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r you'll be forced to pay the consequences。
He wasn't sure。 He didn't want to be sure。 He was afraid that if he became sure; the marriage would end。 He was still pletely gone on her; had never so much as considered an extramarital fling; and he could forgive her much。 But not being cuckolded in his own home。 You don't want to wear those horns; they grow out of your ears; and kids laugh at the funny man on the street。 He 
'What?' Vic said; emerging from his reverie。 'I missed it; Rog。'
'I said; 〃That goddam red cereal。〃 Unquote。 My exact words。'
'Yeah;' Vic said。 'I'll drink to that。'
Roger raised his pilsner glass。 'Do it;' he said。
Vic did。
Gary Pervier sat out on his weedy front lawn at the bottom of Seven Oaks Hill on Town Road No。 3 about a week after Vic and Roger's depressing luncheon meeting at the Yellow Sub; drinking a screwdriver that was 25 percent Bird's Eye frozen orange juice and 75 percent Popov vodka。 He sat in the shade of an elm that was in the last stages of rampant Dutch elm disease; his bottom resting against the frayed straps of a Sears; Roebuck mail…order lawn chair that was in the last stages of useful service。 He was drinking Popov because Popov was cheap。 Gary had purchased a large supply of it in New Hampshire; where booze was cheaper; on his last liquor run。 Popov was cheap in Maine; but it was dirt cheap in New Hampshire; a state which took its stand for the finer things in life … a fat state lottery; cheap booze; cheap cigarettes; and tourist attractions like Santa's Village and Six…Gun City。 New Hampshire was a great 'Old place。 The lawn chair had slowly settled into his run…to…riot lawn; digging deep divots。 The house behind the lawn had also run to riot; it was a gray; paint…peeling; roof…sagging shambles。 Shutters hung。 The chimney hooked at the sky like a drunk trying to get up from a tumble。 Singles blown off in the previous winter's last big storm still hung limply from some of the branches of the dying elm。 It ain't the Taj Mahal; Gary sometimes said; but who gives a shit?
Gary was; on this swelteringly hot late…June day; as drunk as a coot。 This was not an unmon state of affairs with him。 He did not know Roger Breakstone from shit。 He did not know Vic Trenton from shit。 He didn't know Donna Trenton from shit; and if he had known her; he wouldn't have given a shit if the visiting team was throwing line drives into her catcher's mitt。 He did know the Cambers and their dog Cujo; the family lived up the hill; at the end of Town Road No。 3。 He and Joe Camber did a good deal of drinking together; and in a rather foggy fashion Gary realized that Joe Camber was already a goodly way down the road to alcoholism。 It was a road Gary himself had toured extensively。
'Just a good…for…nothing drunk and I don't give a shit!' Gary told the birds and the singles in the diseased elm。 He tipped his glass。 He fatted。 He swatted a bug。 Sunlight and shadow dappled his face。 Behind the house; a number of disemboweled cars had almost disappeared in the tall weeds。 The ivy which grew on the west side of his house had gone absolutely apeshit; almost covering it。 One window peeked out … barely … and on sunny days it glittered like a dirty diamond。 Two years ago; in a drunken frenzy; Gary had uprooted a bureau from one of the upstairs rooms and had thrown it out a window … he could not remember why now。 He had reglazed the window himself because it had let in one crotch of a draft e winter; but the bureau rested ;exactly where it had fallen。 One drawer was popped out like a tongue。
In 1944; when Gary Pervier had been twenty; he had single…handedly taken a German pillbox in France and; following that exploit; had led the remains of his squad ten miles farther before collapsing with the six bullet wounds he had suffered in his charge of the machine…gun emplacement。 For this he had been awarded one of his grateful country's highest honors; the Distinguished Service Cross。 In 1968 he had gotten Buddy Torgeson down in Castle Falls to rum the medal into an ashtray。 Buddy had been shocked。 Gary told Buddy he would have gotten him to make it into a toilet bowl so he could shit in it; but it wasn't big enough。 Buddy spread the story; and maybe that had been Gary's intention; or maybe it hadn't。
Either way; it had driven the local hippies crazy with admiration。 In the summer of '68 most of these hippies were on vacation in the Lakes Region with their wealthy parents before returning to their colleges in September; where they were apparently studying up on Protest; Pot; and Pussy。
After Gary had his DSC turned into an ashtray by Buddy Torgeson; who did custom welding in his spare time and who worked days down to the Castle Falls Esso (they were all Exxon stations now; and Gary Pervier didn't give a shit); a version of the story found its way into the Castle Rock Call。 The story was written by a local…yokel reporter who construed the act as an antiwar gesture。 That was when the hippies started to show up at Gary's place on Town Road No。 3。 Most of them wanted to tell Gary he was 'far out'。 Some of them wanted to tell him he was 'some kind of heavy'。 A few wanted to tell him that he was 'too fucking much'。
Gary showed them all the same thing; which was his Winchester 。30…。06。 He told them to get off his property。 As far as he was concerned they were all a bunch of long…haired muff…diving crab…crawling asshole pinko fucksticks。 He told them he didn't give a shit if he blew their guts from Castle Rock to Fryeburg。 After a while they stopped ing; and that was the end of the DSC affair。
One of those German bullets had taken Gary Pervier's right testicle off; a medic had found most of it splattered across the seat of his GI…issue underwear。 Most of the other one survived; and sometimes he could still get a pretty respectable bone…on。 Not; he had frequently told Joe Camber; that he gave much of a shit one way or the other。 His grateful country had given him the Distinguished Service Cross。 A grateful hospital staff in Paris had discharged him in February 1945 with an 80…percent disability pension and a gold…plated monkey on his back。 A grateful hometown gave him a parade on the Fourth of July 1945 (by then he was twenty…one instead of twenty; able to vote; his hair graying around the temples; and he felt all of seven hundred; thank you very much)。 The grateful town selectmen had remanded the property taxes on the Pervier place in perpetuity。 That was good; because he would have lost it twenty years ago otherwise。 He had replaced the morphine he could no longer obtain with high…tension booze and had then proceeded to get about his life's work; which was killing himself as slowly and as pleasantly as he could。
Now; in 1980; he was fifty…six years old; totally gray; and meaner than a bull with a jackhandle up its ass。 About the only three living creatures he could stand were Joe Camber; his boy Brett; and Brett's big Saint Bernard; Cujo。
He tilted back in the decaying lawn chair; almost went over on his back; and used up some more of his screwdriver。 The screwdriver was in a glass he had gotten free from a McDonald's restaurant。 There was some sort of purple animal on the glass。 Something called a Grimace。 Gary ate a lot of his meals at the Castle Rock McDonald's; where you could still get a cheap hamburger。 Hamburgers were good。 But as for the Grimace 。。。 and Mayor McCheese 。。。 and Monsieur Ronald Fucking McDonald 。。。 Gary Pervier didn't give a shit for any of them。
A broad; tawny shape was moving through the high grass to his left; and a moment later Cujo; on one of his rambles; emerged into Gary's tattered front yard。 He saw Gary and barked once; politely。 Then he came over; wagging his tail。
'Cuje; you old sonofawhore;' Gary said。 He put his screwdriver down and began digging methodically through his pockets for dog biscuits。 He always kept a few on hand for Cujo; who was one of your old…fashioned; dyed…in…the…wool good dogs。
He found a couple in his shirt pocket and held them up。
'Sit boy。 Sit up。'
No matter how low or how mean he was feeling; the sight of that two…hundred…pound dog sitting up like a rabbit never failed to tickle him。
Cujo sat up; and Gary saw a short but ugly…looking scratch healing on the dog's muzzle。 Gary tossed him the biscuits; which were shaped like bones; and Cujo snapped them effortlessly out of the air。 He dropped one between his forepaws and began to gnaw the other one。
'Good dog;' Gary said; reaching out to pat Cujo's head。 'Good …'
Cujo began to growl。 Deep in his throat。 It was a rumbling; almost reflective sound。 He looked up at Gary; and there was something cold and speculative in the dog's eyes that gave Gary a chill。 He took his hand back to himself quickly。 A dog as big as Cujo was nothing to get screwing around with。 Not unless you wanted to spend the rest of your life wiping your ass with a hook。
'What's got into you; boy?' Gary asked。 He had never heard Cujo growl; not in all the years the Cambers had had him。 To tell the truth; he wouldn't have believed ole Cuje had a growl in him。
Cujo wagged his tail a little bit and came over to Gary to be patted; as if ashamed of his momentary lapse。
'Hey; that's more like it;' Gary said; ruffling the big dog's fur。 It had been one scorcher of
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