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 The alarm woke him up at six o'clock; McCaughlin eased out among them。 It was totally dark。 It shouldn't be。 No … there was a bit of light at the very peak of the tent。 He realized they were nearly buried in snow。 The Scots…American rose up to full height; the air was very stale。 He snapped open the chimney slit in the tent top。 It instantly got colder; but the air was okay。 He peered through the hole。 It had stopped snowing…they could dig out later。 The others began to stir。
 McCaughlin knew what was needed besides his jokes to restore morale。 He started up breakfast: venison strips as bacon substitute and hot coffee and biscuits … the kind you just put in a pan and swell up once you cover them and they steam。 His own famous trail biscuits。
 Sniffing the food odors did more to awaken his panions than did the alarm。 〃Rise and shine; mateys; breakfast is all ready。〃
 〃Never heard a more pleasant sentence;〃 Rockson said。 He turned up the Coleman lamp and looked around at the bundled…up Freefighters now ing to life。 〃Why is it so dark in here?〃
 McCaughlin explained。 Rock frowned。 〃Of course … how could I be so stupid … we could have suffocated。〃
 〃Not with you along we couldn't;〃 McCaughlin said。 〃You have mutant's luck; remember?〃
 Danik lay half asleep still on Rockson's sled when they set off on their way again。 He was still the worse for wear; but improving rapidly after the warmth and sleep and good food。 The warming sunbeams seemed to bring the man around further。
 Rockson took sun readings every three hours; when they paused for hot green tea … an Eskimo custom Rock had picked up。
 Scheransky asked Rockson to e to look at some odd ice formations a bit away from the others。 He had something; he said; on his mind。 Rockson asked him what it was。
 Scheransky's dark eyes were intense。 〃I want to know what really happened to you out in the desert; after our Alaska mission last year。 After you left us in Alaska to chase down that missile; what happened to you? What's the big secret about the missing five days of your trek to Century City? I heard that the only one you told is Dr。 Schecter。〃
 Rockson decided to tell Scheransky。 He was a technician; a scientist。 Perhaps someone other than Schecter should know。 Maybe Scheransky could help Schecter in his project; a project based upon what had happened in Rockson's missing five days。 〃I went backward in time; that's what happened。〃
 〃Backward in time? Is that possible?〃
 〃I didn't believe it was … but it happened。 I was caught in a twin…tornado storm … one of the Kala…Ka storms you've probably read about。 I was tossed through some sort of time portal; and went back to 1989。 I'll tell you sometime what happened back there。 The important thing is I came back into the present。 Schecter thinks that it would be theoretically possible to set up the same conditions I encountered in the Kala…Ka artificially in the lab and send me … or someone … back in time again。 It would be very dangerous。。。〃
 〃Then; why …〃
 〃Scheransky; think a second。 What could you; what would you do in 1989; if you could?〃
 〃Back in 1989? Why; that's when …〃
 〃Right…that's when World War Three started。 If someone were to go back in time and; say; assassinate Premier Drushkin … the man who launched the surprise attack on America …〃
 Scheransky gasped。 〃Why; then the war would never …〃
 〃Right。 The war might never have happened。 America wouldn't have been devastated。 There wouldn't have been the death of billions of men; women; and children; the radiation clouds wouldn't have swept over the planet。〃
 The Russian sank back on his heels。 〃Da。 But that might have some … unpleasant consequences。 It would change everything。 Even who is alive in the twenty…first century。 It would change history so much。 There would never be a Century City; for instance。〃
 〃You see the problem。 Very good; and it's a big if … Schecter can acplish time travel; it would be a better idea to change things just slightly; so that … say … the Reds' occupation of America after the war was not very successful。 Or perhaps go back and take out just the Soviet missiles that went off track and hit our nuclear power plants … and sent all that radiation up into the air。 Something like that would be better than undoing all of history。〃 Scheransky whistled。 〃That would be tremendous。〃 〃Of course; it's only theoretically possible。 And if the Russians were to get the gist of what I just told you; they could start research on the Kala…Ka phenomenon on their own and perhaps also achieve time travel。 That's why only Schecter … and now you … know。〃
 〃Oh; my god。 This must not get to the Soviets。〃 〃Yes。。。 you see the problem。 Now you understand why it's top…top…secret。〃
 〃I swear by my mother's grave。。。〃 〃I know; Scheransky; I know。 Now I told you because I think with your technical background; with what you know about Soviet technology; you might be able to lend Schecter a hand with the project; once we get back。。。〃
 〃I would love nothing better; my friend。〃 〃Good。 I'll see to it。 Now that I let the cat out of the bag with you; I can't see Schecter not bringing you in on it。 It would take some of the enormous burden off his shoulders to have an assistant。〃
 〃You honor me; my friend。 And I am so happy that you trust me。。。〃
 Rockson squeezed his shoulder。 〃I trust you totally。 You're a part of the team。 You're one of us now。〃
 They made good time trekking; covering a hundred winding miles through rolling terrain each day。 They camped in snow caves or rock overhangs。 The routine set in。 Up at dawn; check the dogs; feed them a ration portion each of the dwindling dried meat supply; get some breakfast down themselves; then drive the teams across the deep winter snow。 Tea and pemmican breaks in the trek; navigation readings and paring the notebook and their maps。 And always; always; tugging at Rockson's gut; the realization that they could be hopelessly off course。
 Six days after the Hall of Presidents; they found evidence of game。 Deer tracks。
 They braked their sleds; drew them behind some winterberry bushes; as a wind shield。
 Archer was the first to volunteer。 〃Meeee gooo huntttt;〃 he demanded。 He drew up his huge make…shift crossbow and a four…foot barbed steel arrow; which he notched。 〃Ookayyy?〃
 Rockson thought a bit; then said; 〃No; old fellow。 We need you to watch over the teams。 The dogs love you。 We can't handle them without you near。〃 Archer's chest swelled。 〃Meee goooddd;〃 he stated; and he pounded on his chest so loud it sounded like a bass drum。
 〃Thanks; pal; I knew I could count on you。〃 Rockson considered their ad hoc camp a good one。 Behind winterberry brambles; a natural shield of thorns。
 〃Rona and I will use some arrows and get the venison;〃 he promised。
 Rockson took up his pound bow … a plastic and steel marvel of engineering with a hundred…ninety…pound pull。 〃Ready; Rona?〃 She had her bow on her shoulder。 〃Sure; lead on。〃
 Rock wanted Rona as backup。 Rock had to admit she was equal to him in skill if not in sheer power of draw。 He couldn't afford to miss。 And firearms were out。 No sense alerting any chance Soviet patrol。
 Three hours of trekking and the couple was in sight of the eight…point buck and his doe。 The problem was getting downwind from the gentle creatures nuzzling on the evergreen branches。
 It took another hour for Rockson and Rona to get in position in the boulderfield directly north of the pair of deer。 Rockson carefully notched his arrow and let fly the shot at the buck; but the stag had suddenly started。
 There was a movement in the narga grass … and one of Post…nuke America's plethora of wildswine appeared。 The supersensitive snout of the beast stuck high into the air。 The four…tusked three…hundred…pound beast snorted。 It had caught the scent of the two Freefighters。
 〃Damn;〃 said Rona as the alerted deer darted away; jumping into the copse of trees。 〃There goes our venison steaks。〃
 〃How about some pork chops;〃 Rockson said angrily; swiveling his bow and letting loose a good shot at the spoiler of their hunt。
 But the wildswine had suddenly darted sideward with a sharp squeal。 The super…swift porker; a dangerous crossbreed of wild Asian swine and the domestic hog of the twentieth century; also avoided the frying pan。
 〃Shit;〃 Rock said; reaching into his quiver and taking out another steel…tipped arrow。 He notched it and said; 〃The pig is over in that jumble of rocks … let's get it。 Rona; you go around the other way。 We'll have pork tonight; or my name isn't Ted Rockson。〃
 But as the couple gradually; silently moved to encircle the wildswine; there was a sudden shaking of the ground。 Rock swiveled on his heels to see a giant version of the swine he was stalking tear through a copse of trees the size of telephone poles; knocking them down like toothpicks。 The thing was a pig … but it stood twelve or thirteen feet at its shoulders and was at least twice that length。 It stopped in its tracks; snorted a twin stream of hot steam out of its flaring nostrils。 And then it turned its ugly snout directly in the direction of Rockson and roared out a challenge。
 Rona and Rock let fly their arrows; each hitting one of the beast's huge e
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