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ay; until the wolf and his feast were no longer in sight。 Only then did she swing about to ride after Hot Pie; who was clinging desperately to the saddle as he crashed through the trees。
 Later they passed through a burned village; threading their way carefully between the shells of blackened hovels and past the bones of a dozen dead men hanging from a row of apple trees。 When Hot Pie saw them he began to pray; a thin whispered plea for the Mother's mercy; repeated over and over。 Arya looked up at the fleshless dead in their wet rotting clothes and said her own prayer。 Ser Gregor; it went; Dunsen; Polliver; Raff the Sweetling。 The Tickler and the Hound。 Ser Ilyn; Ser Meryn; King Joffrey; Queen Cersei。 She ended it with valar morghulis; touched jaqen's coin where it nestled under her belt; and then reached up and plucked an apple from among the dead men as she rode beneath them。 It was mushy and overripe; but she ate it worms and all。
 That was the day without a dawn。 Slowly the sky lightened around them; but they never saw the sun。 Black turned to grey; and colors crept timidly back into the world。 The soldier pines were dressed in somber greens; the broadleafs in russets and faded golds already beginning to brown。 They stopped long enough to water the horses and eat a cold; quick breakfast; ripping apart a loaf of the bread that Hot Pie had stolen from the kitchens and passing chunks of hard yellow cheese from hand to hand。
 〃Do you know where we're going?〃 Gendry asked her。
 〃North;〃 said Arya。
 Hot Pie peered around uncertainly。 〃Which way is north?〃
 She used her cheese to point。 〃That way。〃
 〃But there's no sun。 How do you know?〃
 〃From the moss。 See how it grows mostly on one side of the trees? That's south。〃
 〃What do we want with the north?〃 Gendry wanted to know。
 〃The Trident。〃 Arya unrolled the stolen map to show them。 〃See? Once we reach the Trident; all we need to do is follow it upstream till we e to Riverrun; here。〃 Her finger traced the path。 〃It's a long way; but we can't get lost so long as we keep to the river。〃
 Hot Pie blinked at the map。 〃Which one is Riverrun?〃
 Riverrun was painted as a castle tower; in the fork between the flowing blue lines of two rivers; the Tumblestone and the Red Fork。 〃There。〃 She touched it。 〃Riverrun; it reads。〃
 〃You can read writing?〃 he said to her; wonderingly; as if she'd said she could walk on water。
 She nodded。 〃We'll be safe once we reach Riverrun。〃
 〃We will? Why?〃
 Because Riverrun is my grandfather's castle; and my brother Robb will be there; she wanted to say。 She bit her lip and rolled up the map。 〃We just will。 But only if we get there。〃 She was the first one back in the saddle。 It made her feel bad to hide the truth from Hot Pie; but she did not trust him with her secret。 Gendry knew; but that was different。 Gendry had his own secret; though even he didn't seem to know what it was。
 That day Arya quickened their pace; keeping the horses to a trot as long as she dared; and sometimes spurring to a gallop when she spied a flat stretch of fleld before them。 That was seldom enough; though; the ground was growing hillier as they went。 The hills were not high; nor especially steep; but there seemed to be no end of them; and they soon grew tired of climbing up one and down the other; and found themselves following the lay of the land; along streambeds and through a maze of shallow wooded valleys where the trees made a solid canopy overhead。
 From time to time she sent Hot Pie and Gendry on while she doubled back to try to confuse their trail; listening all the while for the first sign of pursuit。 Too slow; she thought to herself; chewing her lip; we're going too slow; they'll catch us for certain。 once; from the crest of a ridge; she spied dark shapes crossing a stream in the valley behind them; and for half a heartbeat she feared that Roose Bolton's riders were on them; but when she looked again she realized they were only a pack of wolves。 She cupped her hands around her mouth and howled down at them; 〃Ahooooooooo; ahooooooooo。〃 When the largest of the wolves lifted its head and howled back; the sound made Arya shiver。
 By midday Hot Pie had begun to plain。 His arse was sore; he told them; and the saddle was rubbing him raw inside his legs; and besides he had to get some sleep。 〃I'm so tired I'm going to fall off the horse。〃
 Arya looked at Gendry。 〃If he falls off; who do you think will find him first; the wolves or the Mummers?〃
 〃The wolves;〃 said Gendry。 〃Better noses。〃
 Hot Pie opened his mouth and closed it。 He did not fall off his horse。 The rain began again a short time later。 They still had not seen so much as a glimpse of the sun。 It was growing colder; and pale white mists were threading between the pines and blowing across the bare burned flelds。
 Gendry was having almost as bad a time of it as Hot Pie; though he was too stubborn to plain。 He sat awkwardly in the saddle; a determined look on his face beneath his shaggy black hair; but Arya could tell he was no horseman。 I should have remembered; she thought to herself。 She had been riding as long as she could remember; ponies when she was little and later horses; but Gendry and Hot Pie were city…born; and in the city smallfolk walked。 Yoren had given them mounts when he took them from King's Landing; but sitting on a donkey and plodding up the kingsroad behind a wagon was one thing。 Guiding a hunting horse through wild woods and burned fields was something else。
 She would make much better time on her own; Arya knew; but she could not leave them。 They were her pack; her friends; the only living friends that remained to her; and if not for her they would still be safe at Harrenhal; Gendry sweating at his forge and Hot Pie in the kitchens。 If the Mummers catch us; I'll tell them that I'm Ned Stark's daughter and sister to the King in the North。 I'll mand them to take me to my brother; and to do no harm to Hot Pie and Gendry。 They might not believe her; though; and even if they did 。 。 。 Lord Bolton was her brother's bannerman; but he frightened her all the same。 I won't let them take us; she vowed silently; reaching back over her shoulder to touch the hilt of the sword that Gendry had stolen for her。 I won't。
 Late that afternoon; they emerged from beneath the trees and found themselves on the banks of a river。 Hot Pie gave a whoop of delight。 〃The Trident! Now all we have to do is go upstream; like you said。 We're almost there!〃
 Arya chewed her lip。 〃I don't think this is the Trident。〃 The river was swollen by the rain; but even so it couldn't be much more than thirty feet across。 She remembered the Trident as being much wider。 〃It's too little to be the Trident;〃 she told them; 〃and we didn't e far enough。〃
 〃Yes we did;〃 Hot Pie insisted。 〃We rode all day; and hardly stopped at all。 We must have e a long way。〃
 〃Let's have a look at that map again;〃 said Gendry。
 Arya dismounted; took out the map; unrolled it。 The rain pattered against the sheepskin and ran off in rivulets。 〃We're someplace here; I think;〃 she said; pointing; as the boys peered over her shoulders。
 〃But;〃 said Hot Pie; 〃that's hardly any ways at all。 See; Harrenhal's there by your finger; you're almost touching it。 And we rode all day!〃
 〃There's miles and miles before we reach the Trident;〃 she said。 〃We won't be there for days。 This must be some different river; one of these; see。〃 She showed him some of the thinner blue lines the mapmaker had painted in; each with a name painted in flne script beneath it。 〃The Darry; the Greenapple; the Maiden 。 。 。 here; this one; the Little Willow; it might be that。〃
 Hot Pie looked from the line to the river。 〃It doesn't look so little to me。〃
 Gendry was frowning as well。 〃The one you're pointing at runs into that other one; see。〃
 〃The Big Willow;〃 she read。
 〃The Big Willow; then。 See; and the Big Willow runs into the Trident; so we could follow the one to the other; but we'd need to go downstream; not up。 Only if this river isn't the Little Willow; if it's this other one here 。 。 。〃
 〃Rippledown Rill;〃 Arya read。
 〃See; it loops around and flows down toward the lake; back to Harrenhal。〃 He traced the line with a finger。
 Hot Pie's eyes grew wide。 〃No! They'll kill us for sure。〃
 〃We have to know which river this is;〃 declared Gendry; in his stubbornest voice。 〃We have to know。〃
 〃Well; we don't。〃 The map might have names written beside the blue lines; but no one had written a name on the riverbank。 〃We won't go up or downstream;〃 she decided; rolling up the map。 〃We'll cross and keep going north; like we were。〃
 〃Can horses swim?〃 asked Hot Pie。 〃It looks deep; Arry。 What if there are snakes?〃
 〃Are you sure we're going north?〃 asked Gendry。 〃All these hills 。 。 。 if we got turned around 。 。 。〃
 〃The moss on the trees…〃
 He pointed to a nearby tree。 〃That tree's got moss on three sides; and that next one has no moss at all。 We could be lost; just riding around in a circle。〃
 〃We could be;〃 said Arya; 〃but I'm going to cross the river anyway。 You can e or you can stay here。〃 She climbed back into the saddle; ignoring the both of them。 If they didn't want to follow; they could find Riverrun on their own; though more like
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