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 〃I am the Woman of the Family now;〃 she thought。 〃The only woman of their house and in their house。 That is why I sit between them like this; in place of prominence; and not to the outside。〃
 And though she would not have known how to phrase it; even to herself; her own instincts told her that the country and the society she was a part of were basically matriarchal; that it was the woman who was essentially the focus of each home; the head of each little individual family…group。 Not brazenly; aggressively so; not on the outside; but within the walls; where the home really was。 She had succeeded to this primacy now。 The gangling adolescent who had once stood outside a door that wouldn't open。
 One she would marry and be his wife。 One she would look after in filial devotion; and ease his loneliness and cushion his decline as best she could。 There was no treachery; no deceit; in her plans; all that was over with and past。
 She held Father Hazzard's hand gently clasped in her own; on the one side。 And on the other; her hand curved gracefully up and around the turn of Bill's stalwart arm。 To indicate: You are mine。 And I am yours。
 The limousine had halted。 Bill got out and armed her down。 Then they both helped his father and; one on each side of him; walked slowly with him up the familiar terraced flagstones to the familiar door。
 Bill sounded the knocker; and Aunt Josie 's deputy opened the door for them with all the alacrity of the novice。 Aunt Josie herself; of course; a titular member of the family; had attended the services with them; was on her way back now in the lesser of the two limousines。
 She closed the door in respectful silence; and they were home。
 It was she who first saw them; Patrice。 They were in the library。
 Bill and his father; going on ahead; supporting arm about waist; had passed the open doorway obliviously。 She had lingered behind for a moment; to give some muted necessary orders。
 〃Yes; Mrs。 Hazzard;〃 Aunt Josie 's deputy said docilely。
 Yes; Mrs。 Hazzard。 That was the first time she had heard it (Aunt Josie always called her 〃Miss Pat〃); but she would have that now all her life; as her due。 Her mind rolled it around on its tongue; savoring it Yes; Mrs。 Hazzard。 Position。 Security。 Impregnability。 The end of a journey。
 Then she moved forward and; passing the doorway; saw them。
 They were sitting in there; both facing it Two men。 The very way they held their heads…they were not apologetic; they were not disclaiming enough; for such a time and such a place and such a visit。 Their faces; as she met them; did not say: 〃Whenever you are ready。〃 Their faces said: 〃We are ready for you now。 e in to us。〃
 Fear put out a long finger and touched her heart。 She had stopped。
 〃Who are those two men?〃 she breathed to the girl who had let her in。 〃What are they doing in there?〃
 〃Oh; I forgot。 They came here about twenty minutes ago; asking to see Mr。 Hazzard。 I explained about the funeral; and suggested maybe they'd better e back later。 But they said no; they said they'd wait I couldn't do anything with them。 So I just let them be。〃
 She went on past the opening。 〃He's in no condition to speak to anyone now。 You'll have to go in there and…〃
 〃Oh; not old Mr。 Hazzard。 It's Mr。 Hazzard his son they want。〃
 She knew then。 Their faces had already told her; the grim way they had both sized her up that fleeting second or two she had stood in the doorway。 People didn't stare at you like that; just ordinary people。 Punitive agents did。 Those empowered by law to seek out; and identify; and question。
 The finger had bee a whole icy hand now; twisting and crushing her heart in its grip。
 Detectives。 Already。 So soon; so relentlessly; so fatally soon。 And today of all days; on this very day。
 The copybooks were right; the texts that said the police were infallible。
 She turned and hurried up the stairs; to overtake Bill and his father; nearing the top now; still linked in considerate; toiling ascent。
 Bill turned his head inquiringly at sound of her hasty step behind them。 Father Ha。zzard didn't What was any step to him any more? The only one he wanted to hear would never sound again。
 She made a little sign to Bill behind his father's back。 A quick little quirk of the finger to show that this was something to be kept between the two of them alone。 Then said; trying to keep her voice casual; 〃Bill; as soon as you take Father to his room; I want to see you for a minute。 Will you e out?〃
 He came upon her in her own room; in the act of lowering an emptied brandy…jigger from her lips。 He looked at her curiously。
 〃What'd you do; get a chill out there?〃
 〃I did;〃 she said。 〃But not out there。 Here。 Just now。〃
 〃You seem to be shaking。〃
 〃I am。 Close the door。〃 And when he had; 〃Is he sleeping?〃
 〃He will be in another minute or two。 Aunt Josie's giving him a little more of that sedative the doctor left〃
 She kneaded her hands together; as though she were trying to break each bone separately。 〃They're here; Bill。 About the other night They're here already。〃
 He didn't have to ask; he knew what she meant by 〃the other night。〃 There was only one other night for them; there would always be only one; from now on。 As the nights multiplied; it would bee 〃that night;〃 perhaps; that was the only alteration。
 〃How do you know? Did they tell you?〃
 〃They don't have to。 I know。〃 She snatched at his coat…lapels; as though she were trying to rip them off him。 〃What are we going to do?〃
 〃We are not going to do anything;〃 he said with meaning。 〃I'll do whatever is to be done about it〃
 〃Who's that?〃 she shuddered; and crushed herself close to him。 Her teeth were almost chattering with nervous tension。
 〃Who is it?〃 he asked at full voice。
 〃Aunt Josie;〃 came through the door。
 〃Let go of me;〃 he cautioned in an undertone。 〃All right; Aunt Josie。〃
 She put her head in and said; 〃Those two men that're down there; they said they can't wait for Mr。 Hazzard any more。〃
 For a moment a little hope wormed its way through her stricken heart。
 〃They said if he don't e down; they'll have to e up here。〃
 〃What do they want? Did they tell you?〃 he said to Aunt Josie。
 〃I asked 'em twice; and each time they said the same thing。 'Mr。 Hazzard。' What kind of an answer is that? They're bold ones。〃
 〃All right;〃 he said curtly。 〃You've told us。〃
 She closed the door again。
 He stood for awhile irresolute; his hand curled around the back of his neck。 Then straightened with reluctant decision; squared off his shoulders; hitched down his cuffs; and turned to face the door。 〃Well;〃 he said; 〃let's get it over with。〃
 She ran to join him。 〃I'll go with you。〃
 〃You won't!〃 He took her hand and put it off his arm; in rough rejection。 〃Let's get that straight right now。 You're staying up here; and you're staying out of it Do you hear me? No matter what happens; you're staying out of it。〃
 He'd never spoken to her like that before。
 〃Are you taking me to be your husband?〃 he demanded。
 〃Yes;〃 she murmured。 〃I've already told you that。〃
 〃Then that's an order。 The first and the last; I hope; that I'll ever have to give you。 Now look; we can't tell two stories about this。 We're only telling one: mine。 And it's one that you're not supposed to know anything about。 So you can't help me; you can only harm me。〃
 She seized his hand and put her lips to it; as a sort of god…speed。
 〃What are you going to tell them?〃
 〃The truth。〃 The look he gave her was a little odd。 〃What did you expect me to tell them? I have nothing to lie about; as far as it involves me alone。〃
 He closed the door and he went out。
 As she found her hands leading the way down for her; one over the other; along the bannister…rail; while her feet followed them more slowly; a step behind all the way; she realized how impossible it would have been to follow his injunction; remain immured up there; without knowing; without listening; how futile of him to expect it of her。 She couldn't have been involved as she was; she couldn't have been a woman at all; and obeyed him。 This wasn't prying; you didn't pry into something that concerned you as closely as this did her。 It was your right to know。
 Hand over hand down the bannister; the rest of her creeping after; body held at a broken crouch。 Like a cripple struggling down a staircase。
 A quarter of the way down; the murmur became separate voices。 Halfway down; the voices became words。 She didn't go beyond there。
 Their voices weren't raised。 There was no blustering or angry contradiction。 They were just men talking quietly; politely together。 Somehow; it struck more fear into her that way。
 They were repeating after him something he must have just now said。
 〃Then you do know someone named Harry Carter; Mr。 Hazzard。〃
 She didn't hear him say anything。 As though he considered one affirmation on that point enough。
 〃Would you care to tell us what relationship…what connection… there is between you and this man Carter?〃
 He sounded slightly ironical; when he answered that。 She had never heard him that way toward herself; but she caught a new inflection to his voice; and recognized it for irony。 〃Look; gentlemen; you already know。 You must
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