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 The final touch was probably the best touch of all: they had allowed Luc Champion; one of the civilians; to take the lead when the Marines had arrived at Wilkes Ice Station; bolstering the illusion that they were all merely scientists; following the lead of their superior。 
 That the French had taken five of the residents of Wilkes Ice Station…innocent civilians…out on a hovercraft under the pretense that they were being taken back to safety and then executed them in the middle of the snow plains made Schofield furious。 In a detached corner of his mind; he conjured up a picture of what the scene must have looked like… the American scientists; men and women; crying; pleading; begging for their lives as the French soldiers moved among them; leveling their pistols at their heads and blasting their brains all over the inside of the hovercraft。 
 That at least two French scientists…Champion and Rae… had gone along with the French mandos made Schofield even angrier。 What could they have been promised that would make them party to the murder of innocent academics? 
 The answer; unfortunately; was simple。 
 They would be given the first opportunity to study the spacecraft when the French got their hands on it。 
 Frantic voices shouted over Schofield's helmet inter。 〃…return fire!〃 
 〃…Samurai is down! Fox is down!〃 
 〃…can't get a fucking shot…〃 
 Schofield looked out from behind the doorway and saw Gant lying flat on her back on the catwalk halfway between the dining room and the main entrance passageway。 She wasn't moving。 
 His gaze shifted to Augustine Lau; lying sprawled out on the catwalk in the dining room doorway。 Lau's eyes were wide open; his face covered in blood; blood that had sprayed up from his own stomach as Latissier's barrage of gunfire had assailed him from practically point…blank range。 
 Not far from Schofield; in the tunnel leading to the main entrance to the station; Buck Riley leaned out and returned fire with his MP…5; drowning out the tinny rat…a…tat sound of the French…made FA…MAS with the deep; puncturelike firing sound of the German…made MP…5。 Next to him; Hollywood did the same。 
 Schofield snapped around to look over at Montana; huddled in the entrance to the western tunnel。 〃Montana。 You OK?〃 
 When Latissier had opened fire a few moments earlier; Montana and Lau had been the closest men to him; standing in the doorway to the dining room。 When Latissier's gun came up firing; Montana had been quick enough to duck back behind the doorway。 Lau hadn't。 
 And while Lau had performed what infantry soldiers call the danse macabre under the brutal weight of Latissier's fire; Montana had scrambled back along the catwalk to the nearest point of safety; the west tunnel。 
 Schofield saw Montana speak into his helmet mike fifty feet away。 His gravelly voice came over Schofield's headset 〃Check that; Scarecrow。 I'm a little shook up; but I'm OK。〃 
 More bullets slammed into the ice above Schofield's head。 Schofield ducked back behind the doorway。 Then; quickly; he peered out around the door frame。 But this time as he did so he heard a strange whistling sound。 
 With a sharp thwump; a four…inch…long arrow lodged into the ice barely five centimeters from Schofield's right eye。 
 Schofield looked up and saw Petard in the dining room; with his crossbow raised。 No sooner had Petard fired his crossbow than Luc Champion hurled a short…barreled submachine gun over to him and Petard rejoined the battle with a sharp volley of gunfire。 
 Peering around the door frame; Schofield looked quickly over at Gant again。 She was still lying motionless on the catwalk; halfway between the dining room and the main entrance tunnel。 
 And then suddenly her arm moved。 
 It must have been a reflex of some sort as she slowly regained consciousness。 
 Schofield saw it instantly and spoke into his helmet mike。 〃This is Scarecrow; this is Scarecrow。 Fox is still alive。 I repeat; Fox is still alive。 But she's out in the open。 I need cover so I can go out there and get her。 Confirm。〃 
 Voices came in like a roll call。 〃Hollywood; check that!〃 
 〃Rebound; check that!〃 
 〃Montana; check that。〃 
 〃Book; check that;〃 Buck Riley said。 〃You're all clear; Scarecrow。 Go!〃 
 〃All right; then; now!〃 Schofield yelled as he broke cover and scampered out onto the catwalk。 
 All around him; in perfect unison; the Marines whipped out from their cover positions and returned fire at the dining room。 The noise was deafening。 The ice walls of the dining room exploded into a thousand pockmarks。 The bined strength of the assault forced Latissier and Petard to cease firing for a moment and dive for cover。 
 Out on the catwalk; Schofield fell to his knees next to Gant。 
 He looked down at her head。 The arrow from Cuvier's crossbow had lodged in the forehead guard of her Kevlar helmet; and a narrow stream of blood ran out from her forehead and down the side of her nose。 
 Seeing the blood; Schofield leaned closer and saw that the force of the crossbow had been so strong that the arrow had penetrated Gant's helmet。 Nearly a whole inch of the arrow had passed through the Kevlar so that now its glistening silver tip was poised right in front of Gant's forehead。 
 The helmet had held the arrow clear of her skull by millimeters。 
 Not even that。 The razor…sharp point of the arrow had actually nicked her skin; drawing blood。 
 〃e on; let's go;〃 Schofield said; even though he was sure Gant couldn't hear him。 The Marines' cover fire continued all around them as Schofield dragged Gant back along the catwalk; toward the main entrance passageway。 
 Suddenly; out of nowhere; one of the French mandos popped up from behind a hole in the wall of the dining room; with his rifle raised。 
 Still dragging Gant; Schofield quickly brought his pistol up; aimed through the sights; and loosed two quick rounds。 If the FA…MAS sounded tinny; and the MP…5 sounded like puncture noises; then Schofield's I。M。I。 〃Desert Eagle〃 automatic pistol sounded like a cannon。 The French mando's head exploded in a splash of red as both rounds found their mark on the bridge of his nose。 His head jolted back sharply…twice…and he dropped instantly out of sight 
 〃Get out of there; Scarecrow! Move!〃 Riley's voice yelled through Schofield's earpiece。 
 〃I'm almost there!〃 Schofield yelled above the gunfire。 
 Suddenly another voice came over the inter。 
 It was calm; clinical。 There was no gunfire in the background behind it。 
 〃Marine Force; this is Snake; I am still at my post outside。 I report that I now have visual on six more hostiles exiting the second French hovercraft。 I repeat I am looking at six more armed men disembarking the French hovercraft and approaching the main entrance of the station。〃 
 A sudden jarring shot rang out over the inter。 Snake Kaplan's sniper rifle。 
 〃Marine Force; this is Snake。 Make that five more hostiles approaching the main entrance of the station。〃 
 Schofield looked back at the tunnel leading to the main entrance behind him。 That was where he and Gant were heading。 Riley and Hollywood were there right now; firing at the dining room。 Beside them; Sergeant Mitch 〃Ratman〃 Healy was doing the same。 
 And then suddenly; without warning; Healy's chest exploded。 Shot from behind by a high…powered weapon。 
 Healy convulsed violently as a gout of blood spewed out from his rib cage。 The force of the impact and the subsequent nervous convulsion bent his back forward at an obscene angle; and Schofield heard a sickening crack as the young soldier's spine broke。 
 Riley and Hollywood were out of the entrance passageway in a nanosecond。 As they fired into the tunnel behind them; at some unseen enemy; they backed quickly toward the nearest rung…ladder that led down to B…deck。 
 Unfortunately; since they had only just arrived at the station; the six Marines who had gone with Riley to investigate the crashed hovercraft had been gathered around the main entrance passageway when the fighting had broken out。 Which meant that now they were caught in between two hostile forces: one in the dining room in front of them and another ing in through the main entrance behind them。 
 Schofield saw this。 〃Book! Go down! Go down! Take your guys down to B…deck!〃 
 〃Already on it; Scarecrow。〃 
 Schofield and Gant were in an even worse position。 Caught out on the catwalk between the dining room and the main entrance passageway; they had nowhere to go; no doorways to hide behind; no passageways to duck into。 Just a metal catwalk three feet wide; bounded on one side by a sheer ice wall and on the other by a seventy…foot drop。 
 And any second now the second French team would be bursting in through the main entrance passageway and Schofield and Gant would be the first thing they saw。 
 A chunk of ice exploded next to Schofield's head; and he spun around。 Petard was back on his feet in the dining room。 Firing hard with his assault rifle。 Schofield leveled his Desert Eagle at the dining room and fired six rapid shots back at Petard。 
 He looked back at the main entrance。 
 Ten seconds; at the most。 
 〃Shit;〃 he said aloud; looking at Gant; limp in his arms。 〃Shit。〃 
 He looked down o
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