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tz.cobra strike-第12章

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 And that was the really troublesome one。 Pyre hadn't had as much access to closed…door information lately as he'd had when he'd been living near the Moreaus; but even so it was pretty obvious that Stiggur wouldn't have let Telek e unless he expected her report and remendations on Qasama to fall more or less in line with his own expectations。 Pyre was a good friend of Jonny Moreau; who had both as governor and governor emeritus locked horns regularly with Telek 。 。 。 and yet it was Pyre's team she'd asked to observe in the field back on Aventine; and it was Pyre whose cost/manpower estimates she'd solicited for presentation to the governors; and it was Pyre she'd sponsored to be Cobra team leader on this mission。
 Why? Did she expect to flatter him into support for her more aggressive stance on the Qasama issue? To offer him one last chance at real Cobra action before the implant…related diseases began their slow but inevitable crippling of his body; in the hope that; in gratitude; he'd bee a political ally when he retired to advisory positions on the sidelines? Or had she simply concluded he was the best man for the job and to hell just this once with politics?
 He didn't know the answer 。。。 and it quickly became clear he wasn't going to figure it out en route。 Telek's field biology background had left her little prepared for the Dewdrop's overcrowded zoo; and though she gamely tried to maintain both minimal sociability and her responsibilities as official head of the mission; it was obvious there weren't going to be any opportunities to sound her out properly on her thoughts and motivations。 Perhaps when they reached Qasama and the contact team disembarked there'd be time for that。 Assuming there was time for anything at all。
 So he spent his time working out contingency plans with his team; renewing his friendship with the Moreau twins; and listening to the dull background drone of the Dewdrop's engines as he tried to think of anything he'd forgotten。 The nightmares of sudden; overwhelming disaster he did his best to ignore。
 Taken at low…power; high…efficiency speeds; the forty…five light…years to Qasama would have run them a shade over a month; at the Dewdrop's top speed; with frequent refueling stops at Troft systems; they could have made it in six days。 Captain Reson F'ahl chose a reasonably conservative middle course; both out of fears for the Dewdrop's aging systems and also…Pyre
 suspected…out of an old; lingering distrust of the Trofts。
 So for fifteen days they were cooped up in the blackness of hyperspace; with only the deep…space refueling stops every five days to break the viewport's monotony 。。。 and on the sixteenth day they arrived at Qasama。
 Purists had claimed for centuries that no photographic emulsion; holographic trace…record; or puterized visual reproduction ever made had quite the same range and power as the human eye。 Intellectually; Joshua tended to agree; but on a more visceral level he discovered it for the first time in gazing out his stateroom viewport。
 The poets were indeed right: there were few sights more majestic than that of an entire world spinning slowly and serenely beneath you。
 Standing with his face practically welded to the small triple…plate plastic oval; he didn't even notice anyone had e into the room behind him until Justin said; 〃You going to build a nest there?〃
 He didn't bother to turn around。 〃Go find your own viewport。 I've got land…use rights on this one。〃
 〃e on…move;〃 Justin said; tugging with token force on his arm。 〃Aren't you supposed to be with Yuri and the others anyway?〃
 Joshua waved a hand in the general direction of the inter display。 〃There's no room up there for anyone bigger than a hamster…oh; all right。〃 Snorting feigned exasperation; he stepped aside。 Justin took his place at the viewport 。。。 and Joshua waited for the other's first awe…filled whistle before turning toward the inter。
 The display showed the room euphemistically called the lounge…and 〃crowded〃 was far too mild a term for it。 Packed in among the various displays and equipment monitors were Yuri Cerenkov; the scientists Christopher and Nnamdi; and Governor Telek。 Back near the viewport; almost out of the inter camera's range; Pyre and Decker York stood together; occasionally sharing inaudible ments。 Joshua turned the volume up a bit; just in time to catch Nnamdi's thoughtful snort。 〃I'm sorry; but I simply don't see what in blazes the Trofts are so worried about;〃 he said; apparently to the room at large。 〃How can a village…level society be a threat to anyone outside its own atmosphere?〃
 〃Let's show a little patience; shall we?〃 Telek said; not looking up from her own bank of displays。 〃We haven't even finished a plete orbit yet。 All the high…tech cities may be on the other side。〃
 〃It's not just the matter of technology; Governor;〃 Nnamdi countered。 〃The population density is too low to be consistent with an advanced society。〃
 〃That's anthropomorphic thinking;〃 Telek shook her head。 〃If their birth rate's low enough and they like lots of room around them they could still be high…tech。 Bil; what're you getting?〃
 Christopher sat in silence another moment before answering。 〃Nothing conclusive one way or the other yet。 I can see roads between some of the villages; but the tree cover's too thick to tell how extensive the network is。 No satellite munications systems; though; and no broadcasts I can detect。〃
 Joshua touched the inter's talk switch。 〃Excuse me; but is there any way to see how much of the ground around the villages is being cultivated? That might be a clue。〃
 Telek looked over at the inter camera。 〃So far that's not conclusive; either;〃 she said。 〃There are some good…sized candidates for crop fields; but the terrain and vegetation color scheme make real measurement iffy。〃
 〃Besides which;〃 Christopher put in; 〃whether a given village is growing crops for local use or for export is something else we can't tell from up here。〃
 〃So let's go on down;〃 Justin muttered from his place at the viewport。
 Joshua looked back at his brother。 Justin's face was thoughtful as he gazed at the planet below 。。。 but nowhere in expression or stance could Joshua detect the same hard knot that had taken up residence in his own stomach。 〃Let's be a little less anxious to throw the landing party outside; shall we?〃 he said tartly。
 Justin blinked at him。 〃Sorry…did I sound callous?〃
 〃You sounded overconfident; and that's worse。 Your tendency toward optimism could be downright dangerous down there。〃
 〃Tiptoing around up here like we've got some guilty secret to hide will be better?〃
 Joshua grimaced。 Alike as two electrons; they'd often been called 。。。 but when the crunch came it was really very easy to tell them apart。 Deep down; Justin had a strangely potent variety of fatalistic optimism that refused to let him believe the universe would really hurt him。 A totally unrealistic philosophy; to Joshua's way of thinking…and all the more inprehensible because Justin wasn't simply incapable of recognizing potential danger。 He was as good at looking ahead and weighing odds as anyone else in the family; he just acted as if those odds didn't apply to him。 It was this attitude; more than anything else; that had fueled Joshua's private reservations about Justin's Cobra amibitions 。。。 and had nearly persuaded him to back them out of this mission entirely。
 〃Aha!〃 Cerenkov's satisfied exclamation came from the inter speaker into Joshua's musings。 〃There we go。 You wanted a city; Hersh?…well; there it is。〃
 〃I'll be damned;〃 Nnamdi murmured; fingertips skating across his display controls。 〃That's a city; all right。 Let's see 。。。 electric power for sure 。。。 still no radio broadcasts detectable 。。。 looks like the tallest buildings are in the ten… to twenty…story range。 Bil; can you find anything that looks like a power plant?〃
 〃Hang on;〃 Christopher said。 〃Got some odd neu trino emissions here…trying to get a spectrum analysis。 。 。。〃
 〃Another city showing now…south and a little west of the first;〃 Cerenkov reported。
 Joshua let a breath hiss slowly between his teeth; caught between the desire to rush down to the lounge and see the cities for himself and the fear of missing something important en route。 〃I think I can see them;〃 Justin said behind him。 〃e take a look。〃
 Joshua joined him at the viewport; glad to have found a promise。 The cities were just barely visible。 〃Your telescopic vision show anything interesting?〃 he asked his brother。
 〃At this range? Don't be silly。 Wait a second; though…I've got an idea。〃
 Stepping back to the inter; Justin busied himself with the keyboard。 A moment later the crowded lounge was replaced by a slightly fuzzy still picture。 〃Got the ultra…high…resolution…camera feed;〃 he told Joshua with satisfaction。
 Joshua craned his neck to look。 The city seemed normal enough: buildings; streets; park…like areas 。 。。 〃Odd angle for a street pattern; isn't it?〃 he remarked。 〃I'd think it simpler to run their streets north…south and east…west instead of whatever angle that is;〃
 He hadn't realized the voice link with the lounge was still open until Telek's voice came in reply。 〃The angle; in case you're interested; is twenty…four deg
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