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 Johnny smiled。 〃What could go wrong with it?〃 he said。 〃He already took the state finals。〃
 Andy came up behind him。 〃Will it work on her?〃 he whispered。 Johnny knew what he meant。 He looked up suddenly。 All at once it seemed to him that he'd never really seen Jennie。 She was one of the cherries and usually he paid no attention to them。 She had left her Coke and was over looking at the magazines。 He liked the way the thin summer dress clung to her。 He never knew she had such big ones。 No wonder Mike Halloran kept her on the leash。 Suddenly; he put his hand in his pocket and took out the little piece of paper and emptied the pinch of powder into her glass。
 Jennie took a magazine from the rack and went back to the fountain。 Johnny looked down at her glass。 Some traces of powder were still floating on top。 He took it and put in another squirt of sirup; then held the glass under the soda spigot while he stirred vigorously。 He put the drink down in front of her and looked up at the clock。 〃Kind of late for you to be out; isn't it?〃
 〃It's Saturday night;〃 Jennie answered。 〃It was so hot in the apartment; I thought I'd e down for some air。〃 She put a nickel on the counter and took a straw from the glass container。
 Johnny anxiously watched her sip the drink。 〃Is it all right?〃
 〃A little sweet; maybe。〃
 〃I'll put a little more soda in it;〃 Johnny said quickly。 〃How's that?〃
 She sipped at it。 〃Fine now。 Thanks。〃
 He picked up the nickel; went back to the cash register and rang it up。 〃I saw what you did;〃 Andy whispered。
 〃Shut up。〃
 Jennie was turning the pages of the magazine slowly as she sipped her drink。 Her glass was half empty when the druggist came back into the store。 〃Everything O。K。; Johnny?〃
 〃O。K。; Doc。〃
 〃Thanks; Johnny。 Want a Coke?〃
 〃No; thanks; Doc。 See you tomorrow。〃
 〃What did you go an' do that for?〃 Andy asked; when they came out onto the street。 〃Now we won't never know if it worked。〃
 〃We'll know;〃 Johnny said; turning to look through the window。
 Jennie had finished her drink and was climbing down from the stool。 She put the magazine back on the rack and started for the door。 Johnny moved over to intercept her。
 〃Going home; Jennie?〃
 She stopped and smiled at him。 〃I thought I'd go down to the park。 Maybe there's a cool breeze ing in from the bay。〃
 〃Mind if we e along?〃 Johnny asked。 〃We're not doin' anything。〃
 She wondered what made Johnny ask to walk with her all of a sudden。 He'd never seemed interested in her before。
 It was almost ten o'clock when Tom Denton came out of the saloon across from the car barn。 He was drunk。 Sad; weeping; unhappy drunk。 He stared across the street at the car barn。 Old Two…twelve was in there。 His old car。 But she wasn't his car any more。 She'd never be his car any more。 She was somebody else's car now。
 The tears began to roll down his cheeks。 He was a failure。 No car; no job; not even a wife to e home to。 Right now she was probably sitting in a corner of the church; praying。
 Didn't she understand a man had to have more than a prayer when he got into bed? If he had a couple of dollars in his pocket; he knew where he'd go。 The girls at Maggie's knew how to treat a man。 He fished in his pocket for some coins。 Carefully he counted them。 Thirty…five cents。 He thought about going back into the saloon。 He had enough for one more drink。 But then he'd have to ask Ellen for pocket money on Monday。
 He felt the effects of the liquor beginning to wear off。 Angrily he put the change back in his pocket。 Drinking wasn't any fun when you had to worry about every nickel you spent。 Almost sober now; he began to walk home slowly。
 He was sitting at the kitchen table in the dark when Ellen came home half an hour later。 He looked up wearily as she turned on the light。 〃I didn't expect ye home so early;〃 she said。 〃What happened? Did they run out of whisky?〃
 He didn't answer。
 She walked out of the kitchen into the narrow hallway。 He heard her open Jennie's door; then close it。 A moment later; she came back into the kitchen。 〃Where's Jennie?〃
 〃I don't know。 She's probably out with Mike。〃
 〃Mike is still in Berkeley。 Jennie was here when I left for church。 She said she was going to bed early。〃
 〃It's warm;〃 he said。 〃She probably went out for a breath of air。〃
 〃I don't like her being out alone like that。〃
 〃Now; don't start on her; Ellen;〃 he said。 〃She's a big girl now。〃
 She took a kettle down from the shelf and filled it with water。 She placed it on the stove and lit the gas under it。 〃Would ye like a cup of tea?〃
 He looked up in surprise。 It had been a long time since Ellen asked him to share an evening cup of tea。 He nodded gratefully。
 She took the cups from the cupboard and placed them on the table。 Then she sat down opposite him to wait for the water to boil。 There was a worried expression on her face。
 〃Don't worry;〃 he said; suddenly feeling sorry for her。 〃Jennie'll be home any minute now。〃
 She looked up; and in a rare moment of insight; saw what she was doing to him and to herself。 She felt the tears ing into her eyes and placed her hand over his。 〃I'm sorry; Tom。 I don't know what's the matter with me。 Half the time; I imagine things that never happen。〃
 〃I know; Ellen;〃 he said gently。 〃I know。〃
 It was then that the policeman came to the door and told them that Jennie had been found in the park; raped and beaten。 And from the look on Ellen's face; Tom knew that they were lost forever。
 THE THREE OF THEM CAME OUT OF THE CHURCH INTO THE BRIGHT SUNLIGHT。 They felt almost immediately the curious watching eyes。 Tom felt the sudden shrinking in his daughter and noticed the flush of shame creeping up into her face; still puffed from the beating of almost two weeks ago。 Her eyes looked down at the steps as they began to walk down toward the sidewalk。
 〃Hold your head up; Jennie Bear;〃 he whispered。 〃It's their sons should bear the shame; not you。〃
 Jennie lifted her head and smiled at him gratefully。 〃And you; too; Ellen Denton;〃 he added。 〃Stop lookin' down at the ground。〃
 In a way; Ellen felt a sort of triumph。 Her husband had finally returned to the church。 She thought of how it had been early that morning。 She'd been all dressed and ready to leave for church when she called Jennie。 She opened the door of Jennie's room。 Her daughter was sitting in a chair; staring out the window。 〃You're not dressed yet; Jennie;〃 she said in a shocked voice。 〃It's time we were leaving for Mass。〃
 〃I'm not going; Mama;〃 Jennie said tonelessly。
 〃But you've not been to church since ye came home from the hospital You've scarcely been out of the house。〃
 〃I've been out; Mama。〃 She turned toward her mother and the dark circles under her eyes looked even darker in the light。 〃And everybody stared at me and whispered as I went by。 I can't stand it。 I won't go to church and be a freak for everybody to stare at。〃
 〃You're denying the Savior!〃 Ellen said heatedly。 〃How do ye expect forgiveness for your sins if ye don't attend church?〃
 〃What sins does the child need forgiveness for?〃 Her husband's voice came from behind her。 She whirled around; her temper immediately rising。 〃It's enough we have one traitor to the church in this house;〃 she said。 〃We don't need another。〃 She turned to Jennie。 〃Get dressed。 You're ing with me if I have to drag ye。〃
 〃I'm not going; Mama;〃 Jennie said。 〃I can't。〃
 Ellen took a threatening step toward her daughter。 She raised her hand。 Suddenly; she felt her wrist caught in a grip of steel and she turned to look up into the face of her husband。 His usually soft blue eyes were cold and hard。 〃Leave the child be! Have you gone pletely mad?〃
 She looked up at him for a moment and then the flashing anger dissolved within her; leaving her spent and weak。 The tears started in her eyes。 〃Father Hadley asked me to bring her。 He said he'd offer up a prayer for her fort。〃
 He felt the release of her anger and let go of her wrist。 Her arm fell limply at her side。 He turned to his daughter。 〃Is that the reason you won't go to church; Jennie Bear?〃 he asked gently。 〃Because they stare at you?〃
 She nodded silently。
 〃Would you go if I were to e with you?〃 he asked suddenly。
 Jennie looked into his eyes and saw the love there。 After a moment; she nodded。 〃Yes; Daddy。〃
 〃All right; then。 Get dressed。 I'll be shaved in a minute。〃 He turned and left the room quickly。 Ellen stared after him; almost too surprised to realize what had happened。
 There had been a buzz of surprise as they walked down the aisle to their pew。 Tom could see heads twisting as they gaped; and a shudder ran through him at all the cruelty that was inherent in all human beings。 His hand tightened on his daughter's and he smiled as he knelt toward the altar and crossed himself before taking his seat。
 But as bad as it had been when they came in; it was that much worse when they came out。 The curious had had time to gather on the steps in the bright morning sunshine。 It was like running a gantlet of idiots。
 〃It's over now;〃 he said softly as they turned the corner。
 They crossed the street; walking toward the drugstore on the next corner。 A group of boys were lounging about the store window; dre
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