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ty Coors cans off the bridge。 The two young men were still slightly trashed from a night at the Turtle Kraals in Key West; where the idea of getting stranded in a Force Four hurricane had sounded downright adventurous; a nifty yarn to tell the guys back at the Kappa Alpha house。 The problem was; Jack and Webo had awakened to find themselves out of money as well as beer; with Jack's father expecting his almost…new Lexus to be returned 。。。 well; yesterday。
 So here they were; stuck on one of the longest bridges in the world; with a monster tropical cyclone only a few hours away。 The wind hummed across the Atlantic at a pitch that Jack Fleming and Webo Drake had never before heard; it rocked them on their heels when they got out of the car。 Webo lobbed an empty Coors can toward the concrete rail; but the wind whipped it back hard; like a line drive。 Naturally it then became a contest to see who had the best arm。 In high school Jack Fleming had been a star pitcher; mainly sidearm; so his throws were not as disturbed by the gusts as those of Webo Drake; who had merely played backup quarterback for the junior varsity。 Jack was leading; eight beer cans to six off the bridge; when a hand…an enormous brown hand…appeared with a wet slap on the rail。
 Webo Drake glanced worriedly at his frat brother。 Jack Fleming said; 〃Now what?〃
 A bearded man pulled himself up from a piling beneath the bridge。 He was tall; with coarse silvery hair that hung in matted tangles to his shoulders。 His bare chest was striped with thin pink abrasions。 The man carried several coils of dirty rope under one arm。 He wore camouflage trousers and old brown military boots with no laces。 In his right hand was a crushed Coors can and a dead squirrel。
 Jack Fleming said; 〃You a Cuban?〃
 Webo Drake was horrified。
 Dropping his voice; Jack said: 〃No joke。 I bet he's a rafter。〃
 It made sense。 This was where the refugees usually landed; in the Keys。 Jack spoke loudly to the man with the rope: 〃listed Cubano?〃
 The man brandished the beer can and said: 〃Usted un asshole?〃
 His voice was a rumble that fit his size。 〃Where do you dipshits get off;〃 he said over the wind; 〃throwing your goddamn garbage in the water?〃 The man stepped forward and kicked out a rear passenger window of Jack's father's Lexus。 He threw the empty beer can and the dead squirrel in the back seat。 Then he grabbed Webo Drake by the belt of his jeans。 〃Your trousers dry?〃 the man asked。
 Passengers in the Greyhound bus pressed their faces to the glass to see what was happening。 Behind the Lexus; a family in a rented minivan could be observed locking the doors; a speedy drill they had obviously practiced before leaving the Miami airport。
 Webo Drake said yes; his jeans were dry。 The stranger said; 〃Then hold my eye。〃 With an index finger he calmly removed a glass orb from his left socket and placed it carefully in one of Webo's pants pockets。 〃It loosed up on me;〃 the stranger explained; 〃in all this spray。〃
 Failing to perceive the gravity of the moment; Jack Fleming pointed at the shattered window of his father's luxury sedan。 〃Why the hell'd you do that?〃
 Webo; shaking: 〃Jack; it's all right。〃
 The one…eyed man turned toward Jack Fleming。 〃I count thirteen fucking beer cans in the water and only one hole in your car。 I'd say you got off easy。〃
 〃Forget about it;〃 offered Webo Drake。
 The stranger said; 〃I'm giving you boys a break because you're exceptionally young and stupid。〃
 Ahead of them; the Greyhound bus wheezed; lurched and finally began to inch northward。 The man with the rope opened the rear door of the Lexus and brushed the broken glass off the seat。 〃I need a lift up the road;〃 he said。
 Jack Fleming and Webo Drake said certainly; sir; that would be no trouble at all。 It took forty…five minutes on the highway before they summoned the nerve to ask the one…eyed man what he was doing under the Seven Mile Bridge。
 Waiting; the man replied。
 For what? Webo asked。
 Turn on the radio; the man said。 If you don't mind。
 News of the hurricane was on every station。 The latest forecast put the storm heading due west across the Bahamas; toward a landfall somewhere between Key Largo and Miami Beach。
 〃Just as I thought;〃 said the one…eyed man。 〃I was too far south。 I could tell by the sky。〃
 He had covered his head with a flowered shower cap; Jack Fleming noticed it in the rearview mirror; but withheld ment。 The young man was more concerned about what to tell his father regarding the busted window; and also about the stubborn stain a dead squirrel might leave on fine leather upholstery。
 Webo Drake asked the one…eyed man: 〃What's the rope for?〃
 〃Good question;〃 he said; but gave no explanation。
 An hour later the road spread to four lanes and the traffic began to move at a better clip。 Almost no cars were heading south。 The highway split at North Key Largo; and the stranger instructed Jack Fleming to bear right on County Road 905。
 〃It says there's a toll;〃 Jack said。
 〃Look; we're out of money。〃
 A soggy ten…dollar bill landed on the front seat between Jack Fleming and Webo Drake。 Again the earthquake voice: 〃Stop when we reach the bridge。〃
 Twenty minutes later they approached the Card Sound Bridge; which crosses from North Key Largo to the mainland。 Jack Fleming tapped the brakes and steered to the shoulder。 〃Not here;〃 said the stranger。 〃All the way to the top。〃
 〃The top of the bridge?〃
 〃Are you deaf; junior?〃
 Jack Fleming drove up the slope cautiously。 The wind was ungodly; jostling the Lexus on its springs。 At the crest of the span; Jack pulled over as far as he dared。 The one…eyed man retrieved his glass eye from Webo Drake and got out of the car。 He yanked the plastic cap off his head and jammed it into the waistband of his trousers。
 〃e here;〃 the stranger told the two young men。 〃Tie me。〃 He popped the eye into its socket and cleaned it in a polishing motion with the corner of a bandanna。
 Then he climbed over the rail and inserted his legs back under the gap; so he was kneeling on the precipice。
 Other hurricane evacuees slowed their cars to observe the lunatic scene; but none dared to stop; the man being lashed to the bridge looked wild enough to deserve it。 Jack Fleming and Webo Drake worked as swiftly as possible; given the force of the gusts and the rapidity with which their Key West hangovers were advancing。 The stranger gave explicit instructions about how he was to be trussed; and the fraternity boys did what they were told。 They knotted one end of the rope around the man's thick ankles and ran the other end over the concrete rail。 After looping it four times around his chest; they cinched until he grunted。 Then they threaded the rope under the rail and back to the ankles for the final knotting。
 The product was a sturdy harness that allowed the stranger's arms to wave free。 Webo Drake tested the knots and pronounced them tight。 〃Can we go now?〃 he asked the one…eyed man。
 〃By all means。〃
 〃What about the squirrel; sir?〃
 〃It's all yours;〃 the stranger said。 〃Enjoy。〃
 Jack Fleming coasted the car downhill。 At the foot of the bridge; he veered off the pavement to get clear of the traffic。 Webo Drake found a rusty curtain rod in a pile of trash; and Jack used it to hoist the animal carcass out of his father's Lexus。 Webo stood back; trying to light a cigaret。
 Back on the bridge; under a murderous dark sky; the kneeling stranger raised both arms to the pulsing gray clouds。 Bursts of hot wind made the man's hair stand up like a halo of silver sparks。
 〃Crazy fucker;〃 Jack Fleming rasped。 He stepped over the dead squirrel and threw the curtain rod into the mangroves。 〃You think he had a gun? Because that's what I'm telling my old man: Some nut with a gun kicked out the car window。〃
 Webo Drake pointed with the cigaret and said; 〃Jack; you know what he's waiting for? That crazy idiot; he's waiting on the hurricane。〃
 Although the young men stood two hundred yards away; they could see the one…eyed stranger grinning madly into the teeth of the rising wind。 He wore a smile that blazed。
 〃Brother;〃 Jack said to Webo; 〃let's get the hell out of here。〃 The tollbooth was unmanned; so they blew through at fifty miles an hour; skidded into the parking lot of Alabama Jack's。 There they used the one…eyed man's ten…dollar bill to purchase four cold cans of Cherry Coke; which they drank on the trip up Card Sound Road。 When they were finished; they did not toss the empties from the car。
 A noise awakened Bonnie Lamb。 It was Max; snapping open a suitcase。 She asked what in the world he was doing; fully dressed and packing his clothes at four in the morning。 He said he wanted to surprise her。
 〃You're leaving me?〃 she asked。 〃After two nights。〃 Max Lamb smiled and came to the bed。 〃I'm packing for both of us。〃
 He tried to stroke Bonnie's cheek; but she buried her face in the pillow; to block out the light。 The rain was ing harder now; slapping horizontally against the windows of the high…rise hotel。 Sh
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