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    They heard a soft buzzing; and then Eddie pulled up alongside them; in the motorcycle。 〃I thought you might need help。 Are you going to go down?〃
    Malcolm shook his head。 〃No; absolutely not。 It's too dangerous … we don't know where they are。〃
    Sarah Harding said; 〃Why did Dodgson just stand there like that? That's not the way to act around predators。 You get caught around lions; you make a lot of noise; wave your hands; throw things at them。 Try to scare them off。 You don't just stand there。〃
    〃He probably read the wrong research paper;〃 Malcolm said; shaking his head。 〃There's been a theory going around that tyrannosaurs can only see movement。 A guy named Roxton made casts of rex braincases; and concluded that tyrannosaurs had the brain of a frog。〃
    The radio clicked。 Levine said; 〃Roxton is an idiot。 He doesn't know enough anatomy to have sex with his wife。 His paper was a joke。〃
    〃What paper?〃 Thorne said。
    The radio clicked again。 〃Roxton;〃 Levine said; 〃believed that tyrannosaurs had a visual system like an amphibian: like a frog。 A frog sees motion but doesn't see stillness。 But it is quite impossible that a predator such as a tyrannosaur would have a visual system that worked that way。 Quite impossible。 Because the most mon defense of prey animals is to freeze。 A deer or something like that; it senses danger; and it freezes。 A predator has to be able to see them anyway。 And of course a tyrannosaur could。〃
    Over the radio; Levine snorted with disgust。 〃It's just like the other idiotic theory put forth by Grant a few years back that a tyrannosaur could be confused by a driving rainstorm; because it was not adapted to wet climates。 That's equally absurd。 The Cretaceous wasn't particularly dry。 And in any case; tyrannosaurs are North American animals they've only been found in the U。S。 or Canada。 Tyrannosaurs lived on the shores of the great inland sea; east of the Rocky Mountains。 There are lots of thunderstorms on mountain slopes。 I'm quite sure tyrannosaurs saw plenty of rain; and they evolved to deal with it。〃
    〃So is there any reason why a tyrannosaur might not attack somebody?〃 Malcolm said。
    〃Yes; Of Course。 The most obvious one;〃 Levine said。
    〃Which is?〃
    〃If it wasn't hungry。 If it had just eaten another animal。 Anything larger than a goat would take care of its hunger for hours to e。 No; no。 The tyrannosaur sees fine; moving or still。〃

They listened to the roaring; ing up from the valley below。 They saw thrashing in the underbrush; about half a mile away; to the north。 More bellowing。 The two rexes seemed to be answering each other。
    Sarah Harding said; 〃What are we carrying?〃
    Thorne said; 〃Three Lindstradts。 Fully loaded。〃
    〃Okay;〃 she said。 〃Let's go。〃
    The radio crackled。 〃I'm not there;〃 Levine said; over the radio。 〃But I'd certainly advise waiting。〃
    〃The hell with waiting;〃 Malcolm said。 〃Sarah's right。 Let's go down there and see how bad it is。〃
    〃Your funeral;〃 Levine said。

Arby came back to the monitor; wiping his chin。 He still looked a little green。 〃What are they doing now?〃
    〃Dr。 Malcolm and the others are going to the nest。〃
    〃Are you kidding?〃 he said; alarmed。
    〃Don't worry;〃 Kelly said。 〃Sarah can handle it。〃
    〃You hope;〃 Arby said。


Just beyond the clearing; they parked the Explorer。 Eddie pulled up in the motorcycle; and leaned it against the trunk of a tree and waited while the others climbed out of the Explorer。
    Sarah Harding smelled the familiar sour odor of rotting flesh and excrement that always marked a carnivore nesting site。 In the afternoon heat; it was faintly nauseating。 Flies buzzed in the still air。 Harding took one of the rifles; slung it over her shoulder。 She looked at the three men。 They were all standing very still; tense; not moving。 Malcolm's face was pale; particularly around the lips。 It reminded her of the time that Coffmann; her old professor; had visited her in Africa。 Coffmann was one of those hard…drinking Hemingway types; with lots of affairs at home; and lots of tales of his adventures with the orangs in Sumatra; the ring…tailed lemurs in Madagascar。 So she took him with her to a kill site in the savannah。 And he promptly passed out。 He weighed more than two hundred pounds; and she had to drag him out by the collar while the lions circled and snarled at her。 It had been a good lesson for her。
    Now she leaned close to the three men and whispered; 〃If you've got any qualms about this; don't go。 Just wait here。 I don't want to worry about you。 I can do this myself〃 She started off。
    〃Are you sure … 〃
    〃Yes。 Now keep quiet。〃 She moved directly toward the clearing。 Malcolm and the others hurried to catch up with her。 She pushed aside the palm fronds; and stepped out into the open。 The tyrannosaurs were gone; and the mud cone was deserted。 Over to the right; she saw a shoe; with a bit of torn flesh sticking out above the ragged sock。 That was all there was left of Baselton。
    From within the nest; she heard a plaintive; high…pitched squeal。 Harding climbed up the mud bank; with Malcolm struggling to follow。 She saw two infant tyrannosaurs there; mewling。 Nearby were three large eggs。 They saw heavy footprints all around; in the mud。
    〃They took one of the eggs;〃 Malcolm said。 〃Damn。〃
    〃You didn't want anything to disrupt your little ecosystem?〃
    Malcolm smiled crookedly。 〃Yeah。 I was hoping。〃
    〃Too bad;〃 she said; and moved quickly around the edge of the pit。
    She bent over; looking at the baby tyrannosaurs。 One of the babies was cowering; its downy neck pulled into its body。 But the second one behaved very differently。 It did not move as they approached; but remained lying sprawled on its side; breathing shallowly; eyes glazed。
    〃This one's been hurt;〃 she said。

Levine was standing in the high hide。 He pressed the headset to his ear; and spoke into the microphone near his cheek。 〃I need a description;〃 he said。
    Thorne said; 〃There's two of them; roughly two feet long; weighing maybe forty pounds。 About the size of small cassowary birds。 Large eyes。 Short snouts。 Pale…brown color。 And there's a ring of down around the necks。〃
    〃Can they stand?〃
    〃Uh。。。if they can; not very well。 They're kind of flopping around。 Squeaking a lot。〃
    〃Then they're infants;〃 Levine said; nodding。 〃Probably only a few days old。 Never been out of the nest。 I'd be very careful。〃
    〃Why is that?〃
    〃With offspring that young;〃 Levine said; 〃the parents won't leave them for long。〃

Harding moved closer to the injured infant。 Still mewling; the baby tried to crawl toward her; dragging its body awkwardly。 One leg was bent at an odd angle。 〃I think the left leg's hurt。〃
    Eddie came closer; standing alongside her to see。 〃Is it broken?〃
    〃Yeah; probably; but … 〃
    〃Hey!〃 Eddie said。 The baby lunge d forward; and clamped its jaws around the ankle of his boot。 He pulled his foot away; dragging the baby; which held its grip tightly。 〃Hey! Let go!〃
    Eddie lifted his leg up; shook it back and forth; but the baby refused to let go。 He pulled for a moment longer; then stopped。 Now the baby just lay there on the ground; breathing shallowly; jaws still locked around Eddie's boot。 〃Jeez;〃 Eddie said。
    〃Aggressive little guy; isn't he;〃 Sarah said。 〃Right from birth。。。〃
    Eddie looked down at the tiny; razor…sharp jaws。 They hadn't penetrated the leather。 The baby held on firmly。 With the butt of his rifle; he poked the infant's head a couple of times。 It had no effect at all。 The baby lay on the ground; breathing shallowly。 Its big eyes blinked slowly as they stared up at Eddie; but it did not release its grip。
    They heard the distant roars of the parents; somewhere to the north。 〃Let's get out of here;〃 Malcolm said。 〃We've seen what we came here to see。 We've got to find where Dodgson went。〃
    Thorne said; 〃I think I saw a track up the trail。 They might have gone off there。〃
    〃We better have a look。〃
    They all started back to the car。
    〃Wait a minute;〃 Eddie said; looking down at his foot。 〃What am I going to do about the baby?〃
    〃Shoot it;〃 Malcolm said; over his shoulder。
    〃You mean kill it?〃
    Sarah said; 〃It's got a broken leg; Eddie; it's going to die anyway。〃
    〃Yeah; but … 〃
    Thorne called; 〃We're going back up the trail; Eddie; and if we don't find Dodgson; we'll take the ridge road going toward the laboratory。 Then down to the trailer again。〃
    〃Okay; Doc。 I'm right behind you。〃 Eddie lifted his rifle; turned it in his hands。
    〃Do it now;〃 Sarah said; climbing into the Explorer。 〃Because you don't want to be here when Momma and Poppa get back。〃

Gambler's Ruin

Driving up the trail; Malcolm stared at the dashboard monitor; as the image flicked from one camera view to another。 He was looking for Dodgson and the rest of his party。
    Over the radio; Levine said; 〃How bad was it?〃
    〃They took one egg;〃 Malcolm said。 〃And we had to shoot one of the babies。〃
    〃So; a loss of two。 Out of a total hatching brood of what; six?〃
    〃That's right。〃
    〃Frankly; I'd say it's a minor matter;〃 Levine said。 〃As long as you stop those people from doing anything more。〃
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