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gain。 Brienne scrambled back away。 Where's the blood? Then suddenly he understood。 Jaime rounded on Hoat。 〃You gave her a tourney sword。〃
 The goat brayed laughter; spraying him with wine and spittle。 〃of courth。〃
 〃I'll pay her bloody ransom。 Gold; sapphires; whatever you want。 Pull her out of there。〃
 〃You want her? Go get her。〃
 So he did。
 He put his good hand on the marble rail and vaulted over; rolling as he hit the sand。 The bear turned at the thump; sniffing; watching this new intruder warily。 Jaime scrambled to one knee。 Well; what in seven hells do I do now? He filled his fist with sand。 〃Kingslayer?〃 he heard Brienne say; astonished。
 〃Jaime。〃 He uncoiled; flinging the sand at the bear's face。 The bear mauled the air and roared like blazes。
 〃What are you doing here?〃
 〃Something stupid。 Get behind me。〃 He circled toward her; putting himself between Brienne and the bear。
 〃You get behind。 I have the sword。〃
 〃A swordwith no point and no edge。 Get behindme!〃 He saw something half…buried in the sand; and snatched it up with his good hand。 It proved to be a human jawbone; with some greenish flesh still clinging to it; crawling with maggots。 Charming; he thought; wondering whose face he held。 The bear was edging closer; so Jaime whipped his arm around and flung bone; meat; and maggots at the beast's head。 He missed by a good yard。 I ought to lop my left hand off as well; for all the good it does me。
 Brienne tried to dart around; but he kicked her legs out from under her。 She fell in the sand; clutching the useless sword。 Jaime straddled her; and the bear came charging。
 There was a deep twang; and a feathered shaft sprouted suddenly beneath the beast's left eye。 Blood and slaver ran from his open mouth; and another bolt took him in the leg。 The bear roared; reared。 He saw Jaime and Brienne again and lumbered toward them。 More crossbows fired; the quarrels ripping through fur and flesh。 At such short range; the bowmen could hardly miss。 The shafts hit as hard as maces; but the bear took another step。 The poor dumb brave brute。 When the beast swiped at him; he danced aside; shouting; kicking sand。 The bear turned to follow his tormentor; and took another two quarrels in the back。 He gave one last rumbling growl; settled back onto his haunches; stretched out on the bloodstained sand; and died。
 Brienne got back to her knees; clutching the sword and breathing short ragged breaths。 Steelshanks's archers were winding their crossbows and reloading while the Bloody Mummers shouted curses and threats at them。 Rorge and Three Toes had swords out; Jaime saw; and Zollo was uncoiling his whip。
 〃You thlew my bear!〃 Vargo Hoat shrieked。
 〃And I'll serve you the same if you give me trouble;〃 Steelshanks threw back。 〃We're taking the wench。〃
 〃Her name is Brienne;〃 Jaime said。 〃Brienne; the maid of Tarth。 You are still maiden; I hope?〃
 Her broad homely face turned red。 〃Yes。〃
 〃Oh; good;〃 Jaime said。 〃I only rescue maidens。〃 To Hoat he said; 〃You'll have your ransom。 For both of us。 A Lannister pays his debts。 Now fetch some ropes and get us out of here。〃
 〃Bugger that;〃 Rorge growled。 〃Kill them; Hoat。 Or you'll bloody well wish you had!〃
 The Qohorik hesitated。 Half his men were drunk; the northmen stone sober; and there were twice as many。 Some of the crossbowmen had reloaded by now。 〃Pull them out;〃 Hoat said; and then; to Jaime; 〃I hath chothen to be merthiful。 Tell your lord father。〃
 〃I will; my lord。〃 Not that it will do you any good。
 Not until they were half a league from Harrenhal and out of range of archers on the walls did Steelshanks Walton let his anger show。 〃Are you mad; Kingslayer? Did you mean to die? No man can fight a bear with his bare hands!〃
 〃One bare hand and one bare stump;〃 Jaime corrected。 〃But I hoped you'd kill the beast before the beast killed me。 Elsewise; Lord Bolton would have peeled you like an orange; no?〃
 Steelshanks cursed him roundly for a fool of Lannister; spurred his horse; and galloped away up the column。
 〃Ser Jaime?〃 Even in soiled pink satin and torn lace; Brienne looked more like a man in a gown than a proper woman。 〃I am grateful; but 。 。 。 you were well away。 Why e back?〃
 A dozen quips came to mind; each crueler than the one before; but Jaime only shrugged。 〃I dreamed of you;〃 he said。
 Rob bid farewell to his young queen thrice。 Once in the godswood efore the heart tree; in sight of gods and men。 The second time eneath the portcullis; where Jeyne sent him forth with a long embrace and a longer kiss。 And finally an hour beyond the Tumblestone; when the girl came galloping up on a well…lathered horse to plead with her young king to take her along。
 Robb was touched by that; Catelyn saw; but abashed as well。 The day was damp and grey; a drizzle had begun to fall; and the last thing he wanted was to call a halt to his march so he could stand in the wet and console a tearful young wife in front of half his army。 He speaks her gently; she thought as she watched them together; but there is anger underneath。
 All the time the king and queen were talking; Grey Wind prowled around them; stopping only to shake the water from his coat and bare his teeth at the rain。 When at last Robb gave Jeyne one final kiss; dispatched a dozen men to take her back to Riverrun; and mounted his horse once more; the direwolf raced off ahead as swift as an arrow loosed from a longbow。
 〃Queen Jeyne has a loving heart; I see;〃 said Lame Lothar Frey to Catelyn。 〃Not unlike my own sisters。 Why; I would wager a guess that even now Roslin is dancing round the Twins chanting 'Lady Tully; Lady Tully; Lady Roslin Tully。' By the morrow she'll be holding swatches of Riverrun red…and…blue to her cheek to picture how she'll look in her bride's cloak。〃 He turned in the saddle to smile at Edmure。 〃But you are strangely quiet; Lord Tully。 How do you feel; I wonder?〃
 〃Much as I did at the Stone Mill just before the warhorns sounded;〃 Edmure said; only half in jest。
 Lothar gave a good…natured laugh。 〃Let us pray your marriage ends as happily; my lord。〃
 And may the gods protect us if it does not。 Catelyn pressed her heels into her horse; leaving her brother and Lame Lothar to each other's pany。
 It had been her who had insisted that Jeyne remain at Riverrun; when Robb would sooner have kept her by his side。 Lord Walder might well construe the queen's absence from the wedding as another slight; yet her presence would have been a different sort of insult; salt in the old man's wound。 〃Walder Frey has a sharp tongue and a long memory;〃 she had warned her son。 〃I do not doubt that you are strong enough to suffer an old man's rebukes as the price of his allegiance; but you have too much of your father in you to sit there while he insults Jeyne to her face。〃
 Robb could not deny the sense of that。 Yet all the same; he resents me for it; Catelyn thought wearily。 He misses leyne already; and some part of him blames me for her absence; though he knows it was good counsel。
 Of the six Westerlings who had e with her son from the Crag; only one remained by his side; Ser Raynald; Jeyne's brother; the royal banner…bearer。 Robb had dispatched Jeyne's uncle Rolph Spicer to deliver young Martyn Lannister to the Golden Tooth the very day he received Lord Tywin's assent to the exchange of captives。 it was deftly done。 Her son was relieved of his fear for Martyn's safety; Galbart Glover was relieved to hear that his brother Robett had been put on a ship at Duskendale; Ser Rolph had important and honorable employment 。 。 。 and Grey Wind was at the king's side once more。 Where he belongs。
 Lady Westerling had remained at Riverrun with her children; Jeyne; her little sister Eleyna; and young Rollam; Robb's squire; who plained bitterly about being left。 Yet that was wise as well。 Olyvar Frey had squired for Robb previously; and would doubtless be present for his sister's wedding; to parade his replacement before him would be as unwise as it was unkind。 As for Ser Raynald; he was a cheerful young knight who swore that no insult of Walder Frey's could possibly provoke him。 And let us pray that insults are all we need to contend with。
 Catelyn had her fears on that score; though。 Her lord father had never trusted Walder Frey after the Trident; and she was ever mindful of that。 Queen Jeyne would be safest behind the high; strong walls of Riverrun; with the Blackfish to protect her。 Robb had even created him a new title; Warden of the Southern Marches。 Ser Brynden would hold the Trident if any man could。
 All the same; Catelyn would miss her uncle's craggy face; and Robb would miss his counsel。 Ser Brynden had played a part in every victory her son had won。 Galbart Glover had taken mand of the scouts and outriders in his place; a good man; loyal and steady; but without the Blackfish's brilliance。
 Behind Glover's screen of scouts; Robb's line of march stretched several miles。 The Greatjon led the van。 Catelyn traveled in the main column; surrounded by plodding warhorses with steelclad men on their backs。 Next came the baggage train; a procession of wayns laden with food; fodder; camp supplies; wedding gifts; and the wounded too weak to walk; under the watc
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