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om the Harkonnen homeworld。〃 Yresk shrugged his bony shoulders。 〃You don't expect us to trust you pletely; do you? Be thankful the Old Duke trusts you as much as he does。〃
〃But I had nothing to do with the Battle of Corrin;〃 Duncan said; still not understanding。 〃What does that have to do with the bulls? That was a long time ago。〃
〃And that's about all the jabber I have time for this afternoon。〃 Yresk removed a long…handled manure scraper from a prong on the wall。 〃You just keep your suspicions to yourself from now on。 Everyone here knows what he's supposed to do。〃
Though Duncan worked hard and did everything he could to earn his keep; the fact that he had e from the Harkonnens continued to cause him grief。 Some of the others working in the stables; not just Yresk; treated him as a barely concealed spy。。。though what Rabban would have wanted with a nine…year…old infiltrator; Duncan couldn't guess。
Not until now; however; had he felt so affronted by the prejudice。 〃There's something wrong with the bulls; sir;〃 he insisted。 〃The Duke needs to know about it before his bullfight。〃
Yresk laughed at him again。 〃When I need the advice of a child in my business; I'll be sure to ask you; young Idaho。〃 The stablemaster left; and Duncan returned to the stalls to stare at the agitated; ferocious Salusan bulls。 They glared back at him with burning; faceted eyes。
Something was terribly wrong。 He knew it; but no one would listen to him。
Imperfections; if viewed in the proper light; can be extremely valuable。 The Great Schools; with their incessant questing for perfection; often find this postulate difficult to understand; until it is proven to them that nothing in the universe is random。
…From The Philosophies of Old Terra; one of the recovered manuscripts
In the darkness of her isolated and protected bedroom in the Mother School plex; Mohiam sat straight up; holding her swollen belly。 Her skin felt tight and leathery; without the resilience of youth。 Her bedclothes were drenched in perspiration; and the nightmare remained fresh in her mind。 The back of her skull pounded with visions of blood; and flames。
It had been an omen; a message。。。a screaming premonition that no Bene Gesserit could ignore。
She wondered how much melange her nurse had given her; and if it might have interacted with some other medication they'd administered。 She could still taste the bitter gingery…cinnamon flavor inside her mouth。 How much spice was it safe for a pregnant woman to take? Mohiam shuddered。 No matter how she tried to rationalize her terror; she could not ignore the power of the sending。
Dreams。。。nightmares。。。prescience foretelling terrible events that would shake the Imperium for millennia。 A future that must never e to pass! She dared not ignore the warning。。。but could she trust herself to interpret it correctly?
Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam was but a tiny pebble at the beginning of an avalanche。
Did the Sisterhood really know what it was doing? And what about the baby growing inside her; still a month from term? The vision's focus had been centered on her daughter。 Something important; something terrible。。。。 The Reverend Mothers had not told her everything; and now even the Sisters in Other Memory were afraid。
The room smelled damp from the rain outside: The old plaster walls were wet and powdery。 Though precise heaters kept her private chamber at a fortable temperature; the homiest warmth came from the embers in the low fire opposite her bed an inefficient anachronism; but the aroma of woodsmoke and the yellow…orange glow of coals inspired a sort of primal placency。
The fires of destruction; the blaze of an inferno sweeping from planet to planet across the galaxy。 Jihad! Jihad! That was to be the fate of humanity if something went wrong with the Bene Gesserit plans for her daughter。
Mohiam sat up in her bed; posed herself mentally; and ran a quick check through the systems of her body。 No emergencies; everything functioning normally; all biochemistry optimal。
Had it only been a nightmare。。。or something more?
More rationalization。 She knew she must not make excuses; but she had to heed what the premonition had shown her。 Other Memory knew the truth。
Mohiam remained under close observation by the Sisters possibly even now。 A purple light in the corner of her room was attached to a night…vision eye; with watchdogs on the other end who reported to Reverend Mother Anirul Sadow Tonkin; the young woman who seemed to carry an importance beyond her years。 Finally; though; in Mohiam's dream the secretive Other Memory Voices had hinted at Anirul's place in the project。 The nightmare had jarred them loose; shocked the reticent recollections into veiled explanations。
Kwisatz Haderach。 The Shortening of the Way。 The Bene Gesserit's long…sought…after messiah and superbeing。
The Sisterhood had numerous breeding programs; building upon various characteristics of humanity。 Many of them were unimportant; some even served as diversions or shams。 None held such prominence as the Kwisatz Haderach program; though。
As an ancient security measure at the beginning of the hundred…generation plan; the Reverend Mothers with knowledge of the scheme had sworn themselves to silence; even in Other Memory; vowing to divulge the full details to none but a rare few each generation。
Anirul was one such; the Kwisatz Mother。 She knew everything about the program。 That is why even Mother Superior must listen to her!
Mohiam herself had been kept in the dark; though the daughter growing in her womb was to be only three steps away from the culmination。 By now the real genetic plan had been set in stone; the end of thousands of years of tinkering and planning。 The future would ride on this new child。 Her first daughter; the flawed one; had been a misstep; a mistake。
And any mistake could bring about the terrible future she had foreseen。
Mohiam's nightmare had shown her what could happen to humanity's destiny if the plan went astray。 The premonition had been like a gift; and difficult as the decision was; she could not fail to act on it。 She didn't dare。
Does Anirul know my thoughts; too; the terrible act foretold in my dream? A warning; a promise or a mand?
Thoughts。。。Other Memory。。。the multitude of ancient ones within offered their advice; their fears; their warnings。 They could no longer keep their knowledge of the Kwisatz Haderach silent; as they had always done before。 Mohiam could call to them now; and at their discretion they would e forth; individually or in multitudes。 She might ask them for collective guidance; but she didn't want that。 They had already revealed enough to awaken her with a scream on her lips。
Mistakes must not be allowed to happen。
Mohiam had to make her own decision; choose her own path into the future and determine how best to prevent the hideous blood…filled fate she had foreseen。
Rising from her bed; straightening her nightclothes; Mohiam moved ponderously through darkness into the next room; the creche where the babies were kept。 Her swollen belly made it more difficult to walk。 Mohiam wondered if the Sisterhood's watchdogs would stop her。
Her own churning thoughts made her pause。 Inside the dim; warm nursery; she detected the irregular; imperfect breathing of her first Harkonnen daughter; now nine months old。 And in her womb the unborn sister kicked and twisted was this one driving her forward? Had the baby inside triggered the premonition?
The Sisterhood needed a perfect daughter; healthy and strong。 Flawed offspring were irrelevant。 In any other circumstance; the Bene Gesserit could have found a use even for a sickly and crippled child。 But Mohiam had seen her vital place in the Kwisatz Haderach program and seen what would happen if the program went down the wrong path。
The dream was bright in her mind; like a holo…schematic。 She simply had to follow it; without thinking。 Do it。 Heavy consumption of melange often offered prescient visions; and Mohiam had no doubt of what she had seen。 The vision was clear as Hagal crystal billions murdered; the Imperium toppled; the Bene Gesserit nearly destroyed; another jihad raging across the galaxy; sweeping away all in its path。
All of that would happen if the breeding plan went wrong。 What did one unwanted life matter in the face of such epochal threats?
Her sickly first daughter by the Baron Harkonnen was in the way; a risk。 That girl…child had the potential to ruin the orderly progression along the genetic ladder。 Mohiam had to remove any possibility of that mistake; or she could find the blood of billions on her hands。
But my own child?
She reminded herself that this was not really her child; it was a product of the Bene Gesserit mating index and the property of every Sister who had mitted herself knowingly or unknowingly to the overall breeding program。 She'd borne other offspring in her service to the Sisterhood; but only two would carry such a dangerous bination of genes。
Two。 But there could be only one。 Otherwise; the risk was too great。
This weak baby would never suit the master plan。 The Sisterhood had already discarded her。 Perhaps someday the child could be raised as a servant or cook at