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  〃It makes me feel better all over;〃 I said。
  〃You admit it's a lie;〃 she said。
  〃To you; sure。 Not to anyone else。 It's our first secret; just you and me。 If you don't love me enough to have secrets with me; we can fix it。 We can go to Nero Wolfe and confess we both lied; and tell him the truth。 Shall we?〃
  She was breathing hard; as sweet as ever presumably; but I was no longer close enough to get it。
  〃You mean it; don't you;〃 she said; not a question。
  〃I mean everything I say。 Let's go see Mr。 Wolfe and get it over with。〃
  〃I thought…I thought you…〃 She stopped。 Her voice wanted to quiver but her chin didn't。 〃You're terrible。 I thought… you're terrible!〃
  She moved to the door; not hurrying; just walking; pulled it open; and went。
  Chapter Thirty…Two
  At a quarter past eleven that evening; in Nero Wolfe's office; the phone rang。 I answered it; and Fred Durkin's voice told me:
  〃The lights are all out and so she's safe in bed。 For Christ's sake; Archie; you don't want me…〃
  〃I do;〃 I said firmly; 〃and so does Mr。 Wolfe。 You've got your instructions; and what do you do for a living anyway? You stick and stick good。〃
  I hung up and told Wolfe; 〃Fred says the lights are out。 I'm relieved and I admit it。 I was going to marry her if she hadn't gone partners with Hoff on that damn lie; and I don't care for my share of this at all。 I suppose I'll have a nightmare tonight。〃
  Wolfe didn't bother to grunt。
  Although I know Wolfe as well as anybody does and a good deal better; I hadn't been able to tell whether my report for the day had given him anything that would pass for the word or gesture or countermove he wanted。 He had received it all; plete; with the attention it deserved; leaning back motionless; with his eyes closed; and had had plenty of questions。 He even wanted to know exactly what Miss Abrams; the receptionist on the thirty…sixth floor; had said when I gave her the report to be taker; in to Jasper Pine。 I had performed that errand at four…thirty; as usual; and she had told me that Pine was engaged at the moment but she would be sure he got it before he left for the day。
  That night I had no nightmare; but if there had been a wife in bed with me she would probably have asked me in the morning why all the tossing and turning。 It was by no means the first time I had been responsible for putting someone's pursuit of happiness in jeopardy; but this was something special。 Things had somehow got reversed。 At first sight of Hester Livsey I had instantly got the feeling that she was in some trouble that no one but me could get her out of; and here I was poking her head thiough the bull's…eye of a target for a killer who had made two perfect hits; which was certainly a peculiar way to go about it。
  When I left the house Tuesday morning; April Fool's Day; I was fidgety because there had been no phone call; though there was no good reason to expect one。 Fred certainly wouldn't call until Hester showed herself; and after that happened there would te no opportunity。 I got to the William Street building a quarter of an hour ahead of time at nine…fifteen; and lurked in the lobby at the spot Saul and I had chosen eight days earlier。 The ining throng had already started。 Five minutes before the deadline here she came。 As she entered the elevator I caught sight of Fred Durkin; who had followed her into the lobby and stopped ten paces away。 As I glimpsed him Bill Gore appeared from the other direction; exchanged signals with Fred; and strolled on。 Fred went to the newsstand and bought a paper and then beat it。
  I took an elevator to the thirty…fourth floor; went to my room; left the door open; and sat at my observation post。 I was having a letdown。 Our fire hadn't smoked Hester out and didn't seem likely to; and it was hard on my temperament just to sit there and wait for someone to make a peep。 However; I hadn't been sitting long when the phone rang。 I dived for it as if I was expecting word that it was an eight…pound baby boy; but all I got was a summons from Jasper Pine to e to see him。 I obeyed it。
  On the thirty…sixth floor I was shooed into Pine's office without any wait。 He was there alone; standing in the middle of the big room; looking as if he had a grievance; with a sheet of paper in his hand。 As I approached he shook the paper at me。
  〃This report;〃 he said in his strong deep voice; as deep as Ben Frenkel's; but not a rumble。 〃What is this?〃
  〃Have you read it?〃 I asked him。
  〃Well; that's what it is; Mr。 Pine。〃
  〃This…〃 He glanced at the paper。 〃This Hester Livsey; what did she say?〃
  〃What it says there。 That she didn't dare to go to Mr。 Wolfe and let him have another session with her because she knows who murdered Moore。 You may remember; she's the one who was engaged to marry Moore。 That's all; unless you want me to try to give you her exact words。 I understand that she is now denying that she said that to me。 So did Naylor; but you know what happened。 I'm going to work on her; and I'm going to take her to see Wolfe if I can manage it。〃
  〃No name? She didn't say who it was?〃
  〃No。 Not yet。〃
  〃Have you reported this to the police?〃
  〃Again not yet。 We don't think the tactics they would use are likely to work; not with her。〃
  There was a buzz from Pine's desk。 He walked to it and picked up a phone; talked for a few minutes about something not connected with death; and then circled the desk and dropped into his chair。
  〃Damn it;〃 he said; 〃always too many things to do at once。〃 He was scowling at me。 〃Mr。 Naylor said he never told you that。 He insisted that you lied。 Now this woman does the same。〃
  I nodded。 〃Yeah。 I'm building up a hell of a reputation。 You didn't believe Naylor。 This time you can believe her if you want to even up。〃
  〃I hope you realize what you're doing… what might happen to her。〃
  I nodded again。 〃We're keeping an eye on her。〃
  〃All right。〃 He picked up one of his phones。 〃Keep me informed。 Let me know if she agrees to go to see Wolfe。〃
  I said I would and left。 On the way out of the reception room I used a phone booth to tell Wolfe that we were now getting words and gestures from the executive level。
  The remainder of the morning I played solitaire; without any deck。 I stayed glued to my chair; facing my open door; and not a soul entered to pass the time of day。 It was monotonous and extremely unsatisfactory。 Hester kept her door closed。 She emerged once; at ten…fifteen; for a trip to Rosenbaum's room; where she remained over an hour; presumably for the morning dictation。 The only other time I saw her was at one o'clock; her lunch hour; when she showed with her hat and coat on。 I descended in the same elevator; with no exchange of greetings; saw Bill Gore pick her up in the lobby; and went myself to a joint down the street and consumed sandwiches and milk。
  Back again in my room; deciding that I had been lonely long enough; I called the reserve pool and said I wanted a stenographer and only Miss Ferris would do。 By that time I had them trained; and in no time at all Gwynne entered with her notebook in her hand。 I moved a chair so she would be facing me; with her back to the open door; without obstructing my view of the arena。
  〃This is the first time I've taken from you;〃 she said; sitting。 〃You'd better go a little slow。〃
  〃Sure;〃 I agreed; 〃we've got all afternoon。 Take a letter to the Police missioner。 P…O…L…I…C…E…C…O…M…〃
  〃You think you're smart; don't you?〃
  〃You bet I'm smart。 Dear Mr。 missioner。 I wish to make a plaint。 The most beautiful girl on earth has betrayed my confidence。 She said she wouldn't tell and she did。 She told a hundred people in a hundred minutes。 Her name is Gwynne Ferris and she…〃
  〃I won't write that! That isn't so!〃
  〃Don't talk so loud; the door's open。〃 I grinned at her charmingly。 〃I know; Gwynne darling; you only told five or six and they promised not to breathe a word。 Remember the first day I was here; how helpful you were?〃 I reached and got her notebook; tore out the page she had used for me; and handed her the book closed。 〃Forget it。 All I wanted was to look at you。 But we'd better talk to keep up appearances; people are looking at us。 Is there any news?〃
  〃There certainly is。〃 She put one knee over the other and performed the skirt rite。 〃They're fighting like cats and dogs about who's lying; you or Hester。〃
  〃I hope I'm winning。〃
  〃Oh; yes; I'm sure you are; but some of them seem to like her; the dopes。 That little fool Ann Murphy…do you know her?〃
  〃Not intimately。〃
  〃She says she's going to put a plaint in the plaint box that you're putting Hester in peril! What do you know about that? And oh; yes…my God; I should have told you…Mr。 Pine; the president…he had his secretary phone Hester to e to see him; and she said she wouldn't go; and then Mr。 Pine phoned her himself and she still said she wouldn't go! What do you know about that? Telling the president she wouldn't go to his office when he told her to! Isn't that just like her? I hope to God she gets fired。〃
  〃Don't talk so loud。 Where do you get all this? How do you know she wouldn't go? I don't believe it。〃
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