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 Robb gave Edmure a look that chilled。 〃Would you make me a liar as well as a murderer; Uncle?〃
 〃We need speak no falsehood。 Only say nothing。 Bury the boys and hold our tongues till the war's done。 Willem was son to Ser Kevan Lannister; and Lord Tywin's nephew。 Tion was Lady Genna's; and a Frey。 We must keep the news from the Twins as well; until 。 。 。〃
 〃Until we can bring the murdered dead back to life?〃 said Brynden Blackfish sharply。 〃The truth escaped with the Karstarks; Edmure。 It is too late for such games。〃
 〃I owe their fathers truth;〃 said Robb。 〃And justice。 I owe them that as well。〃 He gazed at his crown; the dark gleam of bronze; the circle of iron swords。 〃Lord Rickard defied me。 Betrayed me。 I have no choice but to condemn him。 Gods know what the Karstark foot with Roose Bolton will do when they hear I've executed their liege for a traitor。 Bolton must be warned。〃
 〃Lord Karstark's heir was at Harrenhal as well;〃 Ser Brynden reminded him。 〃The eldest son; the one the Lannisters took captive on the Green Fork。〃
 〃Harrion。 His name is Harrion。〃 Robb laughed bitterly。 〃A king had best know the names of his enemies; don't you think?〃
 The Blackfish looked at him shrewdly。 〃You know that for a certainty? That this will make young Karstark your enemy?〃
 〃What else would he be? I am about to kill his father; he's not like to thank me。〃
 〃He might。 There are sons who hate their fathers; and in a stroke you will make him Lord of Karhold。〃
 Robb shook his head。 〃Even if Harrion were that sort; he could never openly forgive his father's killer。 His own men would turn on him。 These are northmen; Uncle。 The north remembers。〃
 〃Pardon him; then;〃 urged Edmure Tully。
 Robb stared at him in frank disbelief。
 Under that gaze; Edmure's face reddened。 〃Spare his life; I mean。 I don't like the taste of it any more than you; sire。 He slew my men as well。 Poor Delp had only just recovered from the wound Ser Jaime gave him。 Karstark must be punished; certainly。 Keep him in chains; say。〃
 〃A hostage?〃 said Catelyn。 It might be best 。 。 。
 〃Yes; a hostage!〃 Her brother seized on her musing as agreement。 〃Tell the son that so long as he remains loyal; his father will not be harmed。 Otherwise 。 。 。 we have no hope of the Freys now; not if I offered to marry all Lord Walder's daughters and carry his litter besides。 If we should lose the Karstarks as well; what hope is there?〃
 〃What hope 。 。 。〃 Robb let out a breath; pushed his hair back from his eyes; and said; 〃We've had naught from Ser Rodrik in the north; no response from Walder Frey to our new offer; only silence from the Eyrie。〃 He appealed to his mother。 〃Will your sister never answer us? How many times must I write her? I will not believe that none of the birds have reached her。〃
 Her son wanted fort; Catelyn realized; he wanted to hear that it would be all right。 But her king needed truth。 〃The birds have reached her。 Though she may tell you they did not; if it ever es to that。 Expect no help from that quarter; Robb。
 〃Lysa was never brave。 When we were girls together; she would run and hide whenever she'd done something wrong。 Perhaps she thought our lord father would forget to be wroth with her if he could not find her。 It is no different now。 She ran from King's Landing for fear; to the safest place she knows; and she sits on her mountain hoping everyone will forget her。〃
 〃The knights of the Vale could make all the difference in this war;〃 said Robb; 〃but if she will not fight; so be it。 I've asked only that she open the Bloody Gate for us; and provide ships at Gulltown to take us north。 The high road would be hard; but not so hard as fighting our way up the Neck。 If I could land at White Harbor I could flank Moat Cailin and drive the ironmen from the north in half a year。〃
 〃It will not happen; sire;〃 said the Blackfish。 〃Cat is right。 Lady Lysa is too fearful to admit an army to the Vale。 Any army。 The Bloody Gate will remain closed。〃
 〃The Others can take her; then;〃 Robb cursed; in a fury of despair。 〃Bloody Rickard Karstark as well。 And Theon Greyjoy; Walder Frey; Tywin Lannister; and all the rest of them。 Gods be good; why would any man ever want to be king? When everyone was shouting King in the North; King in the North; I told myself 。 。 。 swore to myself 。 。 。 that I would be a good king; as honorable as Father; strong; just; loyal to my friends and brave when I faced my enemies 。 。 。 now I can't even tell one from the other。 How did it all get so confused? Lord Rickard's fought at my side in half a dozen battles。 His sons died for me in the Whispering Wood。 Tion Frey and Willem Lannister were my enemies。 Yet now I have to kill my dead friends' father for their sakes。〃 He looked at them all。 〃Will the Lannisters thank me for Lord Rickard's head? Will the Freys?〃
 〃No;〃 said Brynden Blackfish; blunt as ever。
 〃All the more reason to spare Lord Rickard's life and keep him hostage;〃 Edmure urged。
 Robb reached down with both hands; lifted the heavy bronze…and…iron crown; and set it back atop his head; and suddenly he was a king again。 〃Lord Rickard dies。〃
 〃But why?〃 said Edmure。 〃You said yourself…〃
 〃I know what I said; Uncle。 It does not change what I must do。〃 The swords in his crown stood stark and black against his brow。 〃In battle I might have slain Tion and Willem myself; but this was no battle。 They were asleep in their beds; naked and unarmed; in a cell where I put them。 Rickard Karstark killed more than a Frey and a Lannister。 He killed my honor。 I shall deal with him at dawn。〃
 When day broke; grey and chilly; the storm had diminished to a steady; soaking rain; yet even so the godswood was crowded。 River lords and northmen; highborn and low; knights and sellswords and stableboys; they stood amongst the trees to see the end of the night's dark dance。 Edmure had given mands; and a headsman's block had been set up before the heart tree。 Rain and leaves fell all around them as the Greatjon's men led Lord Rickard Karstark through the press; hands still bound。 His men already hung from Riverrun's high walls; slumping at the end of long ropes as the rain washed down their darkening faces。
 Long Lew waited beside the block; but Robb took the poleaxe from his hand and ordered him to step aside。 〃This is my work;〃 he said。 〃He dies at my word。 He must die by my hand。〃
 Lord Rickard Karstark dipped his head stiffly。 〃For that much; I thank you。 But for naught else。〃 He had dressed for death in a long black wool surcoat emblazoned with the white sunburst of his House。 〃The blood of the First Men flows in my veins as much as yours; boy。 You would do well to remember that。 I was named for your grandfather。 I raised my banners against King Aerys for your father; and against King Joffrey for you。 At Oxcross and the Whispering Wood and in the Battle of the Camps; I rode beside you; and I stood with Lord Eddard on the Trident。 We are kin; Stark and Karstark。〃
 〃This kinship did not stop you from betraying me;〃 Robb said。 〃And it will not save you now。 Kneel; my lord。〃
 Lord Rickard had spoken truly; Catelyn knew。 The Karstarks traced their descent to Karlon Stark; a younger son of Winterfell who had put down a rebel lord a thousand years ago; and been granted lands for his valor。 The castle he built had been named Karl's Hold; but that soon became Karhold; and over the centuries the Karhold Starks had bee Karstarks。
 〃Old gods or new; it makes no matter;〃 Lord Rickard told her son; 〃no man is so accursed as the kinslayer。〃
 〃Kneel; traitor;〃 Robb said again。 〃Or must I have them force your head onto the block?〃
 Lord Karstark knelt。 〃The gods shall judge you; as you have judged me。〃 He laid his head upon the block。
 〃Rickard Karstark; Lord of Karhold。〃 Robb lifted the heavy axe with both hands。 〃Here in sight of gods and men; I judge you guilty of murder and high treason。 In mine own name I condemn you。 With mine own hand I take your life。 Would you speak a final word?〃
 〃Kill me; and be cursed。 You are no king of mine。〃
 The axe crashed down。 Heavy and well…honed; it killed at a single blow; but it took three to sever the man's head from his body; and by the time it was done both living and dead were drenched in blood。 Robb flung the poleaxe down in disgust; and turned wordless to the heart tree。 He stood shaking with his hands half…clenched and the rain running down his cheeks。 Gods forgive him; Catelyn prayed in silence。 He is only a boy; and he had no other choice。
 That was the last she saw of her son that day。 The rain continued all through the morning; lashing the surface of the rivers and turning the godswood grass into mud and puddles。 The Blackfish assembled a hundred men and rode out after Karstarks; but no one expected he would bring back many。 〃I only pray I do not need to hang them;〃 he said as he departed。 When he was gone; Catelyn retreated to her father's solar; to sit once more beside Lord Hoster's bed。
 〃It will not be much longer;〃 Maester Vyman warned her; when he came that afternoon。 〃His last strength is going; though still he tries to fight。〃
 〃He was ever a fighter;〃 she said。 〃A sweet stubborn man。〃
 〃Yes;〃 the maester said; 〃but this battle he cannot win。 It is time he lay down hi
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