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If the pany chairman felt annoyance at being thus familiarly addressed by his cameraman; he showed no evidence of it。 He said: 〃I agree。
We are in your debt; Dr。 Marlowe。〃
〃A free seat at the premiere;〃 I said; 〃and all debts discharged。〃 I left the board to its deliberations and weaved my unsteady way down to the passenger acmodation。 Allen and Mary darling were still in the same place in the lounge; only now she had her head on his shoulder and seemed to be asleep。 I gave him a casually acknowledging wave of my hand and he answered in kind: he seemed to be being accustomed to my peripatetic presence。
I entered the Duke's cabin without knocking; lest there was someone there asleep。 There was。 Eddie; the electrician; was very sound indeed and snoring heavily; the sight of his cabin…mate's close brush with the reaper hadn't unnerved him any that I could see。 Cecil Golightly was awake and looking understandably very pale and drawn but not noticeably suffering; largely; it seemed very likely; because Mary Stuart; who was just as pale as he was; was sitting by his bedside and holding his far from reluctant hand。 I was beginning to think that perhaps she had more friends than either she or I thought she had。
〃Good lord!〃 I said。 〃You still here?〃
〃Didn't you expect me to be? You asked me to stay and keep an eye on him。 Or had you forgotten?〃
〃Certainly not;〃 I lied。 〃Didn't expect you to remain so long; that's all。
You've been very kind。〃 I looked down upon the recumbent Duke。 〃Feeling a bit better?〃
〃Lots; Doctor。 Lots better。〃 With his voice not much more than a strained whisper he didn't sound it but; then; after what he'd been through in the past hour I didn't expect him to。
〃I'd like to have a little talk with you;〃 I said。 〃Just a couple of minutes。 Feel up to it?〃
He nodded。 Mary dear said: 〃I'll leave you then;〃 and made to rise but I put a restraining hand on her shoulder。
〃No need。 The Duke and I share no secrets。〃 I gave him what I hoped would be translated as a thoughtful look。 〃It's just possible; though; that the Duke might be concealing a secret from me。〃
〃Me? A…a secret?〃 Cecil was genuinely puzzled。
〃Tell me。 When did the pains start?〃
〃The pains? Half…past nine。 Ten。 Something like that; I can't be sure。〃
Temporarily bereft of his quick wit and chirpy humour; the Duke was a very woebegone Cockney sparrow indeed。 〃When this thing hit me I
Wasn't feeling much like looking at watches。〃
〃I'm sure you weren't;〃 I said sympathetically。 〃And dinner was the last bite you had tonight?〃
〃The last bite。〃 His voice even sounded firm。
〃Not even another teeny…weeny snack? You see; Cecil; I'm puzzled。
Miss Stuart has told you that others have been ill; too?〃 He nodded。 〃Well; the odd thing is that the others began to be ill almost at once after eating。 But it took well over an hour in your case。 I find it very strange。 You're absolutely sure? You'd nothing?〃
Doctor!〃 He wheezed a bit。 〃You know me。〃
〃Yes。 That's why I'm asking。〃 Mary dear was looking at me with coolly appraising and rather reproachful brown eyes; any moment now and she was going to say didn't I know Cecil was a sick man。 〃You see; I know that the others who were sick were suffering from some kind of food poisoning that they picked up at dinner and I know how to treat them。 But
your illness must have had another cause; I've no idea what it was or how to treat it and until I can make some sort of diagnosis I can't afford to take chances。 You're going to be very hungry tomorrow morning and for some time after that but I have to give your system time to settle down: I don't want you to eat anything that might provoke a reaction so violent that I mightn't be able to cope with it this time。 Time will give the all clear。〃
I don't understand; Doctor。〃
〃Tea and toast for the next three days。〃
The Duke didn't turn any paler than he was because that was impossible : he just looked stricken。
〃Tea and toast?〃 His voice was a weak croak。 〃For three days!〃
〃For your own good; Cecil。〃 I patted him sympathetically on the shoulder and straightened; preparing to leave。 〃We just want to see you on your feel? again。〃
I was feeling peckish; like;〃 the Duke explained with some pathos。
lust before nine。〃
lust before…half an hour after dinner?〃
〃That's when I feel the most peckish。 I nipped up into the galley; see; and there was this casserole on a hot plate but I'd only time for one spoonful when I heard two people ing so I jumped into the cool room。〃
〃And waited?〃
I had to wait。〃 The Duke sounded almost virtuous。 〃If I'd opened the door even a crack they'd have seen me。〃
〃So they didn't see you。 Which means they left。 Then?〃
〃They'd scoffed the bleedin〃 lot;〃 the Duke said bitterly。
〃Lucky you。〃
〃Moxen and Scott; wasn't it? The stewards?〃
〃How…how did you know?〃
〃They saved your life; Duke。〃
〃They what?〃
〃They ate what you were going to cat。 So you're alive。 They're both dead。〃
Allen and Mary Darling had obviously given up their midnight vigil for the lounge was deserted。 I'd five minutes before I met Haggerty in the galley; five minutes in which to collect my thoughts: the trouble was that I had to find them first before I could collect them。 And then I realised I was not even going to have the time to find them for there were footsteps on the panionway。 Trying with very little success to cope with the wild staggering of the Morning Rose Mary Stuart made her unsteady way towards an armchair opposite me and collapsed into rather than sat in it。 Insofar as it was possible for such an extraordinarily good…looking young woman to look haggard; then she looked haggard: her face was grey。 I should have felt annoyed with her for interrupting my train of thought; assuming; that was; that I ever managed to get the train under way; but I could feel no such emotion: I was beginning to realise; though only vaguely; that I was incapable of entertaining towards this Latvian girl any feeling that remotely bordered on the hostile。 Besides; she had clearly e to talk to me; and if she did she wanted some help; or reassuring or understanding and it would e very hardly indeed for so proud; so remote; so aloof a girl to ask for any of those。 In all conscience; I couldn't make things difficult for her。
〃Been sick?〃 I asked。 As a conversational gambit it lacked something but doctors aren't supposed to have manners。 She nodded。 She was clasping her hands so tightly that I could see the faint ivory gleam of knuckles。
〃I thought you were a good sailor?〃 The light touch。
〃It is not the sea that makes me ill。〃
I abandoned the light touch。 〃Mary dear; why don't you lie down and try to sleep?〃
I see。 You tell me that two more men have been poisoned and died and then I am supposed to drop off to sleep and have happy dreams。 Is that it?〃 I said nothing and she went on wryly: ‘You're not very good at breaking bad news; are you?〃
〃Professional callousness。 You didn't e here just to reproach me with my tactlessness。 What is it; Mary dear?〃
‘Why do you call me 〃Mary dear?'
〃It offends you?〃
〃Oh; no。 Not when you say it。〃 From any other woman the words would have carried coquettish overtones; but there were none such here。 It was meant as a statement of fact; no more。
〃Very well; then。〃 I don't know what I meant by ‘Very well; then;〃 it just made me feel obscurely clever。 〃Tell me。〃
〃I'm afraid;〃 she said simply。
So she was afraid。 She was tired; overwrought; she'd tended four very; very sick men who'd been poisoned; she'd learnt that three others whom she knew had died of poison and the violence of the Arctic gale raging outside was sufficient to give pause to even the most intrepid。 But I said none of those things to her。
〃We're all afraid at times; Mary。〃
〃You too?〃
〃Me too。〃
〃Are you afraid now?〃
〃No。 What's there to be afraid of?〃
〃Death。 Sickness and death。〃
I have to live with death; Mary。 I detest it; of course I do; but I don't fear it。 If I did; I'd be no good as a doctor。 Would I now?〃
I do not express myself well。 Death I can accept。 But not when it strikes out blindly and you know that it is not blind。 As it is here。 It strikes out carelessly; recklessly; without cause or reason; but you know there is cause and reason。 Do you…do you know what I mean?〃
I knew perfectly well what she meant。 I said: 〃Even at my brightest and best; metaphysics are hardly my forte。 Maybe the old man with the scythe does show discrimination in his indiscrimination; but I'm tootired…〃
I'm not talking about metaphysics。〃 She made an almost angry little gesture with her clasped hands。 〃There's something terribly far wrong aboard this ship; Dr。 Marlowe。〃
〃Terribly far wrong?〃 Heaven only knew that I couldn't have agreed with her more。 〃What should be wrong; Mary dear?〃
She said gravely: 〃You would not patronise me; Dr。 Marlowe? You would not humour a silly female?〃
I had to answer at once so I said obliquely but deliberately: I would not insult you; Mary dear。 I like you too much for that。〃
〃Do you really?〃 She smiled faintly; whether amused by me or pleased at what I'd said I couldn't guess。 〃Do you like all the othe