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ing black of cobweb; she would kneel for an hour to study the carvings on a beautiful; time…ruined coffer of cedar wood; the gift of some king ages since to the Nameless Powers of the Tombs。 There was the king; a tiny stiff figure with a big nose; and there was the Hall of the Throne with its flat dome and porch columns; carved in delicate relief on the wood by some artist who had been dust for how many hundred years。 There was the One Priestess; breathing in the drug…fumes from the trays of bronze and prophesying or advising the king; whose nose was broken off in this frame; the face of the Priestess was too small to have clear features; yet Arha would imagine that the face was her own face。 She wondered what she had told the king with the big nose; and whether he had been grateful。
  She had favorite places in the Hall of the Throne; as one might have favorite spots to sit in a sunny house。 She often went to a little half…loft over one of the robing rooms in the hinder part of the Hall。 There ancient gowns and costumes were kept; left from the days when great kings and lords came to worship at the Place of the Tombs of Atuan; acknowledging a domain greater than their own or any man's。 Sometimes their daughters; the princesses; had put on these soft white silks; embroidered with topaz and dark amethyst; and had danced with the Priestess of the Tombs。 There were little painted ivory tables in one of the treasuries; showing such a dance; and the lords and kings waiting outside the Hall; for then as now no man ever set foot on the ground of the Tombs。 But the maidens might e in; and dance with the Priestess; in white silk。 The Priestess herself wore rough cloth; homespun black; always; then and now; but she liked to e and finger the sweet; soft stuff; rotten with age; the unperishing jewels tearing from the cloth by their own slight weight。 There was a scent in these chests different from all the musks and incenses of the temples of the Place: a fresher scent; fainter; younger。
  In the treasure rooms she would spend a night learning the contents of a single chest; jewel by jewel; the rusted armor; the broken plumes of helms; the buckles and pins and brooches; bronze; silver…gilt; and solid gold。
  Owls; undisturbed by her presence; sat on the rafters and opened and shut their yellow eyes。 A bit of starlight shone in between tiles of the roof; or the snow came sifting down; fine and cold as those ancient silks that fell to nothing at hand's touch。
  One night late in the winter; it was too cold in the Hall。 She went to the trapdoor; raised it; swung down onto the steps; and closed it above her。 She set off silently on the way she now knew so well; the passage to the Undertomb。 There; of course; she never bore a light; if she carried a lantern; from going in the Labyrinth or in the dark of night above ground; she extinguished it before she came near the Undertomb。 She had never seen that place; never in all the generations of her priestesshood。 In the passage now; she blew out the candle in the lamp she carried; and without slowing her pace at all went forward in the pitch dark; easy as a little fish in dark water。 Here; winter or summer; there was no cold; no heat: always the same even chill; a little damp; changeless。 Up above; the great frozen winds of winter whipped thin snow over the desert。 Here there was no wind; no season; it was close; it was still; it was safe。
  She was going to the Painted Room。 She liked sometimes to go there and study the strange wall drawings that leapt out of the dark at the gleam of her candle: men with long wings and great eyes; serene and morose。 No one could tell her what they were; there were no such paintings elsewhere in the Place; but she thought she knew; they were the spirits of the damned; who are not reborn。 The Painted Room was in the Labyrinth; so she must pass through the cavern beneath the Tombstones first。 As she approached it down the slanting passage; a faint gray bloomed; a bare hint and glimmer; the echo of an echo of a distant light。
  She thought her eyes were tricking her; as they often did in that utter blackness。 She closed them; and the glimmering vanished。 She opened them; and it reappeared。
  She had stopped and was standing still。 Gray; not black。 A dull edge of pallor; just visible; where nothing could be visible; where all must be black。
  She took a few steps forward and put out her hand to that angle of the tunnel wall; and; infinitely faint; saw the movement of her hand。
  She went on。 This was strange beyond thought; beyond fear; this faint blooming of light where no light had ever been; in the inmost grave of darkness。 She went noiseless on bare feet; blackclothed。 At the last turn of the corridor she halted; then very slowly took the last step; and looked; and saw。
  …Saw what she had never seen; not though she had lived a hundred lives: the great vaulted cavern beneath the Tombstones; not hollowed by man's hand but by the powers of the Earth。 It was jeweled with crystals and ornamented with pinnacles and filigrees of white limestone where the waters under earth had worked; eons since: immense; with glittering roof and walls; sparkling; delicate; intricate; a palace of diamonds; a house of amethyst and crystal; from which the ancient darkness had been driven out by glory。
  Not bright; but dazzling to the dark…accustomed eye; was the light that worked this wonder。 It was a soft gleam; like marshlight; that moved slowly across the cavern; striking a thousand scintillations from the jeweled roof and shifting a thousand fantastic shadows along the carven walls。
  The light burned at the end of a staff of wood; smokeless; unconsuming。 The staff was held by a human hand。 Arha saw the face beside the light; the dark face: the face of a man。
  She did not move。
  For a long time he crossed and recrossed the vast cave。 He moved as if he sought something; looking behind the lacy cataracts of stone; studying the several corridors that led out of the Undertomb; yet not entering them。 And still the Priestess of the Tombs stood motionless; in the black angle of the passage; waiting。
  What was hardest for her to think; perhaps; was that she was looking at a stranger。 She had very seldom seen a stranger。 It seemed to her that this must be one of the wardens … no; one of the men from over the wall; a goatherd or guard; a slave of the Place; and he had e to see the secrets of the Nameless Ones; maybe to steal something from the Tombs。。。
  To steal something。 To rob the Dark Powers。 Sacrilege: the word came slowly into Arha's mind。 This was a man; and no man's foot must ever touch the soil of the Tombs; the Holy Place。 Yet he had e here into the hollow place that was the heart of the Tombs。 He had entered in。 He had made light where light was forbidden; where it had never been since world's beginning。 Why did the Nameless Ones not strike him down?
  He was standing now looking down at the rocky floor; which was cut and troubled。 One could see that it had been opened and reclosed。 The sour sterile clods dug up for the graves had not all been stamped down again。
  Her Masters had eaten those three。 Why did they not eat this one? What were they waiting for?
  For their hands to act; for their tongue to speak。。。
  〃Go! Go! Begone!〃 she screamed all at once at the top of her voice。 Great echoes shrilled and boomed across the cavern; seeming to blur the dark; startled face that turned towards her; and; for one moment; across the shaken splendor of the cavern; saw her。 Then the light was gone。 All splendor gone。 Blind dark; and silence。
  Now she could think again。 She was released from the spell of light。
  He must have e in by the red rock door; the Prisoners' Door; so he would try to escape by it。 Light and silent as the soft…winged owls she ran the half…circuit of the cavern to the low tunnel that led to the door which opened only inwards。 She stooped there at the entrance of the tunnel。 There was no draft of wind from outside; he had not left the door fixed open behind him。 It was shut; and if he was in the tunnel; he was trapped there。
  But he was not in the tunnel。 She was sure of it。 So close; in that cramped place; she would have heard his breath; felt the warmth and pulse of his life itself。 There was no one in the tunnel。 She stood erect; and listened。 Where had he gone?
  The darkness pressed like a bandage on her eyes。 To have seen the Undertomb confused her; she was bewildered。 She had known it only as a region defined by hearing; by hand's touch; by drifts of cool air in the dark; a vastness; a mystery; never to be seen。 She had seen it; and the mystery had given place; not to horror; but to beauty; a mystery deeper even than that of the dark。
  She went slowly forward now; unsure。 She felt her way to the left; to the second passageway; the one that led into the Labyrinth。 There she paused and listened。
  Her ears told her no more than her eyes。 But; as she stood with one hand on either side of the rock archway; she felt a faint; obscure vibration in the rock; and on the chill; stale air was the trace of a scent that did not belong there: the smell of the wild sage that grew on the desert hills; overhead; under the open sky。
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