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izens … maybe they will last longer。 Their eyes are strange。。。 especially that one with the white streak through his hair。 And that woman … have you ever seen such a tall woman … of such coloring? Maybe they are humanoid; but they are not human。〃
 〃Keep your weapons accurately aimed; men;〃 Bdos ordered as the prisoners were helped aboard the barge。
 The barge motor was turned on and the flat wide boat that had lain hidden in the reeds slowly moved out low in the water; carrying its prisoners back to Eden City。 Rockson and the tall muscled bald man who was the leader of the Civil Guard; the man they called Bdos Err; had a sort of staring contest。 Rockson sensed the man was not like his two henchmen。 No; this Bdos Err had some sort of nobility。 What was it? A sense of purpose? What purpose could an intelligent man have in serving a mad dictator? No; it wasn't purpose he saw in the burly man wearing the metal armor。 It was … duty。 Yes; duty propelled this man。 Not avarice; or cunning; but simply duty。 The perfect soldier … obeys orders。 Obeys anyone in authority; even the mad。 Even to mit atrocities if so ordered。
 Rockson spent less time on the two henchmen。 The one they called Nunchaku…man was of an estimable height; and like his boss; the man appeared well muscled and alert。 But that half…grin he wore; the curl of those lips under that long twisted black moustache。。。 Sadism; pure and simple。 He was in his position because he was terror incarnate。 Men who would not fear Bdos; despite the man's power and his blind obedience; feared the wrath of Nunchaku…man。
 And at the stubby bow of the barge; his face to the warm foul wind; stood Dedman。 Dedman … what an apt name for the gray…faced expressionless killer with the sword stuck jauntily into his scabbard。 He held that long metal spear of his … Rock noted the bit of dried red on its tip … as if it were a part of his physique。 He had a rigid posture; his eyes were like that of an automaton。
 Danik whispered information about the three Civil Guards。 They were raised in an abnormal way … the result of genetic experiments; they had been created in vitro; in petri dish fertilization。 They had been kept by machines; fed intravenously for ten years; fed a special vitamin formula that made them stronger than all the others of Eden。 All the others in the experiment had died but these three。 They'd been taught the arts of death by an old man; the last of his warrior class; some dozen years ago。
 Rockson paid scant attention to the rest of the thin crew that had disarmed and bound him and his friends。 They would be nothing without their disintegrator sidearms。 And probably not very good with the weapons; either。 The three leaders showed their disdain for the lower ranks by not carrying any modern weapons。 If there was a showdown; the coiled bullwhip of Bdos Err and the nunchaku and the sword and spear of his henchmen would be the difficulty。
 The water vessel approached the docks now。 Before Rockson; in a chemical…brown smog of stale air; stood the oddest city Rockson had ever encountered in all his journeys。 It was so damned squalid。 Sooty five… or six…story buildings; totally devoid of adornment; featureless; storeless streets perfectly perpendicular to one another。
 The gray…brown buildings seemed to eat up the faint artificial sunlight that poured down from above。 No building; as far as Rock could see from the barge; had any design or style except the geometric … cubes; triangles; pentagons。 The building blocks must have been cut from gray basalt or like volcanic rock。 And built according to some simple; unimaginative; functional formula。
 No; that wasn't quite true。。。 Rockson saw; at the far side of the cavern…city about five hundred yards down the broad main avenue; a taller building。 A seven…story job。 The other buildings in the city had no glass; this one seemed to be made entirely of black glass。 It glimmered bleakly in the eternal sunlight。
 The broad avenue leading to it filled with activity。 From the hidden side streets poured a crowd of squat; pale; listless people。 They headed toward the docks; not with excitement; which would be the expected response; but with a measured; almost parade…like cadence。 When they reached the concrete abutment bordering the landing area; they stood about looking at the strange doings with almost…glassed colorless eyes。 Most were of the short variety; the mon mold of Edenites。 Rockson saw。 But some were tall and ungainly slender; with pink eyes like Danik's。 This was a dismal group。
 They were summarily unloaded; their captors herding them soundlessly up the ramp。 The crowd of onlookers parted to allow them to be marched down the broad avenue toward what; Rockson supposed; was Stafford's Government Building。 The edifice at the end of the avenue。
 As they approached Stafford's headquarters; Rock felt that this particular building seemed to exude evil from its volcanic…glass bricks。 Its stolid structure glinted ominously; absorbing and bending the unhealthy 〃sun's〃 light。
 The leader of the Freefighters could see himself and the others twisting and turning grotesquely in the poorly cut glassy stone walls of the building。 They were paraded around to the rear; and up to the wide staircase entrance。 The stairs were high。 and entered the building halfway up。 An odd thing; Rockson thought。 Perhaps it was done to intimidate。 This structure was intimidating。
 They were urged along with the disintegrators at their backs; told to ascend the long staircase。 Each Freefighter had his own guard holding him。
 There was no bannister; and by the time one reached the open doorway it was a bone…breaking drop on both sides of the stairs。 Rockson considered that he could easily shove his particular guard off the precipitous topmost step and manage to land upon him; but what would that avail him? More Civil Guards stood below with their disintegrators leveled。 The city was an armed camp。 No; best to wait … for a better time to make a move。 Though he didn't know how he would manage; with the elbows…together; awkward way he was bound。 It hurt。 His circulation was being cut off。 Plus; he still favored one leg。
 Into the circular chamber of the black cube building strode the captors and their charges。 A crowd of gray…robed short men … dressed somewhat; Rockson thought; like Roman senators … were milling about the large chamber。 They noted the new arrivals well; and then reset their eyes upon the center of the room。
 Bdos Err pushed himself through the crowd of 〃senators〃; who were truly eager to give the metal…wearing giant the right of way。
 The milling robed crowd became hushed。 Rockson could see the man seated in a black onyx glass chair at the center of the room now。 Stafford。 He wore a big gray…jewel ring on each of his fat fingers; his hair was short and sparse and bed forward … a bit like Nero。 He was flabby under that blue tunic; Rockson guessed。 At first Rockson thought he was old; but then he realized it was just the thinning hair color and his grayish pallor。 The man could be just in his thirties; judging by the smooth skin of his flaccid; unwrinkled face。 An unhealthy man。 And sick men in power do sick things。 His gray eyes were unfocused。
 〃Sir;〃 Bdos Err reported; saluting smartly; his left hand crossing his chest of metal。 〃We have apprehended Danik's party as they came into our paradise。〃
 Stafford smiled。 〃Wonderful。 Wonderful。 Bring them forth。〃
 Bdos snapped out rapid orders; and the Freefighters; with Danik in front; were brought before the chair and lined up so that Stafford could view them。
 〃What's this? Stafford said; rising from his black chair in surprise。 〃Who are these people? They are most strange。。。〃 He rubbed his chin; stepping over to Danik。 Stafford put his face near the tall albino and said; 〃Danik; what manner of beings have you brought back with you from the surface? Some sort of radiation mutations; no doubt。 Eh?〃
 〃These are my friends;〃 Danik said。 〃And they are proof that the surface world is livable。 And not only livable; a paradise of light and color and fresh air。〃
 〃Heresy;〃 someone muttered; and then a chant went up among the senators; 〃Heresy; heresy; heresy。。。〃
 Stafford waved his hand in the air; and the chant subsided。
 〃Well; well。 Friends; you say? Let me look these odd mutants over for a moment。〃 Stafford walked slowly down the line as if he were reviewing an honor guard; as if he were going to say; 〃Tighten that collar; mister; straighten your posture; recruit。〃
 But he paused an extra long time when he reached Rona。 He looked her up and down。 Not with sexual desire; but with curiosity。
 〃A woman of the surface? Indeed; she is too well built for a woman。 She is definitely a mutant。〃
 Then Stafford came to Rockson。 〃Mismatched eyes; huh。〃 Stafford mented。 〃And a white streak in your hair。 My; my; another mutant。〃 He lifted his flaccid many…ringed hand and pressed a finger to Rockson's chin。 Rockson twisted his face to the side。 Stafford smiled。 〃And a spunky mutant at that; eh?〃
 Stafford went to his chair; and climbed up on one broad flat arm of it。 〃Edenites;〃 Stafford shouted; his voice echoing in the chamber; 〃Danik has returned and brought us some 
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