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e really are。
  Blade sidled alongside; his blue carapace steaming as dew evaporated from the seams of his shell…a sure sign of anxiety。 He rocked a plex rhythm among his five chitinous legs。
  〃Sara; do you have a rewq? Can you put it on and see if I'm mistaken?〃
  〃Sorry。 I gave mine up。 All those colors and raw emotions get in the way of paying close attention to language。〃 She did not add that it had grown painful to wear the things; ever since she made the mistake of using one at Joshu's funeral。 〃Why?〃 she asked。 〃What's got you worried?〃
  Blade's cupola trembled; and the rewq that was wrapped around it quivered。 〃The people onshore…they seem。。。 strange somehow。〃
  Sara peered through the morning haze。 The Bing Villagers were mostly human; but there were also hoon; traeki; and qheuens in the mix。 Likes attract; she thought。 Orthodox fanaticism crossed racial lines。
  As does heresy; Sara noted; recalling that her own brother was part of a movement no less radical than the folk who had brought down this bridge。
  Several coracles set forth from tree…shrouded shelters; aiming to intercept the riverboat。 〃Are they ing to pilot us through?〃 young Jomah asked。
  He got his answer when the first grappling hook whistled; then fell to the deck of the Hauph…woa。
  Others swiftly followed。
  〃We mean you no harm。〃 shouted a thick…armed man in the nearest skiff。 〃e ashore; and we'll take care of you。 All we want is your boat。〃
  That was the wrong thing to say to the proud crew of a river…runner。 Every hoon but the helmsman ran to seize and toss overboard the offending hooks。 But more grapplers sailed aboard for every one they removed。
  Then Jomah pointed downstream。 〃Look!〃
  If anyone still wondered what the Bingites planned for the Hauph…woa; all doubts vanished at the sight of a charred ruin; blackened ribs spearing upward like a huge; half…burned skeleton。 It triggered an umble of dismay from the crew; resonating down Sara's spine and sending the noor beasts into frenzied fits of barking。
  The hoon redoubled their efforts; tearing frantically at the hooks。
  Sara's first instinct was to shield the Stranger。 But the wounded man seemed safe; still unconscious under Pzora's protecting bulk。
  〃e on;〃 she told Blade。 〃We better help。〃
  Pirates often used to attack ships this way until the Great Peace。 Perhaps the attackers' own ancestors used the technique in deadly earnest; during the bad old days。 The grapples; made of pointy Buyur metal; dug deep when the cables tautened。 Sara realized in dismay that the cords were mule fiber; treated by a traeki process that made them damnably hard to cut。 Worse; the lines stretched not just to the coracles but all the way to shore; where locals hauled them taut with blocks and tackle。 Hoon strength; helped by Blade's great claws; barely sufficed to wrestle the hooks free。 Still; Sara tried to help; and even the g'Kek passenger kept lookout with four keen eyes; shouting to warn when another boat drew near。 Only Jop leaned against the mast; watching with clear amusement。 Sara had no doubt who the orthodox tree farmer was rooting for。
  The beach loomed ever closer。 If the Hauph…woa made it past midpoint; she'd have the river's pull on her side。 But even that force might be too little to break the strong cords。 When the keel scraped sand; it would spell the end。
  In desperation; the crew hit on a new tactic。 Taking up axes; they chopped away at planks and rails; wherever a grapple had dug in; tearing out whole wooden chunks to throw overboard; attacking their own vessel with a fury that was dazzling to behold; given normal hoon placidity。
  Then; all at once; the deck jerked under Sara's feet as the whole boat suddenly shuddered; slewing; as if the center mast were a pivot。
  〃They've hooked the rudder!〃 someone cried。
  Sara looked over the stern and saw a massive metal barb speared through the great hinged paddle the helmsman used to steer the ship。 The rudder could not be pulled aboard or chopped loose without crippling the Hauph…woa; leaving it adrift and helpless。
  Prity bared her teeth and screamed。 Though shivering with fear; the little ape started climbing over the rail; till Sara stopped her with a firm hand。
  〃It's my job;〃 she said tersely; and without pause shrugged out of her tunic and kilt。 A sailor handed her a hatchet with a strap…thong through the haft。
  Don't everybody speak up all at once to argue me out of doing this; she thought sardonically; knowing no one would。
  Some things were simply obvious。
  The hatchet hung over one shoulder。 It wasn't forting to feel its metal coolness stroke her left breast as she climbed; even though the cutting edge still bore a leather cover。
  Clothes would have been an impediment。 Sara needed her toes; especially; to seek footholds on the Hauph…woa's stern。 The clinker construction style left overlaps in the boards that helped a bit。 Still; she could not prevent shivering; half from the morning chill and partly from stark terror。 Sweaty palms made it doubly hard; even though her mouth felt dry as urrish breath。
  I haven't done any climbing in years!
  To nonhumans; this must look like another day's work for a tree…hugging Earthling。 Kind of like expecting every urs to be a courier runner; or all traekis to make a good martini。 In fact; Jop was the logical one for this task; but the captain didn't trust the man; with good reason。
  The crew shouted tense encouragement as she clambered down the stern; holding the rudder with one arm。 Meanwhile; derisive scorn came from the coracles and those ashore。 Great。 More attention than I ever had in my life; and I'm stark naked at the time。
  The mule…cable groaned with tension as villagers strained on pulleys to haul Hauph…woa toward the beach; where several gray qheuens gathered; holding torches that loomed so frighteningly close that Sara imagined she could hear the flames。 At last; she reached a place where she could plant her feet and hands…bracing her legs in a way that forever surrendered all illusions of personal modesty。 She had to tear the leather cover off the ax with her teeth and got a bitter electrical taste from the reddish metal。 It made her shudder…then tense up as she almost lost her grip。 The boat's churning wake looked oily and bitter cold。
  Jeers swelled as she hacked at the rudder blade; sending chips flying; trying to cut a crescent around the embedded hook。 She soon finished gouging away above the grapple and was starting on the tougher part below; when something smacked the back of her left hand; sending waves of pain throbbing up her arm。 She saw blood ooze around a wooden sliver; protruding near the wrist。
  A slingshot pellet lay buried halfway in the plank nearby。
  Another glanced off the rudder; ricocheting from the boat's stern; then skipping across the water。
  Someone was shooting at her!
  Why you jeekee; slucking; devoluted。。。
  Sara found an unknown aptitude for cursing; as she went through a wide vocabulary of oaths from five different languages; hacking away with the hatchet more vehemently than ever。 A steady drumbeat of pebbles now clattered against the hull; but she ignored them in a blur of heat and fury。
  〃Otszharsiya; perkiye! Syookai dreesoona!〃
  She ran out of obscenities in Rossic and was starting to plumb urrish GalTwo when the plank abruptly let out a loud crack。 The attached cable moaned; yanking hard at the grappling hook…
  …and the tortured wood gave way。
  The hook snatched the ax out of her hand as it tore free; glittering in the sunlight。 Thrown off balance; Sara struggled to hold on; though her hands were slippery from sweat and blood。 With a gasp she felt her grip fail and she dropped; sucking in deeply; but the Roney slammed her like an icy hammer; driving air from her startled lungs。
  Sara floundered; battling first to reach the surface; then to tread water and sputter a few deep breaths; and finally to keep from getting tangled in all the ropes that lay strewn across the water。 A shiny hook passed a frightening hand's width from her face。 Moments later; she had to dive down to avoid a snarl of cords that might have trapped her。
  The boat's turbulent wake added to her troubles; as the Hauph…woa took advantage of its chance to flee。
  Her chest ached by the time she hit surface again…to e face…to…face with a lanky young man; leaning on the rim of a coracle; clutching a slingshot in one hand。 Surprise rocked him back when their eyes met。 Then his gaze dropped to notice her bareness。
  He blushed。 Hurriedly; the young man put aside his weapon and started shrugging out of his jacket。 To give to her; no doubt。
  〃Thanks。。。〃 Sara gasped。 〃But I gotta。。。 go now。〃
  Her last glimpse of the young villager; as she swam away; showed a crestfallen look of disappointment。 It's too soon yet for him to be a hardened pirate; Sara thought。 This new; hard world hasn't yet rubbed away the last traces of gallantry。
  But give it time。
  Now she had the river's current behind her as she swam; and soon Sara glimpsed the Hauph…woa downstream。 The crew had the boat turned and were stroking to stay in place; now that t
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