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 He was falling for her; and she was falling (though a bit less precipitously) for him。 As it turned out; Max's bosses at Rodale & Burns liked his slogan but hated the concept of Dinah the Mynah。 The executives of Crespo Mills concurred。 When the new cereal finally debuted; the box featured a likeness of basketball legend Patrick Ewing; slam…dunking a giddy cartoon plum。 Surveys later revealed that many customers thought it was either an oversized grape or a prune。 Plum Crunchies failed to capture a significant share of the fruited…branflake breakfast market and quietly disappeared forever from the shelves。
 Bonnie and Max's long…distance romance endured。 She found herself carried along by his energy; determination and self…confidence; misplaced as it often was。 While Bonnie was bothered by Max's tendency to judge humankind strictly according to age; race; sex and median ine; she attributed his cold eye to indoctrination by the advertising business。 She herself had bee cynical about the brain activity of the average consumer; given Crespo's worldwide success with such dubious food products as salted doughballs; whipped olive spread and shrimp…flavored popcorn。
 In the early months of courtship; Max invented a game intended to impress Bonnie Brooks。 He bet that he could guess precisely what model of automobile a person owned; based on his or her demeanor; wardrobe and physical appearance。 The skill was intuitive; Max told Bonnie; a gift。 He said it's what made him such a canny advertising pro。 On dates; he'd sometimes follow strangers out of restaurants or movie theaters to see what they were driving。 〃Ha! A Lumina…what'd I tell ya? The guy had midsize written all over him!〃 Max would chirp when his guess was correct (which was; by Bonnie's generous reckoning; about five percent of the time)。 Before long; the car game grew tiresome and Bonnie Brooks asked Max Lamb to stop。 He didn't take it personally; he was a hard man to insult。 This; too; Bonnie attributed to the severe environment of Madison Avenue。
 While Bonnie's father was amiably indifferent to Max; her mother was openly unfond of him。 She felt he tried too hard; came on too strong; that he was trying to sell himself to Bonnie the same way he sold breakfast cereal and cigarets。 It wasn't that Bonnie's mother thought Max Lamb was a phony; just the opposite。 She believed he was exactly what he seemed to be…pletely goal…driven; every waking moment。 He was no different at home than he was at the office; no less consumed with attaining success。 There was; said Bonnie's mother; a sneaky arrogance in Max Lamb's winning attitude。 Bonnie thought it was an odd criticism; ing from a woman who had regarded Bonnie's previous boyfriends as timid; unmotivated losers。 Still; her mother had never used the term 〃asshole〃 to describe Bonnie's other suitors。 That she pinned it so quickly on Max Lamb nagged painfully at Bonnie until her wedding day。
 Now; with Max apparently abducted by a raving madman; Bonnie fretted about something else her mother had often mentioned; a trait of Max's so obvious that even Bonnie had acknowledged it。 Augustine knew what she was talking about。
 〃Your husband thinks he can outsmart anybody。〃
 〃Unfortunately;〃 Bonnie said。
 〃I can tell from the phone tapes。〃
 〃Well;〃 she said; fishing for encouragement; 〃he's managed to make it so far。〃
 〃Maybe he's learned when to keep his mouth shut。〃 Augustine stood up and stretched his arms。 〃I'm tired。 Can we do the scar thing some other time?〃
 Bonnie Lamb laughed and said sure。 She waited until she heard the bedroom door shut before she phoned Pete Archibald at his home in Connecticut。
 〃Did I wake you?〃 she asked。
 〃Heck; no。 Max said you might be calling。〃
 Bonnie's words stuck in her throat。 〃You…Pete; you talked to him?〃
 〃For about an hour。〃
 〃Tonight。 He's all frantic that Bill Knapp's gonna snake the Bronco cigaret account。 I told him not to worry; Billy's tied up with the smokeless division on some stupid rodeo tour…〃
 〃Pete; never mind all that。 Where did Max call from?〃
 〃I don't know; Bon。 I assumed he'd spoken to you。〃
 Bonnie strained to keep the hurt from her voice。 〃Did he tell you what happened?〃
 On the other end; Pete Archibald clucked and ummmed nervously。 〃Not all the gory details; Bonnie。 Everybody…least all the couples I know…go through the occasional bedroom drama。 Fights and whatnot。 I don't blame you for not giving me the real story when you called before。〃
 Bonnie Lamb's voice rose。 〃Peter; Max and I aren't fighting。 And I did tell you the real story。〃 She caught herself。 〃At least it was the story Max told me。〃
 After an unfortable pause; Pete Archibald said; 〃Bon; you guys work it out; OK? I don't want to get in the middle。〃
 〃You're right; you're absolutely right。〃 She noticed that her free hand was balled in a fist and she was rocking sideways in the chair。 〃Pete; I won't keep you。 But maybe you could tell me what else Max said。〃
 〃Shop talk; Bonnie。〃
 〃For a whole hour?〃
 〃Well; you know your husband。 He gets rolling; you know what he's like。〃
 Maybe I don't; Bonnie thought。
 She said good…bye to Pete Archibald and hung up。 Then she went to Augustine's room and knocked on the door。 When he didn't answer; she slipped in and sat lightly on the corner of the bed。 She thought he was asleep; until he rolled over and said: 〃Not a good night for the skull room; huh?〃
 Bonnie Lamb shook her head and began to cry。
 Edie Marsh gave it her best shot。 For a while; the plan went smoothly。 The man from Midwest Casualty took meticulous notes as he followed her from room to room in the Torres house。 Many of the couple's belongings had been pulverized beyond recognition; so Edie began embellishing losses to inflate the claim。 She lovingly described the splintered remains of a china cabinet as a priceless antique that Tony inherited from a great…grandmother in San Juan。 Pausing before a bare bedroom wall; she pointed to the nails upon which once hung two original (and very expensive) watercolors by the legendary Jean…Claude Jarou; a martyred Haitian artist whom Edie invented off the top of her head。 A splintered bedroom bureau became the hand…hewn mahogany vault that had yielded eight cashmere sweaters to the merciless winds of the hurricane。
 〃Eight sweaters;〃 said Fred Dove; glancing up from his clipboard。 〃In Miami?〃
 〃The finest Scottish cashmeres…can you imagine? Ask your wife if it wouldn't break her heart。〃
 Fred Dove took a small flashlight from his jacket and went outside to evaluate structural damage。 Soon Edie heard barking from the backyard; followed by emphatic human profanities。 By the time she got there; both dachshunds had gotten a piece of the insurance man。 Edie led him inside; put him in the BarcaLounger; rolled up his cuffs and tended his bloody ankles with Evian and Ivory liquid; which she salvaged from the kitchen。
 〃I'm glad they're not rottweilers;〃 said Fred Dove; soothed by Edie's ministrations with a soft towel。
 Repeatedly she apologized for the attack。 〃For what it's worth; they've had all their shots;〃 she said; with no supporting evidence whatsoever。
 She instructed Fred Dove to stay in the recliner and keep his feet elevated; to slow the bleeding。 Leaning back; he spotted Tony Torres's Salesman of the Year plaque on the wall。 〃Pretty impressive;〃 Fred Dove said。
 〃Yes; it was quite a big day for us。〃 Edie beamed; a game simulation of spousely pride。
 〃And where's Mister Torres tonight?〃
 Out of town; Edie replied; at a mobile…home convention in Dallas。 For the second time; Fred Dove looked doubtful。
 〃Even with the hurricane? Must be a pretty important convention。〃
 〃It sure is;〃 said Edie Marsh。 〃He's getting another award。〃
 〃So he bad to go。 I mean; it'd look bad if he didn't show up。 Like he wasn't grateful or something。〃
 Fred Dove said; 〃I suppose so。 When will Mister Torres be returning to Miami?〃
 Edie sighed theatrically。 〃I just don't know。 Soon; I hope。〃
 The insurance man attempted to lower the recliner; but it kept springing to the sleep position。 Finally Edie Marsh sat on the footrest; enabling Fred Dove to climb out。 He said he wanted to reinspect the damage to the master bedroom。 Edie said that was fine。
 She was rinsing the bloody towel in a sink when the insurance man called。 She hurried to the bedroom; where Fred Dove held up a framed photograph that he'd dug from the storm rubble。 It was a picture of Tony Torres with a large dead fish。 The fish had a mouth the size of a garbage pail。
 〃That's Tony on the left;〃 Edie said with a dry; edgy laugh。
 〃Nice grouper。 Where'd he catch it?〃
 〃The ocean。〃 Where else? thought Edie。
 〃And who's this?〃 The insurance man retrieved another frame off the floor。 The glass was cracked; and the picture was puckered from storm water。 It was a color nine…by…twelve mounted inside gold filigree: Tony Torres with his arm around the waist of a petite but heavy…breasted Latin woman。 Both of them wore loopy champagne smile
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