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n we stop for rest。
 So it was that they started up the big motorcycles with a tremendous roar at the rim of the inhabited canyon。 The Indians below filled the Arizona air with wild whoops and yips as the bold chief and the Freefighters set off for Eden。
 Rockson really opened up his big Harley; the engine sang out a song of power; cutting the desert air; slashing over the inch…deep snow like a dream of speed and energy。
 Smokestone; waving his huge stone…head tomahawk over his head; steering with one hand; pulled alongside at 135 mph; daring Rock to go faster。
 The race was on; leaving the others behind in the dust and thrown snow。 160; 170; 175 mph。 Rockson had handled cycles like this before; he was sure he could surpass the chief。 But the Indian just kept a…in'; kept up; then sailed past; screaming out taunts and waving that tomahawk。 Still with one hand … ye gods; Rock thought; I'm just an amateur pared to this ballsy guy。
 Leaning down hard; Rock was determined to catch the chief; at least for a brief instant。
 180;185; 190; 195。。。 The cacti flew by; the bike shuddered and quivered up to 200 mph。 He was alongside the chief。
 〃Yip; yip; yahooooo;〃 Smokestone bellowed into the wind。 〃You are something; Rockson; really something。〃 He slowed down; as this couldn't go on without them being eroded pieces of flesh spread across the desert … and they had a job to do。 195; 190; 185 … soon they were cruising at a mere 175。
 After another ten minutes; they stopped for a sip of water from the bikes' canteens。 Let the others catch up。 The Indian looked Rock in the eyes and said; 〃I want us to be blood brothers。〃 Rock nodded; and they made slits in their forearms and brought them together; joined forever。
 The Freefighters rode their advanced…tech Harleys in V…formation across the flat desert。 The motors; loud and strong; carried them as if they were on a magic carpet; quintupling the fastest speed they'd ever attained on the sleds。 Danik was managing his big cycle fairly well; but couldn't keep up。 He was back always。 Danik had a sidecar; with Class Act in it。
 The sheer power at Rockson's disposal made him feel restored。 Having Smokestone with him was a reassurance; somehow; that the mission would succeed。 The dull orange globe of the sun shone through a cloud scudded afternoon sky。 It was good to be alive today。
 At 3:30 P。M。 they reached the old US … Mexican border。 Rockson and his friends stopped their bikes and waited for Danik。 Danik's bike was soon on the horizon。 And snuggled down in the sidecar was Class Act; howling away and 〃eating〃 the wind as he traveled。 They did not wait long; as Danik was getting less and less afraid of going fast with every mile they traveled。 In a short while they heard his engine; and then he pulled up。 The thin albino Edenite had a candy…eating grin on his face。 He pulled off his helmet and said; 〃Eden was never like this。〃 Class Act leapt from her perch in the sidecar and rushed to Rockson。 〃Good girl;〃 Rock said; rubbing her ears and petting her。 The giant red tongue licked at his face。
 They took a break。 The dog alongside him; panting happily; Rockson sat on his haunches looking at the shallow; fifty…foot…wide stream that was the winter version of the Rio Grande River coursing by idly。 Not ten yards from his position was some rusty pipe stubs in the ground。 The border fence of a century ago。 If you looked carefully; the ground was discolored a bit … to the color of ocher。 It was the red dust of all the barbed wire gone to corrosion。 Rockson thought about how it must have been a century past: the wetbacks; struggling dirt farmers; peons by the millions trying to get across that border to join their wealthy neighbors to the north。 How desperate they had been to get into the United States。 How they'd envied the U。S。 citizens … until the thousand flashes brighter than the sun glowed in the northern sky … until the nukes fell。 Then they hadn't envied their northern neighbors anymore。
 As a matter of fact; in the first few days after the blasts; new fences had been erected on the Mexican side of the border for a change。 Wave after wave of starving diseased radiation victims poured south; desperate to get into Mexico。
 Of course; those that had constructed Eden had done so before the nuke war; and therefore most of the Edenites were already in the vast underground biosphere when N…Day came。 All except a handful。 And that handful included the brains and pocketbook behind the whole project … Edward Renquist。 He had not made it。
 Perhaps Renquist had died in the first flashes of atomic hellfire。 Danik had told that Renquist was in Austin; Texas; at the fatal hour; trying to effect a reconciliation with his wife; Sandra。 Rockson saw other pathetic reminders of that day … there were white things … torn and rotted human bones … amidst all that rust on the ground。 Perhaps Renquist had survived the blasts; made it to this border; and like thousands; millions of other Americans had been shot down by the Mexican Border Police; or been killed in the crush of bodies。 God what a horror it must have been right on this tranquil spot!
 And the Mexicans had succumbed too; by the millions … they could keep the desperate masses streaming south from crossing over; but they couldn't keep the radiation clouds in the north。 And Mexico; too; became a haunted corpse of a country。 Even though she had nothing to do with the great psychotic contest between the Eastern and Western blocs of nations。 Mexico too suffered the results of that culminating madness…of…all…madness that is nuclear war。。。
 Class Act seemed anxious to go on。 She stood up and rushed back and forth on the dusty surface。 Rockson petted her; pulled her ears。 The tongue slipped out and ran over his wrist。 〃Nice wolf…doggie; nice。〃 He turned to the group; who were already putting on their black helmets and heading to start their bikes。
 〃Class Act has the right idea。 Let's get traveling。 Prepare to cross the shallows;〃 Rockson ordered; struggling from his reverie。 〃But I'll go first … with Detroit。 We'll cross at that lazy bend … it's just inches deep; I hope。。。 I don't want all of us to be out there together at the same time; that's too vulnerable。 I don't expect any danger; but just because it looks okay; doesn't mean it is。〃
 There was a sandy but firm bottom under the half foot of the gently moving warmish water; and so there was no need to improvise a way of keeping their vehicles dry。 They easily waded their cycles across。 First Rockson went across; then Detroit crossed the twenty yards of shallow water; steering his cycle with his meaty hands。 Rockson and Detroit took up position in a scrubby copse of trees on the other side before the Doomsday Warrior waved the rest of the party onward。
 They were in Mexico。 The terrain was prairie…like; the vegetation consisting mostly of sagebrush and scattered cacti。
 The motorcycles were again showing their stuff; and the group were making a good 150 miles per hour。 Danik was now keeping up; and; though he had nearly failed his trial spins at Yumak City; was no longer a bit afraid。
 〃There wasn't much need for speed in Eden;〃 he had explained。 〃The whole city…world is ten miles long by a mile wide。〃 They slowed down。 It was getting a bit muddy。 There wasn't a bit of snow on the ground anymore; and a gentle rain was beginning。
 They saw a purplish mountain range。 Six bumps on the horizon。 〃That's it … I remember now;〃 Danik shouted。 The tallest one … that's where I came from。〃
 Rockson urged them onward。 It was nearly night…fall; the purplish sky melding with blackness to the east that was already filled with stars。 The atmosphere had been thinner ever since N…Day; so even before the sun was set; you could see many of the brighter constellations。
 The mountains loomed larger and larger; the terrain grew rocky; and they lost time。 The last rays of sun flickered over the worn…down peaks of brown sandstone。 They were more barren hills than full…fledged mountains。 Rockson ordered headlamps on。 They roared toward the central peak … Mt。 Obispo。 When the way got precipitous; Rockson raised a hand。
 They stopped; and in the light of the headlamp of his big Harley; which stood up leaning on its kick…stand on the gravelly surface; Rockson took out the map。
 Danik concurred with Rock's assessment of their position。 〃We are upon the entranceway to Eden。〃 He looked nervous; and stated; 〃I hadn't…I hadn't realized we were so close。 We must pull back for a time。 I must explain something to you。〃
 〃Are we at Eden City? If we are; let's get into your tunnel。 We have a date with this madman Stafford。〃
 〃No;〃 Danik insisted。 He was silhouetted in the light of the headlamps; looking impossibly tall and wraithlike。 He said; 〃We must not advance to the entranceway until I explain … please; let us retreat behind that hill at least; until I explain。〃
 Rockson begrudgingly agreed。 They turned their cycles around and retreated behind the hill。 Rock got quickly off his vehicle and put the kickstand down。 〃Now; why the hell can't we go in? Time is passing; every second counts …〃
 〃I regret to say;〃 admitted the Eden City citizen; 〃that I omitted some detail about Eden whe
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