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u say?〃
 〃I say no; Your Grace;〃 the old man answered at once。
 〃Why?〃 she asked。 〃Speak freely。〃 Dany thought she knew what he would say; but she wanted the slave girl to hear; so Kraznys mo Nakloz might hear later。
 〃My queen;〃 said Arstan; 〃there have been no slaves in the Seven Kingdoms for thousands of years。 The old gods and the new alike hold slavery to be an abomination。 Evil。 If you should land in Westeros at the head of a slave army; many good men will oppose you for no other reason than that。 You will do great harm to your cause; and to the honor of your House。〃
 〃Yet I must have some army;〃 Dany said。 〃The boy Joffrey will not give me the Iron Throne for asking politely。〃
 〃When the day es that you raise your banners; half of Westeros will be with you;〃 Whitebeard promised。 〃Your brother Rhaegar is still remembered; with great love。〃
 〃And my father?〃 Dany said。
 The old man hesitated before saying; 〃King Aerys is also remembered。 He gave the realm many years of peace。 Your Grace; you have no need of slaves。 Magister Illyrio can keep you safe while your dragons grow; and send secret envoys across the narrow sea on your behalf; to sound out the high lords for your cause。〃
 〃Those same high lords who abandoned my father to the Kingslayer and bent the knee to Robert the Usurper?〃
 〃Even those who bent their knees may yearn in their hearts for the return of the dragons。〃
 〃May;〃 said Dany。 That was such a slippery word; may。 In any language。 She turned back to Kraznys mo Nakloz and his slave girl。 〃I must consider carefully。〃
 The slaver shrugged。 〃Tell her to consider quickly。 There are many other buyers。 Only three days past I showed these same Unsullied to a corsair king who hopes to buy them all。〃
 〃The corsair wanted only a hundred; your worship;〃 Dany heard the slave girl say。
 He poked her with the end of the whip。 〃Corsairs are all liars。 He'll buy them all。 Tell her that; girl。〃
 Dany knew she would take more than a hundred; if she took any at all。 〃Remind your Good Master of who I am。 Remind him that I am Daenerys Stormborn; Mother of Dragons; the Unburnt; trueborn queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros。 My blood is the blood of Aegon the Conqueror; and of old Valyria before him。〃
 Yet her words did not move the plump perfumed slaver; even when rendered in his own ugly tongue。 〃Old Ghis ruled an empire when the Valyrians were still fucking sheep;〃 he growled at the poor little scribe; /land we are the sons of the harpy。〃 He gave a shrug。 〃My tongue is wasted wagging at women。 East or west; it makes no matter; they cannot decide until they have been pampered and flattered and stuffed with sweetmeats。 Well; if this is my fate; so be it。 Tell the whore that if she requires a guide to our sweet city; Kraznys mo Nakloz will gladly serve her 。 。 。 and service her as well; if she is more woman than she looks。〃
 〃Good Master Kraznys would be most pleased to show you Astapor while you ponder; Your Grace;〃 the translator said。
 〃I will feed her jellied dog brains; and a fine rich stew of red octopus and unborn puppy。〃 He wiped his lips。
 〃Many delicious dishes can be had here; he says。〃
 〃Tell her how pretty the pyramids are at night;〃 the slaver growled。 〃Tell her I will lick honey off her breasts; or allow her to lick honey off mine if she prefers。〃
 〃Astapor is most beautiful at dusk; Your Grace;〃 said the slave girl。 〃The Good Masters light silk lanterns on every terrace; so all the pyramids glow with colored lights。 Pleasure barges ply the Worm; playing soft music and calling at the little islands for food and wine and other delights。〃
 〃Ask her if she wishes to view our fighting pits;〃 Kraznys added。 〃Douquor's Pit has a fine folly scheduled for the evening。 A bear and three small boys。 One boy will be rolled in honey; one in blood; and one in rotting fish; and she may wager on which the bear will eat first。〃
 Tap tap tap; Dany heard。 Arstan Whitebeard's face was still; but his staff beat out his rage。 Tap tap tap。 She made herself smile。 〃I have my own bear on Balerion;〃 she told the translator; 〃and he may well eat me if I do not return to him。〃
 〃See;〃 said Kraznys when her words were translated。 〃It is not the woman who decides; it is this man she runs to。 As ever!〃
 〃Thank the Good Master for his patient kindness;〃 Dany said; 〃and tell him that I will think on all I learned here。〃 She gave her arm to Arstan Whitebeard; to lead her back across the plaza to her litter。 Aggo and Jhogo fell in to either side of them; walking with the bowlegged swagger all the horselords affected when forced to dismount and stride the earth like mon mortals。
 Dany climbed into her litter frowning; and beckoned Arstan to climb in beside her。 A man as old as him should not be walking in such heat。 She did not close the curtains as they got under way。 With the sun beating down so fiercely on this city of red brick; every stray breeze was to be cherished; even if it did e with a swirl of fine red dust。 Besides; I need to see。
 Astapor was a queer city; even to the eyes of one who had walked within the House of Dust and bathed in the Womb of the World beneath the Mother of Mountains。 All the streets were made of the same red brick that had paved the plaza。 So too were the stepped pyramids; the deep…dug fighting pits with their rings of descending seats; the sulfurous fountains and gloomy wine caves; and the ancient walls that encircled them。 So many bricks; she thought; and so old and crumbling。 Their fine red dust was everywhere; dancing down the gutters at each gust of wind。 Small wonder so many Astapori women veiled their faces; the brick dust stung the eyes worse than sand。
 〃Make way!〃 Jhogo shouted as he rode before her litter。 〃Make way for the Mother of Dragons!〃 But when he uncoiled the great silverhandled whip that Dany had given him; and made to crack it in the air; she leaned out and told him nay。 〃Not in this place; blood of my blood;〃 she said; in his own tongue。 〃These bricks have heard too much of the sound of whips。〃
 The streets had been largely deserted when they had set out from the port that morning; and scarcely seemed more crowded now。 An elephant lumbered past with a latticework litter on its back。 A naked boy with peeling skin sat in a dry brick gutter; picking his nose and staring sullenly at some ants in the street。 He lifted his head at the sound of hooves; and gaped as a column of mounted guards trotted by in a cloud of red dust and brittle laughter。 The copper disks sewn to their cloaks of yellow silk glittered like so many suns; but their tunics were embroidered linen; and below the waist they wore sandals and pleated linen skirts。 Bareheaded; each man had teased and oiled and twisted his stiff red…black hair into some fantastic shape; horns and wings and blades and even grasping hands; so they looked like some troupe of demons escaped from the seventh hell。 The naked boy watched them for a bit; along with Dany; but soon enough they were gone; and he went back to his ants; and a knuckle up his nose。
 An old city; this; she reflected; but not so populous as it was in its glory; nor near so crowded as Qarth or Pentos or Lys。
 Her litter came to a sudden halt at the cross street; to allow a coffle of slaves to shuffle across her path; urged along by the crack of an overseer's lash。 These were no Unsullied; Dany noted; but a more mon sort of men; with pale brown skins and black hair。 There were women among them; but no children。 All were naked。 Two Astapori rode behind them on white asses; a man in a red silk tokar and a veiled woman in sheer blue linen decorated with flakes of lapis lazuli。 In her red…black hair she wore an ivory b。 The man laughed as he whispered to her; paying no more mind to Dany than to his slaves; nor the overseer with his twisted five…thonged lash; a squat broad Dothraki who had the harpy and chains tattooed proudly across his muscular chest。
 〃Bricks and blood built Astapor;〃 Whitebeard murmured at her side; 〃and bricks and blood her people。〃
 〃What is that?〃 Dany asked him; curious。
 〃An old rhyme a maester taught me; when I was a boy。 I never knew how true it was。 The bricks of Astapor are red with the blood of the slaves who make them。〃
 〃I can well believe that;〃 said Dany。
 〃Then leave this place before your heart turns to brick as well。 Sail this very night; on the evening tide。〃
 Would that I could; thought Dany。 〃When I leave Astapor it must be with an army; Ser Jorah says。〃
 〃Ser Jorah was a slaver himself; Your Grace;〃 the old man reminded her。 〃There are sellswords in Pentos and Myr and Tyrosh you can hire。 A man who kills for coin has no honor; but at least they are no slaves。 Find your army there; I beg you。〃
 〃My brother visited Pentos; Myr; Braavos; near all the Free Cities。 The magisters and archons fed him wine and promises; but his soul was starved to death。 A man cannot sup from the beggar's bowl all his life and stay a man。 I had my taste in Qarth; that was enough。 I will not e to Pentos bowl in hand。〃
 〃Better to e a beggar than a slaver;〃 Arstan said。
 〃There speaks one who has been neither。〃 Dany's nostrils flared。 〃Do you know what it is like to be sold; squire? I do。 My brother sold me to Kh
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