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he bearded one…handed knight with the big bat on his shield; no more than any of them; so he said things he might otherwise have swallowed; had he known who was listening。
 〃It was poison did the deed;〃 the innkeep insisted。 〃The boy's face turned black as a plum。〃
 〃May the Father judge him justly;〃 murmured a septon。
 〃The dwarf's wife did the murder with him;〃 swore an archer in Lord Rowan's livery。 〃Afterward; she vanished from the hall in a puff of brimstone; and a ghostly direwolf was seen prowling the Red Keep; blood dripping from his jaws。〃
 Jaime sat silent through it all; letting the words wash over him; a horn of ale forgotten in his one good hand。 Joffrey。 My blood。 My firstborn。 My son。 He tried to bring the boy's face to mind; but his features kept turning into Cersei's。 She will be in mourning; her hair in disarray and her eyes red from crying; her mouth trembling as she tries to speak。 She will cry again when she sees me; though she'll fight the tears。 His sister seldom wept but when she was with him。 She could not stand for others to think her weak。 Only to her twin did she show her wounds。 She will look to me for fort and revenge。
 They rode hard the next day; at Jaime's insistence。 His son was dead; and his sister needed him。
 When he saw the city before him; its watchtowers dark against the gathering dusk; Jaime Lannister cantered up to Steelshanks Walton; behind Nage with the peace banner。
 〃What's that awful stink?〃 the northman plained。
 Death; thought Jaime; but he said; 〃Smoke; sweat; and shit。 King's Landing; in short。 If you have a good nose you can smell the treachery too。 You've never smelled a city before?〃
 〃I smelled White Harbor。 It never stank like this。〃
 〃White Harbor is to King's Landing as my brother Tyrion is to Ser Gregor Clegane。〃
 Nage led them up a low hill; the seven…tailed peace banner lifting and turning in the wind; the polished seven…pointed star shining bright upon its staff。 He would see Cersei soon; and Tyrion; and their father。 Could my brother truly have killed the boy? Jaime found that hard to believe。
 He was curiously calm。 Men were supposed to go mad with grief when their children died; he knew。 They were supposed to tear their hair out by the roots; to curse the gods and swear red vengeance。 So why was it that he felt so little? The boy lived and died believing Robert Baratheon his sire。
 Jaime had seen him born; that was true; though more for Cersei than the child。 But he had never held him。 〃How would it look?〃 his sister warned him when the women finally left them。 〃Bad enough Joff looks like you without you mooning over him。〃 Jaime yielded with hardly a fight。 The boy had been a squalling pink thing who demanded too much of Cersei's time; Cersei's love; and Cersei's breasts。 Robert was wele to him。
 And now he's dead。 He pictured Joff lying still and cold with a face black from poison; and still felt nothing。 Perhaps he was the monster they claimed。 if the Father Above came down to offer him back his son or his hand; Jaime knew which he would choose。 He had a second son; after all; and seed enough for many more。 If Cersei wants another child I'll give her one 。 。 。 and this time I'll hold him; and the Others take those who do not like it。 Robert was rotting in his grave; and Jaime was sick of lies。
 He turned abruptly and galloped back to find Brienne。 Gods know why I bother。 She is the least panionable creature I've ever had the misfortune to meet。 The wench rode well behind and a few feet off to the side; as if to proclaim that she was no part of them。 They had found men's garb for her along the way; a tunic here; a mantle there; a pair of breeches and a cowled cloak; even an old iron breastplate。 She looked more fortable dressed as a man; but nothing would ever make her look handsome。 Nor happy。 Once out of Harrenhal; her usual pighead stubbornness had soon reasserted itself。 〃I want my arms and armor back;〃 she had insisted。 〃Oh; by all means; let us have you back in steel;〃 Jaime replied。 〃A helm; especially。 We'll all be happier if you keep your mouth shut and your visor down。〃
 That much Brienne could do; but her sullen silences soon began to fray his good humor almost as much as Qyburn's endless attempts to be ingratiating。 I never thought I would find myself missing the pany of Cleos Frey; gods help me。 He was beginning to wish he had left her for the bear after all。
 〃King's Landing;〃 Jaime announced when he found her。 〃Our journey's done; my lady。 You've kept your vow; and delivered me to King's Landing。 All but a few fingers and a hand。〃
 Brienne's eyes were listless。 〃That was only half my vow。 I told Lady Catelyn I would bring her back her daughters。 Or Sansa; at the least。 And now 。 。 。〃
 She never met Robb Stark; yet her grief for him runs deeper than mine for Joff。 Or perhaps it was Lady Catelyn she mourned。 They had been at Brindlewood when they had that news; from a red…faced tub of a knight named Ser Bertram Beesbury; whose arms were three beehives on a field striped black and yellow。 A troop of Lord Piper's men had passed through Brindlewood only yesterday; Beesbury told them; rushing to King's Landing beneath a peace banner of their own。 〃With the Young Wolf dead Piper saw no point to fighting on。 His son is captive at the Twins。〃 Brienne gaped like a cow about to choke on her cud; so it fell to Jaime to draw out the tale of the Red Wedding。
 〃Every great lord has unruly bannermen who envy him his place;〃 he told her afterward。 〃My father had the Reynes and Tarbecks; the Tyrells have the Florents; Hoster Tully had Walder Frey。 Only strength keeps such men in their place。 The moment they smell weakness 。 。 。 during the Age of Heroes; the Boltons used to flay the Starks and wear their skins as cloaks。〃 She looked so miserable that Jaime almost found himself wanting to fort her。
 Since that day Brienne had been like one half…dead。 Even calling her 〃wench〃 failed to provoke any response。 The strength is gone from her。 The woman had dropped a rock on Robin Ryger; battled a bear with a tourney sword; bitten off Vargo Float's ear; and fought Jaime to exhaustion 。 。 。 but she was broken now; done。 〃I'll speak to my father about returning you to Tarth; if it please you;〃 he told her。 〃Or if you would rather stay; I could perchance find some place for you at court。〃
 〃As a lady panion to the queen?〃 she said dully。
 Jaime remembered the sight of her in that pink satin gown; and tried not to imagine what his sister might say of such a panion。 〃Perhaps a post with the City Watch 。 。 。〃
 〃I will not serve with oathbreakers and murderers。〃
 Then why did you ever bother putting on a sword? he might have said; but he bit back the words。 〃As you will; Brienne。〃 One…handed; he wheeled his horse about and left her。
 The Gate of the Gods was open when they reached it; but two dozen wayns were lined up along the roadside; loaded with casks of cider; barrels of apples; bales of hay; and some of the biggest pumpkins Jaime had ever seen。 Almost every wagon had its guards; men…at…arms wearing the badges of small lordlings; sellswords in mail and boiled leather; sometimes only a pink…cheeked farmer's son clutching a homemade spear with a firehardened point。 Jaime smiled at them all as he trotted past。 At the gate; the gold cloaks were collecting coin from each driver before waving the wagons through。 〃What's this?〃 Steelshanks demanded。
 〃They got to pay for the right to sell inside the city。 By mand of the King's Hand and the master of coin。〃
 Jaime looked at the long line of wayns; carts; and laden horses。 〃Yet they still line up to pay?〃
 〃There's good coin to be made here now that the fighting's done;〃 the miller in the nearest wagon told them cheerfully。 〃It's the Lannisters hold the city now; old Lord Tywin of the Rock。 They say he shits silver。〃
 〃Gold;〃 Jaime corrected dryly。 〃And Littlefinger mints the stuff from goldenrod; I vow。〃
 〃The Imp is master of coin now;〃 said the captain of the gate。 〃Or was; till they arrested him for murdering the king。〃 The man looked the northmen over suspiciously。 〃Who are you lot?〃
 〃Lord Bolton's men; e to see the King's Hand。〃
 The captain glanced at Nage with his peace banner。 〃e to bend the knee; you mean。 You're not the first。 Go straight up to the castle; and see you make no trouble。〃 He waved them through and turned back to the wagons。
 If King's Landing mourned its dead boy king; Jaime would never have known it。 On the Street of Seeds a begging brother in threadbare robes was praying loudly for Joffrey's soul; but the passersby paid him no more heed than they would a loose shutter banging in the wind。 Elsewhere milled the usual crowds; gold cloaks in their black mail; bakers' boys selling tarts and breads and hot pies; whores leaning out of windows with their bodices half unlaced; gutters redolent of nightsoil。 They passed five men trying to drag a dead horse from the mouth of an alley; and elsewhere a juggler spinning knives through the air to delight a throng of drunken Tyrell soldiers and small children。
 Riding down familiar streets with two hundred northmen; a chainless maester; and an ugly freak of a woman at his side; Jaime found he scarcely drew a second 
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