Kyle。〃
 〃You think a condor could lift a little girl?〃 
 〃Depends on。how much she weighs;〃 Shirley said thoughtfully。 〃But I doubt it in this case。 Chrissy is three years old。 I'll bet she weighs thirty pounds。〃
 〃Then what lifted her up this mountain?〃
 Shirley frowned; then turned to Kyle with an infectious smile。
 〃I give up。 Let's go see。〃
 〃Another thing; Shirley。 I want you to take a gun。〃
 〃No thanks。 I don't know how to use one anyway。 I'd probably end up shooting you。 I'll take the first aid pack;〃 she said holding out her hand。
 Kyle had no intention。of getting shot; so he quickly agreed with Shirley。 The first part would be a free climb through the loose rock and boulders。 Then they would take separate routes up the face; setting pitons。 Once the first piton was set Jay and Kimjberly could belay their fall。 Because of the size difference it was decidedJay would act as belayer for Kyle and Kimberly for Shirley。
 Kyle stood at the base of the mountain; running over his training in his mind。 His climbing skills were a tool; not a hobby; and seldom used。 Shirley and the others; however; spent weekends scaling mountains for fun。
 When Kimberly and Jay were ready; Kyle followed Shirley; who was scrambling up the boulders to the beginning of the rock face。 Kyle followed easily enough but found himself breathing hard when he caught up with her。 Shirley was examining the rock above her and mapping her route。 Kyle picked a spot thirty feet from Shirley and checked the rock face。 It would be easier for Shirley。 The cracks weren't made for a size eleven climbing boot。
 Kyle turned to see Shirley with her toe fitted into a crack about knee high。
 〃Hey; Shirley!〃 Kyle called; stopping her before she could get started。 〃You like movies?〃 Shirley nodded her head and smiled like she'd just been asked out on a date。
 〃Me too。 I saw one once with a dinosaur like that one up there in it;〃 Kyle said; jerking his thumb upward。
 Shirley looked at him quizzically。 〃What happened?〃
 〃It swooped down and swallowed a person whole。〃
 Shirley shook her head; then smiled and patted her own bottom。
 〃Race you to the top; Officer Kyle。〃
 Kyle yelled; 〃Climbing!〃 and Jay's 〃climb〃 followed immediately。 Kyle jammed his right toes into a good…size crack and then felt for others wide enough to grip with his fingers。 When he found a satisfactory one he pulled himself up; ready to set his other foot。
 Kyle made good progress。 He was fifteen feet up when he noticed that Shirley was ahead of him。 He managed a couple more steps before he heard Shirley yell 〃slack;〃 and set her first anchor。 Kyle picked up his pace and climbed to a spot a few feet above Shirley's anchor to set his own。 He clipped a D carabiner to it and passed his rope through the spring catch。 A wave of relief came as he realized his fall would now be limited by the anchor。
 Only after his third anchor was Kyle climbing ahead of Shirley; which gave him great satisfaction。 They continued seesawing up the rock face; setting pitons; clipping carabiners; and looping kermantle。 As they approached the outcropping they angled in toward it with one of them on either side。 Twenty feet below the ledge Kyle motioned for Shirley to stop and be quiet。 He listened intently but heard nothing…no little girl; no prehistoric bird。
 They proceeded up on either side of the outcrop; neither willing to hammer in a piton this close to the pteranodon。 Now Kyle and Shirley had to climb out and up; and they lost sight of each other。 As Kyle neared the top he debated whether to pop up suddenly; jump onto the ledge; and then pull his gun; or peek over the top slowly。 He decided on slow and cautious。 Caution was natural for Kyle。
 He found toeholds and fingerholds and then slowly pulled his head above the rim of the outcrop。 The first thing he saw was the massive head of the pteranodon…six feet of it lying against Kyle's rock。 Two enormous eyes were set in the middle of the spear…shaped face。 Kyle sighed with relief when he saw the eyes were closed。
 The pteranodon's wings filled nearly the entire ledge; concealing the little girl。 Across the other side of the ledge he saw Shirley。 First her eyes appeared searching for the child。 Then she stared at the pteranodon; caught Kyle's eye; shook her head in disbelief; and mouthed; 〃Is it dead?〃 Kyle mouthed back; 〃I think so。〃 Shirley nodded; and then pushed herself up a little higher and took hold of the collapsed wing of the pteranodon。 As she lifted it; stretching it out so that she could look under it for the little girl; the creature blew air through the nostrils in its beak。
 Kyle dropped his head down and froze。 It was alive。 He thought about shooting it; but he couldn't and still hang on。
 Kyle pulled his head up again to find himself staring at the back of the pteranodon's head。 It had moved; its head was up now and its beak pointed at Shirley。 The crest that protruded out the back was inches from Kyle's face。 Kyle followed the creature's stare to Shirley; who had lifted the wing and was looking under the membrane for the little girl。 As she started to lift another piece of wing; she looked up to find the pteranodon staring at her; and she froze。 Kyle decided to grab the crest and hold the bird。 He made sure his feet were secure; detached his rope and secured it in the rock; and pushed up slowly with his legs。
 When Shirley started to lower the bird's wing; the pteranodon's mouth opened in a high…pitched screech。 Then it lunged at Shirley; using its beak like a spear。 Shirley flinched; bringing her hands up to deflect the thrust; but the bird was too fast…as her hands grasped the beak; the momentum of the thrust carried the beak into her chest; knocking her over the edge。 Controlling his panic; Kyle reacted by pushing himself up and flopping onto the ledge。 As soon as Kyle's chest hit the rock; the pteranodon twisted to look at him。 The crest was suddenly out of Kyle's reach and he found himself staring down the three…foot beak into a pair of black; angry eyes。
 The bird screeched again and began hopping; its unfolded left wing partially obscuring Kyle's view。 Kyle pulled both legs up onto the ledge as the pteranodon hopped trying to get at him。 It was handicapped by its huge wingspan and its crippled wing。 Now it began beating at Kyle with its good wing。 Then the bird lunged again。
 Kyle; stumbling backward; tripped over loose rock; falling against the cliff wall。 The bird danced around and Kyle saw the beak ing at his stomach。 He leapt sideways and grabbed the beak with both hands; holding it closed。 The huge wings slapped at his body and face; but he kept his head down and let his shoulders absorb the blows。 He was gaining confidence when something tore through his shirt and sliced the skin on his right shoulder。
 In sudden pain; Kyle realized the creature had small clawed feet attached to its wing。 Wincing; Kyle maneuvered himself to his left and away from the good wing; in a frantic dance with the pteranodon; keeping it at arm's length。 Around and around they went until the partners collapsed in exhaustion。
 Still; Kyle held on; feeling the deep; rapid breaths ing out of its nostrils。
 He was still considering the options when he heard a voice。
 〃I want my mommy。〃
 Kyle looked around but couldn't see where the voice was ing from。
 〃Chrissy? Where are you; honey?〃
 〃I'm here。 I hurt。〃
 Kyle could hear the voice; but the wing was blocking his view。 Desperately; he searched vainly for an option。 Then Shirley's head appeared。
 She pulled herself up over the ledge; flopped onto her stomach and then rolled to her back; smiling。
 〃I saw you dancing with that thing; Officer Kyle。 And while on duty too。 You two made such a lovely couple;〃 she drawled sarcastically。
 Kyle felt foolish but spoke authoritatively。 〃The little girl's here somewhere; I heard her voice。 See if you can find her。〃
 Shirley nodded and crawled to look under the massive wings; then poked her head up and looked at Kyle mischievously。 〃Hey; Kyle; give me a hand; will you?〃
 When she picked up the wing; the pteranodon began twisting sideways。
 At the sound; Shirley abruptly turned around and crawled to the cliff wall; reaching for the broken wing。
 Kyle tightened his grip。 When Shirley lifted the bird's injured wing; Kyle could feel the bird's whole body shudder。 Now Shir
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