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rd that tics developed in her jaw muscles; she pulled once more until she felt the arteries throbbing in her temples and saw red and silver pinwheels of light spinning behind her eyelids。 But she wasn't rewarded with any breaking sounds。 The chair was solid; the spindles were thick; and every joint was well made。
 Her heart boomed; partly because of her struggles but largely because she was brimming with an exhilarating sense of liberation。 Which was crazy; crazy; because she was still shackled; no closer to breaking her bonds than she had been at any moment since she'd awakened in this chair。 Yet she felt as if she had already escaped and was only waiting for reality to catch up with the freedom that she had Willed for herself。
 She sat gasping; thinking。 Sweat beaded her brow。 Forget the chair for now。 To get loose from it; she would have to be able to stand and move。 She couldn't deal with the chair until she was free of the table。
 She was unable to reach down far enough to unscrew the carabiner that joined the shorter chain between her ankles to the longer chain that entwined the chair and the table。 Otherwise; she might easily have freed her legs from both pieces of furniture。
 If she could overturn the table; the loop of chain that wrapped the supporting pedestal and connected with her leg irons would then slide free as the bottom of that barrel tipped up and off the floor。 Wouldn't it? Sitting in the dark; she couldn't quite visualize the mechanics of what she was proposing; but she thought that turning the table on its side would work。
 Unfortunately; the chair across from hers; the one in which Vess had sat; was an obstruction that would most likely prevent the table from tipping over。 She had to get rid of it; clear the way。 Shackled as she was; however; and with the barrel pedestal intervening; she couldn't extend her legs far enough to kick at the other chair and knock it aside。 Hobbled and tethered; she was also unable to stand and reach across the big round table and simply push the obstruction out of the way。
 Finally she tried scooting backward in her chair; hoping to drag the table with her; away from Vess's chair。 The chain encircling the pedestal drew taut。 As she strained backward; digging her heels into the floor; it seemed that the piece was too heavy to be dragged; and she wondered if the barrel was filled with a bag of sand to keep the table from wobbling。 But then it creaked and stuttered a few inches across the vinyl tiles; rattling the sandwich plate and the glass of water that stood on it。
 This was harder work than she had anticipated。 She felt as though she were on one of those television shows devoted to stunts and stupid physical challenges; pulling a railroad car。 A loaded railroad car。 Nevertheless; the table moved grudgingly。 In a couple of minutes; after pausing twice to get her breath; she stopped because she was concerned that she might back against the wall between the kitchen and the laundry room; she needed to leave herself some maneuvering space。 Although it was difficult to estimate distance in the dark; she believed that she had dragged the table about three feet; far enough to be clear of Vess's chair。
 Trying to favor her sprained finger; she placed her cuffed hands under the table and lifted。 It weighed considerably more than she did…a two…inch pine top; the thick staves in the supporting barrel; the black iron hoops around the staves; perhaps that bag of sandand she couldn't get much leverage while she was forced to remain seated。 The bottom of the barrel tipped up an inch; then two inches。 The water glass toppled; spilling its contents; rolled away from her; dropped off the table; and shattered on the floor。 All the noise made it seem as if her plan was working…she hissed; 〃Yes! 〃…but then because she had underestimated the weight and the effort required to move it; she had to relent; and the barrel slammed down。
 Chyna flexed her muscles; took a deep breath; and immediately returned to the task。 This time she planted her feet as far apart as her shackles would allow。 On the underside of the table; she flattened her upturned palms against the pine; thumbs hooked toward herself over the smooth bull…nose edge。 She tensed her legs as well as her arms; and when she shoved up on the table; she pushed with her legs too; getting to her feet an inch at a time; one hard…won inch for each inch that the table tipped up and backward。 She did not have enough slack in the various tethering chains to be able to get all the way or halfway erect; so she rose haltingly in a stiff and awkward crouch; cramped under the weight of the table。 She put enormous strain on her knees and thighs; wheezing; shuddering with the effort; but she persevered because each precious inch that she was able to gain improved her leverage; she was using her entire body to lift; lift; lift。
 The sandwich plate and the bag of potato chips slid off the table。 China cracked and chips scattered across the floor with a sound unnervingly like scurrying rodents。
 The pain in her neck was excruciating; and someone seemed to be twisting a corkscrew into her right clavicle。 But pain couldn't stop her。 It motivated。 The greater her pain; the more she identified with Laura and the whole Templeton family; with the young man hanging in the motor…home closet; with the service…station clerks; and with all the people who might be buried down in the meadow; and the more she identified with them; the more she wanted Edgler Vess to suffer a world of hurt。 She was in an Old Testament mood; unwilling to turn the other cheek just now。 She wanted Vess screaming on a rack; stretched until his joints popped apart and his tendons tore。 She didn't want to see him confined to a state hospital for the criminally insane; there to be analyzed and counseled and instructed as to how best to increase his self…esteem; treated with a panoply of antipsychotic drugs; given a private room and television; booked in card tournaments with his fellow patients; and treated to a turkey dinner on Christmas。 Instead of having him consigned to the mercies of psychiatrists and social workers; Chyna wanted to condemn him to the skilled hands of an imaginative torturer; and then see how long the sonofabitch bastard freak remained faithful to his philosophy about all experiences being value neutral; all sensations equally worthwhile。 This ardent desire; refined from her pain; was not noble in the least; but it was pure; a high…octane fael that burned with an intense light; and it kept her motor running。
 This side of the barrel pedestal was off the floor perhaps three inches…she could only guess…approximately as high as she had gotten it before; but she still had plenty of steam left。 Bent in a backward Z; as hunched as a God…cursed troll; she muscled the table up; knees aching; thighs quive7ing with the strain; her butt clenched tighter than a politician's fist around a cash bribe。 She encouraged herself aloud by talking to the table as if it possessed awareness: 〃e on; e on; e on; move; shit; shit; move; you sonofabitcb; higher; e on; damn you; damn it; e on。 〃
 A ludicrous mental image of herself flashed through her mind: She must resemble a character in one of those movie scenes where the deceived cowboy cottons to the truth and overturns the poker table on the dishonest itinerant cardshark; except that she was playing the drama in slow motion; as in a Western underwater。
 Initially the chair remained exactly where it had been when her butt parted pany with it; but as her arms lifted higher and stretched farther in front of her; the heavy chair was hoisted off the floor by the tightening chain that circled behind her from wrist to wrist and wound through the vertical spindles behind the tie…on pad。 Now she was lifting the table in front and the chair at her back。 The hard edge of the seat jammed against her thighs; and the curved pine headpiece of the railed back pressed cruelly below her shoulder blades; as the chair began to act like a V…clamp to prevent her from rising much further。
 Nevertheless; Chyna squeezed against the table as she lifted it; separating herself from the confining chair enough to be able to rise out of her crouch just one more inch; then one more。 At the extreme limits of strength and endurance; she grunted loudly; rhythmically: 〃Uh; uh; uh; uh!〃 Sweat glazed her face; stung her eyes; but there was no light in the kitchen anyway; no reason she had to see what she was doing in order to get it done。 Her burning eyes didn't bother her; this was small…time pain; but she felt as though she was about to burst a blood vessel from the straining…or throw a clot off an artery wall and recapture it deep in her brain。
 Fear was with her again; for the first time in hours; because even as she strained against the table; she couldn't help thinking about what Edgler Vess would do with her if he returned home to find her on the floor; dazed and incoherent from a stroke。 With her mind reduced to hasty pudding; she would no longer be the sophisticated toy she had been; she'd be insufficiently responsive to provide him with the requisite thrills when he tortured her。 Then perhaps Vess would revert to the crude turtle games of his youth。 Maybe 
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