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er Livsey; Stock Department; Structural Metals Section。 In a second the voice said; 〃Extension six…eight…eight please ask by extension number whenever possible;〃 and after a short wait another voice said; 〃Miss Livsey speaking。〃
  〃Peter Truett;〃 I told her。 〃This is the unluckiest day I've had since my rich uncle changed doctors。 Mr。 Kerr Naylor just phoned me to have lunch with him。 I can meet you as arranged and e back after lunch and quit my job。〃
  〃I don't want you to quit your job;〃 she declared。 〃I've been thinking about you。 Go with Mr。 Naylor; of course。 My room is next to Mr。 Rosenbaum's; the one on the left。〃
  But it didn't set me up any; on account of the motive; which I was fully aware of。 I got my hat and coat and went along to the corner office; where Naylor met me at the door。 I took my hat and coat because; although the assistant vice…president had told me I would rate eating lunch in the executives' section of the Naylor…Kerr cafeteria on the thirty…sixth floor; my hunch was that the son of the founder didn't patronize it。 The hunch was right。 He had his hat on and his topcoat over his arm。 We went to an elevator; and from the lobby on the ground floor he steered us out the back way; down a block and around a corner; and to a door which had painted on it in green lettering; FOUNTAIN OF HEALTH。 That could mean only one thing; and I grimly told my stomach it was in the line of duty as we entered; made our way to a table against the wall; got seated; and accepted menus from a waitress。 There it was; roots and leaves and coarse fodder; with such names as EPICURE'S BOWL and BRAN AND CARROT PUDDING。 My reaction was so strong that I was barely aware that Naylor was talking。 With the waitress there waiting for us to name it; he was saying something like:
  〃。。。so I tried it once about five years ago; and I've been lunching here ever since。 I find it makes an enormous difference; physically; mentally…and even spiritually。 There's a purity about it。 It keeps a man light and clean。 What will you select; Mr; Goodwin?〃
  I heard that all right。
  Chapter Nine
  It was like the tricky little squirt to choose that moment for it; with the waitress; who knew him; there by us; making it as awkward as possible for me。 So he thought。 But I merely elevated the menu so it came between his eyes and my face; to get a little privacy; and turned my brain loose on the problem。 Manifestly there was no point in trying to make a grab for the cat。 After an interval; not a long one; I handed the menu to the waitress and told her to bring me three apples and a glass of milk。 Then I asked him politely:
  〃Were you saying something? I'm afraid I wasn't listening。〃
  He gave the waitress his order and let her go。
  〃I was speaking of diet;〃 he snapped; 〃and you heard me。 It isn't to be expected; Mr。 Truett; that you'll like this food at first。 No one does。 But after a while you will wonder how you ever liked anything else。〃
  〃Yeah。 When I like it I'll whinny。 You ought to make up your mind who you're Seating to lunch; though。 Goodwin or Truett?〃
  〃I much prefer Goodwin。〃 He smiled at me。 〃That was my chief reason for inviting you to lunch; to tell you that the only way to deal with me is directly and forthrightly。 Also to give you a message for Mr。 Nero Wolfe。 Tell him; please; that you have badly bungled this job。 This morning; when I mentioned the murder of a former employee of my department; you should have displayed no interest in the matter。〃
  〃I see。 Much obliged。 So that aroused your suspicion and you investigated。〃 I looked at him admiringly。 〃You certainly stepped on it。 Where did you start from?〃
  〃Now; now;〃 he scolded me and shook his head。 〃You're extraordinarily transparent; Mr。 Goodwin; and I must say it's a surprise to me…and a disappointment。 It would have been gratifying to find a good man; a good mind; starting to work on that murder。 I would have watched you with the keenest interest and expectation…Those aren't the best apples。〃 He frowned at the waitress。 〃Haven't you any Stayman Winesaps?〃
  It seemed they hadn't。 When she had served us and was gone I started peeling an apple。 It is not my custom to peel apples; but I figured it would outrage him。 That was wasted effort; since he ignored it and waded in with a fork on a big bowl of a raw unholy mess which he had ordered by name:
  TODAY'S VITANUTRITA SPECIAL。 With his small mouth he had to feed it in dribs; chewing with a straight one…two beat and skipping two chews for each drib going in。
  〃Here's an idea;〃 I said amiably。 〃You can't count on me to give that message to Mr。 Wolfe。 Why don't you drop in on him this evening after dinner and give it to him yourself?〃
  〃I would be glad to。〃 He chewed。 〃But not this evening。〃 He chewed。 〃Three evenings a week; Wednesday; Thursday; and Friday; I play chess at the Midtown Chess Club。〃 He chewed。 〃Saturday I'm going to the country; to spend the week…end looking at birds。〃 He chewed。 〃I should be delighted to do that on Monday。〃
  〃Okay; I'll fix it up。〃 I started on another apple; not bothering to peel it。 〃But by that time I may be all through here。 In my opinion; and I hope Mr。 Wolfe will agree; there's only one thing to do: tell the police about it and let them start up the machinery。 An accusation of murder is entirely too ticklish; especially for a bungler like me。〃
  He stopped chewing to ask; 〃Who has made such an accusation?〃
  〃You have。〃
  〃I have not。 I have merely stated that Moore was murdered。 The police? Pooh。 They started their machinery the moment the body was discovered; but they have let it stop。 Your intention; of course; was to force me into making disclosures by threatening to get the police after me。 My dear Mr; Goodwin; I'm afraid this affair is far beyond the range of your abilities。 A week ago I called upon Deputy missioner O'Hara; whom I have known for years; and stated to him that Moore was murdered。 Naturally he wished me to elaborate; and naturally I refused。 I told him that all I could furnish was the bare fact; that the procurement of evidence and apprehension of the criminal were functions of his department。〃
  Naylor tittered。 〃I really believe that for some moments the Deputy missioner was tempted to have the third degree tried on me。 At the end he merely regarded me as a babbler。〃 He resumed on the Vitanutrita。
  My impulse was to finish the milk; shove the third apple in my pocket; beat it to Thirty…fifth Street; and tell Wolfe that Kerr Naylor was a malicious chattering hay…eating beetle and that was all there was to it。 Various considerations restrained me; two of which were that Naylor…Kerr; Inc。; was good for any amount up to twenty million; and that I now knew where Miss Livsey's room was。
  〃Okay;〃 I said; pletely friendly; 〃threats are out; disclosures are out; and chess and bird…looking will keep you from calling on Mr。 Wolfe before Monday。 Meanwhile; I noticed that on that report to Mr。 Pine; the one about Moore; where it asked how he got hired; you put; 'Applied personally'。 Who did he apply to; the head of that section; Mr。 Dickerson?〃
  That was the first dent I made in the beetle's shell。 It didn't make him drop his fork; or even start the glint in his eyes dancing; but he went on conveying and chewing far beyond the limit of politeness。 It was plain that he was finding it necessary to decide what to say。
  He swallowed and spoke。 〃He applied to my sister。〃
  〃Oh。 Which sister?〃
  〃I have only one。〃 The glint became perceptible。 〃My sister; Mr。 Truett; is a remarkable and interesting woman; but she is far more conventional than I am。 Each of us was given one…quarter of the stock of the corporation by our father; who wished to get rid of his burdens and responsibilities。 I turned mine over; without pensation; to certain old employees of the business; because they had earned it and I hadn't。 I don't like to own things to which other people might conceivably assert a claim; especially a moral claim。 Legal claims don't interest me。 But my sister; being more conventional; kept her stock。 That was lucky for her husband。 Jasper Pine; whom I believe you have met; as otherwise it is unlikely that he would have bee president of the corporation。〃
  〃And Moore got his job through your sister?〃
  The glint did a jig。 〃You have a talent; Mr。 Goodwin; for making statements in the most distasteful manner possible。 My sister likes to do things for people。 She sent Moore to me; and I spoke with him and had him interviewed by Dickerson; and he was given a job in that section。 Now how about some pudding? And some Pink Steamer? Hot water with tangerine juice。〃
  He was through as an information bureau。 From there on the only thing that appealed to him as a topic of conversation was the food; and questions about Moore or murder or sister were simply ignored。 He irritated me most when he was ignoring。 I gave up and sat and watched him sip Pink Steamer。
  When we got back to the building on William Street I parted from him in the lobby; went to a phone booth and dialed the number of the Gazette; and asked for Lon Cohen。 He knew more facts than the Police Department and the Public Library bined。
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