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n was out of the foothills now; oozing down along the west bank of the Milkwater like honey on a cold winter's morning; following the course of the river into the heart of the haunted forest。
 And somewhere close ahead; Jon knew; the Fist of the First Men loomed above the trees; home to three hundred black brothers of the Night's Watch; armed; mounted; and waiting。 The Old Bear had sent out other scouts besides the Halffiand; and surely Jarman Buckwell or Thoren Smallwood would have returned by now with word of what was ing down out of the mountains。
 Mormont will not run; Jon thought。 He is too old and he has e too far。 He will strike; and damn the numbers。 One day soon he would hear the sound of warhorns; and see a column of riders pounding down on them with black cloaks flapping and cold steel in their hands。 Three hundred men could not hope to kill a hundred times their number; of course; but Jon did not think they would need to。 He need not slay a thousand; only one。 Mance is all that keeps them together。
 The King…beyond…the…Wall was doing all he could; yet the wildlings remained hopelessly undisciplined; and that made them vulnerable。 Here and there within the leagues…long snake that was their line of march were warriors as fierce as any in the Watch; but a good third of them were grouped at either end of the column; in Harma Dogshead's van and the savage rearguard with its giants; aurochs; and fire flingers。 Another third rode with Mance himself near the center; guarding the wayns and sledges and dog carts that held the great bulk of the host's provisions and supplies; all that remained of the last summer harvest。 The rest; divided into small bands under the likes of Rattleshirt; Jarl; Tormund Giantsbane; and the Weeper; served as outriders; foragers; and whips; galloping up and down the column endlessly to keep it moving in a more or less orderly fashion。
 And even more telling; only one in a hundred wildlings was mounted。 The Old Bear will go through them like an axe through porridge。 And when that happened; Mance must give chase with his center; to try and blunt the threat。 If he should fall in the fight that must follow; the Wall would be safe for another hundred years; Jon judged。 And if not 。 。 。
 He flexed the burned fingers of his sword hand。 Longclaw was slung to his saddle; the carved stone wolf 's…head pommel and soft leather grip of the great bastard sword within easy reach。
 The snow was falling heavily by the time they caught Tormund's band; several hours later。 Ghost departed along the way; melting into the forest at the scent of prey。 The direwolf would return when they made camp for the night; by dawn at the latest。 However far he prowled; Ghost always came back 。 。 。 and so; it seemed; did Ygritte。
 〃So;〃 the girl called when she saw him; 〃d'you believe us now; Jon Snow? Did you see the giants on their mammoths?〃
 〃Har!〃 shouted Tormund; before Jon could reply。 〃The crow's in love! He means to marry one!〃
 〃A giantess?〃 Longspear Ryk laughed。
 〃No; a mammoth!〃 Tormund bellowed。 〃Har!〃
 Ygritte trotted beside Jon as he slowed his garron to a walk。 She claimed to be three years older than him; though she stood half a foot shorter; however old she might be; the girl was a tough little thing。 Stonesnake had called her a 〃spearwife〃 when they'd captured her in the Skirling Pass。 She wasn't wed and her weapon of choice was a short curved bow of horn and weirwood; but 〃spearwife〃 fit her all the same。 She reminded him a little of his sister Arya; though Arya was younger and probably skinnier。 It was hard to tell how plump or thin Ygritte might be; with all the furs and skins she wore。
 〃Do you know 'The Last of the Giants'?〃 Without waiting for an answer Ygritte said; 〃You need a deeper voice than mine to do it proper。〃 Then she sang; 〃Ooooooh; I am the last of the giants; my people are gone from the earth。〃
 Tormund Giantsbane heard the words and grinned。 〃The last of the great mountain giants; who ruled all the world at my birth;〃 he bellowed back through the snow。
 Longspear Ryk joined in; singing; 〃Oh; the smallfolk have stolen my forests; they've stolen my rivers and hills。〃
 〃And they've built a great wall through my valleys; and fished all the fish from my rills;〃 Ygritte and Tormund sang back at him in turn; in suitably gigantic voices。
 Tormund's sons Toregg and Dormund added their deep voices as well; then his daughter Munda and all the rest。 Others began to bang their spears on leathern shields to keep rough time; until the whole war band was singing as they rode。
 In stone halls they burn their great fires; in stone halls they forge their sharp spears。
 Whilst I walk alone in the mountains; with no true panion but tears。
 They hunt me with dogs in the daylight; they hunt me with torches by night。
 For these men who are small can never stand tall; whilst giants still walk in the light。
 Oooooooh; I am the LAST of the giants; so learn well the words of my song。
 For when I am gone the singing will fade; and the silence shall last long and long。
 There were tears on Ygritte's cheeks when the song ended。
 〃Why are you weeping?〃 Jon asked。 〃It was only a song。 There are hundreds of giants; I've just seen them。〃
 〃Oh; hundreds;〃 she said furiously。 〃You know nothing; Jon Snow。 You…JON!〃
 Jon turned at the sudden sound of wings。 Blue…grey feathers filled his eyes; as sharp talons buried themselves in his face。 Red pain lanced through him sudden and fierce as pinions beat round his head。 He saw the beak; but there was no time to get a hand up or reach for a weapon。 Jon reeled backward; his foot lost the stirrup; his garron broke in panic; and then he was falling。 And still the eagle clung to his face; its talons tearing at him as it flapped and shrieked and pecked。 The world turned upside down in a chaos of feathers and horseflesh and blood; and then the ground came up to smash him。
 The next he knew; he was on his face with the taste of mud and blood in his mouth and Ygritte kneeling over him protectively; a bone dagger in her hand。 He could still hear wings; though the eagle was not in sight。 Half his world was black。 〃My eye;〃 he said in sudden panic; raising a hand to his face。
 〃It's only blood; Jon Snow。 He missed the eye; just ripped your skin up some。〃
 His face was throbbing。 Tormund stood over them bellowing; he saw from his right eye as he rubbed blood from his left。 Then there were hoofbeats; shouts; and the clacking of old dry bones。
 〃Bag o' Bones;〃 roared Tormund; 〃call off your hellcrow!〃
 〃There's your hellcrow!〃 Rattleshirt pointed at Jon。 〃Bleeding in the mud like a faithless dog!〃 The eagle came flapping down to land atop the broken giant's skull that served him for his helm。 〃I'm here for him。〃
 〃e take him then;〃 said Tormund; 〃but best e with sword in hand; for that's where you'll find mine。 Might be I'll boil your bones; and use your skull to piss in。 Har!〃
 〃Once I prick you and let the air out; you'll shrink down smallern that girl。 Stand aside; or Mance will hear o' this。〃
 Ygritte stood。 〃What; is it Mance who wants him?〃
 〃I said so; didn't I? Get him up on those black feet。〃
 Tormund frowned down at Jon。 〃Best go; if it's the Mance who's wanting you。〃
 Ygritte helped pull him up。 〃He's bleeding like a butchered boar。 Look what Orell did t' his sweet face。〃
 Can a bird hate? Jon had slain the wildling Orell; but some part of the man remained within the eagle。 The golden eyes looked out on him with cold malevolence。 〃I'll e;〃 he said。 The blood kept running down into his right eye; and his cheek was a blaze of pain。 When he touched it his black gloves came away stained with red。 〃Let me catch my garron。〃 It was not the horse he wanted so much as Ghost; but the direwolf was nowhere to be seen。 He could be leagues away by now; ripping out the throat of some elk。 Perhaps that was just as well。
 The garron shied away from him when he approached; no doubt frightened by the blood on his face; but Jon calmed him with a few quiet words and finally got close enough to take the reins。 As he swung back into the saddle his head whirled。 I will need to get this tended; he thought; but not just now Let the King… beyond… the… Wall see what his eagle did to me。 His right hand opened and closed; and he reached down for Longclaw and slung the bastard sword over a shoulder before he wheeled to trot back to where the Lord of Bones and his band were waiting。
 Ygritte was waiting too; sitting on her horse with a fierce look on her face。 〃I am ing too。〃
 〃Be gone。〃 The bones of Rattleshirt's breastplate clattered together。 〃I was sent for the crow…e…down; none other。〃
 〃A free woman rides where she will;〃 Ygritte said。
 The wind was blowing snow into Jon's eyes。 He could feel the blood freezing on his face。 〃Are we talking or riding?〃
 〃Riding;〃 said the Lord of Bones。
 It was a grim gallop。 They rode two miles down the column through swirling snows; then cut through a tangle of baggage wayns to splash across the Milkwater where it took a great loop toward the east。 A crust of thin ice covered the river shallows; with every step their horses'hooves crashed through; until they reached the deeper water ten yards out。 The sno
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