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ere blowing so strongly that it felt like someone was behind her; yanking on her cloak。 Only when she turned; no one was there。
Ghosts; she remembered。 High Heart is haunted。
They built a great fire atop the hill; and Thoros of Myr sat crosslegged beside it; gazing deep into the flames as if there was nothing else in all the world。
〃What is he doing?〃 Arya asked Ned。
〃Sometimes he sees things in the flames;〃 the squire told her。 〃The past。 The future。 Things happening far away。〃
Arya squinted at the fire to see if she could see what the red priest was seeing; but it only made her eyes water and before long she turned away。 Gendry was watching the red priest as well。 〃Can you truly see the future there?〃 he asked suddenly。
Thoros turned from the fire; sighing。 〃Not here。 Not now。 But some days; yes; the Lord of Light grants me visions。〃
Gendry looked dubious。 〃My master said you were a sot and a fraud; as bad a priest as there ever was。〃
〃That was unkind。〃 Thoros chuckled。 〃True; but unkind。 Who was this master of yours? Did I know you; boy?〃
〃I was 'prenticed to the master armorer Tobho Mott; on the Street of Steel。 You used to buy your swords from him。〃
〃Just so。 He charged me twice what they were worth; then scolded me for setting them afire。〃 Thoros laughed。 〃Your master had it right。 I was no very holy priest。 I was born youngest of eight; so my father gave me over to the Red Temple; but it was not the path I would have chosen。 I prayed the prayers and I spoke the spells; but I would also lead raids on the kitchens; and from time to time they found girls in my bed。 Such wicked girls; I never knew how they got there。
〃I had a gift for tongues; though。 And when I gazed into the flames; well; from time to time I saw things。 Even so; I was more bother than I was worth; so they sent me finally to King's Landing to bring the Lord's light to seven…besotted Westeros。 King Aerys so loved fire it was thought he might make a convert。 Alas; his pyromancers knew better tricks than I did。
〃King Robert was fond of me; though; The first time I rode into a melee with a flaming sword; Kevan Lannister's horse reared and threw him and His Grace laughed so hard I thought he might rupture。〃 The red priest smiled at the memory。 〃It was no way to treat a blade; though; your master had the right of that too。〃
〃Fire consumes;〃 Lord Beric stood behind them; and there was something in his voice that silenced Thoros at once。 〃it consumes; and when it is done there is nothing left。 Nothing。〃
〃Beric。 Sweet friend。〃 The priest touched the lightning lord on the forearm。 〃What are you saying?〃
〃Nothing I have not said before。 Six times; Thoros? Six times is too many。〃 He turned away abruptly。
That night the wind was howling almost like a wolf and there were some real wolves off to the west giving it lessons。 Notch; Anguy; and Merrit oMoontown had the watch。 Ned; Gendry; and many of the others were fast asleep when Arya spied the small pale shape creeping behind the horses; thin white hair flying wild as she leaned upon a gnarled cane。 The woman could not have been more than three feet tall。 The firelight made her eyes gleam as red as the eyes of Jon's wolf。 He was a ghost too。 Arya stole closer; and knelt to watch。
Thoros and Lem were with Lord Beric when the dwarf woman sat down uninvited by the fire。 She squinted at them with eyes like hot coals。 〃The Ember and the Lemon e to honor me again; and His Grace the Lord of Corpses。〃
〃An ill…omened name。 I have asked you not to use it。〃
〃Aye; you have。 But the stink of death is fresh on you; my lord。〃 She had but a single tooth remaining。 〃Give me wine or I will go。 My bones are old。 My joints ache when the winds do blow; and up here the winds are always blowing。〃
〃A silver stag for your dreams; my lady;〃 Lord Beric said; with solemn courtesy。 〃Another if you have news for us。〃
〃I cannot eat a silver stag; nor ride one。 A skin of wine for my dreams; and for my news a kiss from the great oaf in the yellow cloak。〃 The little woman cackled。 〃Aye; a sloppy kiss; a bit of tongue。 It has been too long; too long。 His mouth will taste of lemons; and mine of bones。 I am too old。〃
〃Aye;〃 Lem plained。 〃Too old for wine and kisses。 All you'll get from me is the flat of my sword; crone。〃
〃My hair es out in handfuls and no one has kissed me for a thousand years。 It is hard to be so old。 Well; I will have a song then。 A song from Tom o' Sevens; for my news。〃
〃You will have your song from Tom;〃 Lord Beric promised。 He gave her the wineskin himself。
The dwarf woman drank deep; the wine running down her chin。 When she lowered the skin; she wiped her mouth with the back of a wrinkled hand and said; 〃Sour wine for sour tidings; what could be more fitting? The king is dead; is that sour enough for you?〃
Arya's heart caught in her throat。
〃Which bloody king is dead; crone?〃 Lem demanded。
;'The wet one。 The kraken king; m'lords。 I dreamt him dead and he died; and the iron squids now turn on one another。 Oh; and Lord Hoster Tully's died too; but you know that; don't you? In the hall of kings; the goat sits alone and fevered as the great dog descends on him。〃 The old woman took another long gulp of wine; squeezing the skin as she raised it to her lips。
The great dog。 Did she mean the Hound? Or maybe his brother; the Mountain That Rides? Arya was not certain。 They bore the same arms; three black dogs on a yellow field。 Half the men whose deaths she prayed for belonged to Ser Gregor Clegane; Polliver; Dunsen; Raff the Sweetling; the Tickler; and Ser Gregor himself。 Maybe Lord Beric will hang them all。
〃I dreamt a wolf howling in the rain; but no one heard his grief;〃 the dwarf woman was saying。 〃I dreamt such a clangor I thought my head might burst; drums and horns and pipes and screams; but the saddest sound was the little bells。 I dreamt of a maid at a feast with purple serpents in her hair; venom dripping from their fangs。 And later I dreamt that maid again; slaying a savage giant in a castle built of snow。〃 She turned her head sharply and smiled through the gloom; right at Arya。 〃You cannot hide from me; child。 e closer; now。〃
Cold fingers walked down Arya's neck。 Fear cuts deeper than swords; she reminded herself。 She stood and approached the fire warily; light on the balls of her feet; poised to flee。
The dwarf woman studied her with dim red eyes。 〃I see you;〃 she whispered。 〃I see you; wolf child。 Blood child。 I thought it was the lord who smelled of death 。 。 。 〃 She began to sob; her little body shaking。 〃You are cruel to e to my hill; cruel。 I gorged on grief at Surnmerhall; I need none of yours。 Begone from here; dark heart。 Begone!〃
There was such fear in her voice that Arya took a step backward; wondering if the woman was mad。 〃Don't frighten the child;〃 Thoros protested。 〃There's no harm in her。〃
Lem Lemoncloak's finger went to his broken nose。 〃Don't be so bloody sure of that。〃
〃She will leave on the morrow; with us;〃 Lord Beric assured the little woman。 〃We're taking her to Riverrun; to her mother。〃
〃Nay;〃 said the dwarf。 〃You're not。 The black fish holds the rivers now。 If it's the mother you want; seek her at the Twins。 For there's to be a wedding。〃 She cackled again。 〃Look in your fires; pink priest; and you will see。 Not now; though; not here; you'll see nothing here。 This place belongs to the old gods still 。 。 。 they linger here as I do; shrunken and feeble but not yet dead。 Nor do they love the flames。 For the oak recalls the acorn; the acorn dreams the oak; the stump lives in them both。 And they remember when the First Men came with fire in their fists。〃 She drank the last of the wine in four long swallows; flung the skin aside; and pointed her stick at Lord Beric。 〃I'll have my payment now。 I'll have the song you promised me。〃
And so Lem woke Tom Sevenstrings beneath his furs; and brought him yawning to the fireside with his woodharp in hand。 〃The same song as before?〃 he asked。
〃Oh; aye。 My jenny's song。 Is there another?〃
And so he sang; and the dwarf woman closed her eyes and rocked slowly back and forth; murmuring the words and crying。 Thoros took Arya firmly by the hand and drew her aside。 〃Let her savor her song in peace;〃 he said。 〃It is all she has left。〃
I wasn't going to hurt her; Arya thought。 〃What did she mean about the Twins? My mother's at Riverrun; isn't she?〃
〃She was。〃 The red priest rubbed beneath his chin。 〃A wedding; she said。 We shall see。 Whenever she is; Lord Beric will find her; though。〃
Not long after; the sky opened。 Lightning cracked and thunder rolled across the hills; and the rain fell in blinding sheets。 The dwarf woman vanished as suddenly as she had appeared; while the outlaws gathered branches and threw up crude shelters。
It rained all through that night; and e morning Ned; Lem; and Watty the Miller awoke with chills。 Watty could not keep his breakfast down; and young Ned was feverish and shivering by turns; with skin clammy to the touch。 There was an abandoned village half a day's ride to the north; Notch told Lord Beric; they'd find better shelter there; a place to wait out the worst of the rains。 So they dragged themselves back into the saddles and urged their h