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y fold the damn thing together; but; as in the old days; she insisted on putting the finishing touches on his appearance before he went to work。 She was still a good woman; they had both laughed; remembering the time she swore at his cuff links over forty years ago because she had put too much starch in his shirt。 That night; so long ago; she had wanted him to look the proper bureaucrat when he went to the whore…mongering Oberführer's headquarters on the rue St。 Lazare carrying a briefcase…a briefcase that; left behind; had blown up half the block。 And twenty years later; one winter afternoon she'd had trouble making his stolen expensive overcoat hang properly on his shoulders before he set off to rob the Grande Banque Louis IX on the Madeleine; run by an educated but unappreciative former member of the Résistance who refused him a loan。 Those were the good times; followed by bad times and bad health; which led to worse times…in truth; destitute times。 Until a man came along; a strange man with an odd calling and an even odder unwritten contract。 After that; respect returned in the form of sufficient money for decent food and acceptable wine; for clothes that fit; making his woman look pretty again; and; most important; for the doctors who made his woman feel better。 The suit and shirt he wore today had been dug out of a closet。 In many ways he and his woman were like the actors in a provincial touring pany。 They had costumes for their various roles。 It was their business。 。。。 Today was business。 This morning; with the bells of the Angelus; was business。
The old man awkwardly; only partially; genuflected in front of the holy cross and knelt down in the first seat of the sixth row from the altar; his eyes on his watch。 Two and a half minutes later he raised his head and; as unobtrusively as possible; glanced around。 His weakened sight had adjusted to the dim light of the cathedral; he could see; not well but clearly enough。 There were no more than twenty worshipers scattered about; most in prayer; the others staring in meditation at the enormous gold crucifix on the altar。 Yet these were not what he was looking for; and then he saw what he was seeking and knew that everything was on schedule。 A priest in a priestly black suit walked down the far left aisle and disappeared beyond the dark red drapes of the apse。
The old man again looked at his watch; for everything now was timing; that was the way of the monseigneur…that was the way of the Jackal。 Again two minutes passed and the aged courier got unsteadily up from his pew; sidestepped into the aisle; genuflected as best his body would permit; and made his way; step by imperfect step; to the second confessional booth on the left。 He pulled back the curtain and went inside。
〃Angelus Domini;〃 he whispered; kneeling and repeating the words he had spoken several hundred times over the past fifteen years。
〃Angelus Domini; child of God;〃 replied the unseen figure behind the black latticework。 The blessing was acpanied by a low rattling cough。 〃Are your days fortable?〃
〃Made more so by an unknown friend 。。。 my friend。〃
〃What does the doctor say about your woman?〃
〃He says to me what he does not say to her; thanks be for the mercy of Christ。 It appears that against the odds I will outlive her。 The wasting sickness is spreading。〃
〃My sympathies。 How long does she have?〃
〃A month; no more than two。 Soon she will be confined to her bed。 。。。 Soon the contract between us will be void。〃
〃Why is that?〃
〃You will have no further obligations to me; and I accept that。 You've been good to us and I've saved a little and my wants are few。 Frankly; knowing what's facing me; I'm feeling terribly tired…〃
〃You insufferable ingrate!〃 whispered the voice behind the confessional screen。 〃After all I've done; all I've promised you!〃
〃I beg your pardon?〃
〃Would you die for me?〃
〃Of course; that's our contract。〃
〃Then; conversely; you will live for me!〃
〃If that's what you want; naturally I will。 I simply wanted you to know that soon I would no longer be a burden to you。 I am easily replaced。〃
〃Do not presume; never with me!〃 The anger erupted in a hollow cough; a cough that seemed to confirm the rumor that had spread through the dark streets of Paris。 The Jackal himself was ill; perhaps deathly ill。
〃You are our life; our respect。 Why should I do that?〃
〃You just did。 。。。 Nevertheless; I have an assignment for you that will ease your woman's departure for both of you。 You will have a holiday in a lovely part of the world; the two of you together。 You will pick up the papers and the money at the usual place。〃
〃Where are we going; if I may ask?〃
〃To the Caribbean island of Montserrat。 Your instructions will be delivered to you there at the Blackburne Airport。 Follow them precisely。〃
〃Of course。 。。。 Again; if I may ask; what is my objective?〃
〃To find and befriend a mother and two children。〃
〃Then what?〃
〃Kill them。〃
Brendan Prefontaine; former federal judge of the first circuit court of Massachusetts; walked out of the Boston Five Bank on School Street with fifteen thousand dollars in his pocket。 It was a heady experience for a man who had lived an impecunious existence for the past thirty years。 Since his release from prison he rarely had more than fifty dollars on his person。 This was a very special day。
Yet it was more than very special。 It was also very disturbing because he had never thought for an instant that Randolph Gates would pay him a sum anywhere near the amount he had demanded。 Gates had made an enormous error because by acceding to the demand he had revealed the gravity of his endeavors。 He had crossed over from ruthless; albeit nonfatal; greed into something potentially quite lethal。 Prefontaine had no idea who the woman and the children were or what their relationship was to Lord Randolph of Gates; but whoever they were and whatever it was; Dandy Randy meant them no good。
An irreproachable Zeus…like figure in the legal world did not pay a disbarred; discredited; deniable alcoholic 〃scum〃 like one Brendan Patrick Pierre Prefontaine an outrageous sum of money because his soul was with the archangels of heaven。 Rather; that soul was with the disciples of Lucifer。 And since this was obviously the case; it might be profitable for the scum to pursue a little knowledge; for as the bromide declared; a little knowledge is a dangerous thing…frequently more so in the eyes of the beholder than in the one possessing scant tidbits of information; so slanted as to appear many times more。 Fifteen thousand today might well bee fifty thousand tomorrow if…if a scum flew to the island of Montserrat and began asking questions。
Besides; thought the judge; the Irish in him chuckling; the French sector in minor rebellion; he had not had a vacation in years。 Good Christ; it was enough keeping body and soul together; who thought of an unenforced suspension of the hustle?
So Brendan Patrick Pierre Prefontaine hailed a taxi; which he had not done sober for at least ten years; and directed the skeptical driver to take him to Louis's men's store at Faneuil Hall。
〃You got the scratch; old man?〃
〃More than enough to get you a haircut and cure the acne on your pubescent face; young fellow。 Drive on; Ben Hur。 I'm in a hurry。〃
The clothes were off the racks; but they were expensive racks; and after he had shown a roll of hundred…dollar bills; the purple…lipped clerk was extremely cooperative。 A midsized suit case of burnished leather soon held casual apparel; and Prefontaine discarded his worn…out suit; shirt and shoes for a new outfit。 Within the hour he looked not unlike a man he had known years ago: the Honorable Brendan P。 Prefontaine。 (He had always dropped the second P。; for Pierre; for obvious reasons。)
Another taxi took him to his rooming house in Jamaica Plains; where he picked up a few essentials; including his passport; which he always kept active for rapid exits…preferable to prison walls…and then delivered him to Logan Airport; this driver having no concern regarding his ability to pay the fare。 Clothes; of course; never made the man; thought Brendan; but they certainly helped to convince dubious underlings。 At Logan's information desk he was told that three airlines out of Boston serviced the island of Montserrat。 He asked which counter was the nearest and then bought a ticket for the next available flight。 Brendan Patrick Pierre Prefontaine naturally flew first class。
The Air France steward rolled the wheelchair slowly; gently through the ramp and onto the 747 jet in Paris's Orly Airport。 The frail woman in the chair was elderly and overly made…up with an imbalance of rouge; she wore an outsized feather hat made of Australian cockatoo。 She might have been I a caricature except for the large eyes beneath the bangs of gray hair imperfectly dyed red…eyes alive and knowing and filled with humor。 It was as if she were saying to all who observed her; Forget it; mes amis; he likes me this way and that's all I care about。 I don't give a pile of merde about you or your opinions。 The he referred to the old man walking cautiously beside her; every now and then touching her shoulder; lovingly as well as perhaps for balance; but