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nd。 But most of the people did not look any different from those he had grown up with; not in dress or in face。 He had expected they would; somehow。 Indeed; some of them had so much the look of the Two Rivers in their faces that he could imagine they belonged to one family or another that he knew around Emond's Field。 A toothless; gray…haired fellow with ears like jug handles; sitting on a bench outside one of the inns and peering mournfully into an empty tankard; could easily have been Bili Congar's close cousin。 The lantern…jawed tailor sewing in front of his shop might have been Jon Thane's brother; even to the same bald spot on the back of his head。 A near mirror image of Samel Crawe pushed past Rand as he turned a corner; and 。。。
       In disbelief he stared at a bony little man with long arms and a big nose; shoving hurriedly through the crowd in clothes that looked like a bundle of rags。 The man's eyes were sunken and his dirty face gaunt; as if he had not eaten or slept in days; but Rand could swear 。。。 The ragged man saw him then; and froze in mid…step; heedless of people who all but stumbled over him。 The last doubt in Rand's mind vanished。
       〃Master Fain!〃 he shouted。 〃We all thought you were … 〃
       As quick as a blink the peddler darted away; but Rand dodged after him; calling apologies over his shoulder to the people he bumped。 Through the crowd he just caught sight of Fain dashing into an alleyway; and he turned after。
       A few steps into the alleyway the peddler had stopped in his tracks。 A tall fence made it into a dead end。 As Rand skidded to a halt; Fain rounded on him; crouching warily and backing away。 He flapped grimy hands at Rand to stay back。 More than one rip showed in his coat; and his cloak was worn and tattered as if it had seen much harder use than it was meant for。
       〃Master Fain?〃 Rand said hesitantly。 〃What is the matter? It's me; Rand al'Thor; from Emond's Field。 We all thought the Trollocs had taken you。 〃
       Fain gestured sharply and; still in a crouch; ran a few crabbed steps toward the open end of the alley。 He did not try to pass Rand; or even e close to him。 〃Don't!〃 he rasped。 His head shifted constantly as he tried to see everything in the street beyond Rand。 〃Don't mention〃 … his voice dropped to a hoarse whisper; and he turned his head away; watching Rand with quick; sidelong glances…〃them。 There be Whitecloaks in the town。〃
       〃They have no reason to bother us;〃 Rand said。 〃e back to the Stag and Lion with me。 I'm staying there with friends。 You know most of them。 They'll be glad to see you; we all thought you were dead。〃
       〃Dead?〃 the peddler snapped indignantly。 〃Not Padan Fain。 Padan Fain knows which way to jump and where to land。 〃 He straightened his rags as if they were feastday clothes。 〃Always have; and always will。 I'll live a long time。 Longer than …〃 Abruptly his face tightened and his hands clutched hold of his coat front。 〃They burned my wagon; and all my goods。 Had no cause to be doing that; did they? I couldn't get to my horses。 My horses; but that fat old innkeeper had them locked up in his stable。 I had to step quick not to get my throat slit; and what did it get me? All that I've got left is what I stand up in。 Now; is that 
fair? Is it; now?〃
       〃Your horses are safe in Master al'Vere's stable。 You can get them anytime。 If you e to the inn with me; I'm sure Moiraine will help you get back to the Two Rivers。〃
       〃 Aaaaah! She's 。。。 she's the Aes Sedai; is she?〃 A guarded look came over Fain's face。 〃Maybe; though 。。。〃 He paused; licking his lips nervously。 〃How long will you be at this…What was it? What did you call it? … the Stag and Lion?〃
       〃We leave tomorrow;〃 Rand said。 〃But what does that have to do with …?〃
       〃You just don't know;〃 Fain whined; 〃standing there with a full belly and a good night's sleep in a soft bed。 I've hardly slept a wink since that night。 My boots are all worn out with running; and as for what I've had to eat 。。。〃 His face twisted。 〃I don't want to be within miles of an Aes Sedai;〃 he spat the last words; 〃not miles and miles; but I may have to。 I've no choice; have I? The thought of her eyes on me; of her even knowing where I am 。。。〃 He reached toward Rand as if he wanted to grab his coat; but his hands stopped short; fluttering; and he actually took a step back。 〃Promise me you won't tell her。 She frightens me。 There's no need to be telling her; no reason for an Aes Sedai to even be knowing I'm alive。 You have to promise。 You have to!〃
       〃I promise;〃 Rand said soothingly。 〃But there's no reason for you to be afraid of her。 e with me。 The least you'll get is a hot meal。〃
       〃Maybe。 Maybe。〃 Fain rubbed his chin pensively。 〃Tomorrow; you say? In that time 。。。 You won't forget your promise? You won't be letting her 。。。 ?〃
       〃I won't let her hurt you;〃 Rand said; wondering how be could stop an Aes Sedai; whatever she wanted to do。
       〃She won't hurt me;〃 Fain said。 〃No; she won't。 I won't be letting her。〃 Like a flash he hared past Rand into the crowd。
       〃Master Fain!〃 Rand called。 〃Wait!〃
       He dashed out of the alley just in time to catch sight of a ragged coat disappearing around the next er。 Still calling; he ran after it; darted around the er。 He only had time to see a man's back before he crashed into it and they both went down in a heap in the mud。
       〃Can't you watch where you're going?〃 came a mutter from under him; and Rand scrambled up in surprise。
       Mat sat up with a baleful glare and began scraping mud off his cloak with his hands。 〃You must really be turning into a city man。 Sleep all morning and run right over people。 〃 Climbing to his feet; he stared at his muddy hands; then muttered and wiped them off on his cloak。 〃Listen; you'll never guess who I thought I just saw。 〃
       〃Padan Fain;〃 Rand said。
       〃Padan Fa … How did you know?〃
       〃I was talking to him; but he ran off。〃
       〃So the Tro…〃 Mat stopped to look around warily; but the crowd was passing them by with never a glance。 Rand was glad he had learned a little caution。 〃So they didn't get him。 I wonder why he left Emond's Field; without a word like that? Probably started running then; too; and didn't stop until he got here。 But why was he running just now?〃
       Rand shook his head and wished he had not。 It felt as though it might fall off。 〃I don't know; except that he's afraid of M 。。。 Mistress Alys。〃 All this watching what you said was not easy。 〃He doesn't want her to know he's here。 He made me promise I wouldn't tell her。〃
       〃Well; his secret is safe with me;〃 Mat said。 〃I wish she didn't know where I was; either。〃
       〃Mat?〃 People still streamed by without paying them any heed; but Rand lowered his voice anyway; and leaned closer。 〃Mat; did you have a nightmare last night? About a man who killed a rat?〃
       Mat stared at him without blinking。 〃You; too?〃 he said finally。 〃And Perrin; I suppose。 I almost asked him this morning; but 。。。 He must have。 Blood and ashes! Now somebody's making us dream things。 Rand; I wish nobody knew where I was。〃
       〃There were dead rats all over the inn this morning。〃 He did not feel as afraid at saying it as he would have earlier。 He did not feel much of anything。 〃Their backs were broken。〃 His voice rang in his own ears。 If he was getting sick; he might have to go to Moiraine。 He was surprised that even the thought of the One Power being used on him did not bother him。
       Mat took a deep breath; hitching his cloak; and looked around as if searching for somewhere to go。 〃What's happening to us; Rand? What?〃
       〃I don't know。 I'm going to ask Thom for advice。 About whether to tell 。。。 anyone else。 〃
       〃No! Not her。 Maybe him; but not her。〃
       The sharpness of it took Rand by surprise。 〃Then you believed him?〃 He did not need to say which 〃him〃 he meant; the grimace on Mat's face said he understood。
       〃No;〃 Mat said slowly。 〃It's the chances; that's all。 If we tell her; and he was lying; then maybe nothing happens。 Maybe。 But maybe just him being in our dreams is enough for 。。。 I don't know。〃 He stopped to swallow。 〃If we don't tell her; maybe we'll have some more dreams。 Rats or no rats; dreams are better than 。。。 Remember the ferry? I say we keep quiet。〃
       〃All right。〃 Rand remembered the ferry … and Moiraine's threat; too…but somehow it seemed a long time ago。 〃All right。〃
       〃Perrin won't say anything; will he?〃 Mat went on; bouncing on his toes。 〃We have to get back to him。 If he tells her; she'll figure it out about all of us。 You can bet on it。 e on。〃 He started off briskly through the crowd。
       Rand stood there looking after him until Mat came back and grabbed him。 At the touch on his arm he blinked; then followed his friend。
       〃What's the matter with you?〃 Mat asked。 〃You going to sleep again?〃
       〃I think I have a cold;〃 Rand said: His head was as tight as a drum; and almost as empty。
       〃You can get some chicken soup when we get back to the inn;〃 Mat said。 He kept up a constant chatter as they hunted through the packed streets。 Rand made an effort to listen; and even to say something now and then; but it was an effor
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