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 The circle pleted; she once more stood alone in its center; her feet moving in time with the drums。 Holding the marriage stick between her legs; she began to crouch slightly; lowering herself onto it。
 〃Ai…ee;〃 the women sighed as they swayed to the tempo of the drums。
 〃Ai…ee;〃 they sighed again in approbation as she lifted herself from the stick。 It was not seemly for a maiden to be too eager to swallow up her husband。
 Now they held their breath as once more the stick began to enter her。 Each was reminded of her own marriage; when she; too; had looked up at the circle of women; her eyes pleading for help。 But none dared move forward。 This the bride must do for herself。
 Through Kaneha's pain; the drums began to throb。 Her lips grew tight together。 This was her husband; Red Beard; the mighty hunter。 She must not disgrace him here in the tent of women。 When he himself came into her; instead of his spirit; the way for him must be easy and quick。
 She closed her eyes and made a sudden convulsive movement。 The hymen ruptured and she staggered as a wave of pain washed over her。 The drums were wilder now。 Slowly she straightened up and removed the marriage stick。 She held it out proudly toward the medicine man。
 He took it and quickly left the tent。 Silently the women formed a circle around her。 Naked; in its center so she would be shielded from other eyes; she walked to the tent of the chief。
 The women stood aside as she entered。 In the dim light; the chief and Sam looked up at her。 She stood there proudly; her head raised; her eyes respectfully looking over their heads。 Her breasts heaved and her legs trembled slightly。 She prayed that Red Beard would be pleased with what he saw。
 The chief spoke first; as was the custom。 〃See how profusely she bleeds;〃 he said。 〃She will bear you many sons。〃
 〃Aye; she will bear me many sons;〃 Sam said; his eyes on her face。 〃And because I am pleased with her; I pledge my brothers the meat of an additional buffalo。〃
 Kaneha smiled quickly and left the tent to go down to the river to bathe。 Her prayers had been answered。 Red Beard was pleased with her。
 Now she moved heavily; swollen with his child; as he sat at the table wondering why the buffalo didn't e。 Something inside him told him they would never e again。 Too many had been slain in the last few years。
 At last; he looked up from the table。 〃Git the gear together;〃 he said。 〃We're moving out of here。〃
 Kaneha nodded and obediently began to gather up the household things while he went out and hitched the mules to the cart。 Finished; he came back to the cabin。
 Kaneha picked up the first bundle and started for the door when the pain seized her。 The bundle fell from her hands and she doubled over。 She looked up at him; her eyes filled with meaning。
 〃You mean now?〃 Sam asked; almost incredulously。
 She nodded。
 〃Here; let me help you。〃
 She straightened up; the seizure leaving her。 〃No;〃 she said firmly in Kiowa。 〃This is for a woman; not for a brave。〃
 Sam nodded。 He walked to the door。 〃I'll be outside。〃
 It was two o'clock in the morning when he first heard the cry of a baby from inside the cabin。 He had been half dozing and the sound brought him awake into a night filled with stars。 He sat there tensely; listening。
 About twenty minutes passed; then the door of the cabin opened and Kaneha stood there。 He struggled to his feet and went into the cabin。
 In the corner on a blanket in front of the fire lay the naked baby。 Sam stood there; looking down。
 〃A son;〃 Kaneha said proudly。
 〃Well; I'll be damned。〃 Sam touched it and the baby squalled; opening its eyes。 〃A son;〃 Sam said。 〃How about that?〃 He bent over; looking closely。
 His beard tickled the baby and it screamed again。 Its skin was white and the eyes were blue like the father's; but the hair was black and heavy on his little head。
 The next morning they left the cabin。
 THEY SETTLED DOWN ABOUT TWENTY MILES OUTSIDE of Dodge City and Sam started to haul freight for the stage lines。 Being the only man in the area with mules; he found himself in a fairly successful business。
 They lived in a small cabin and it was there Max began to grow up。 Kaneha was very happy with her son。 Occasionally; she would wonder why the spirits had not given her more children but she did not worry about it。 Because she was Indian; they kept to themselves。
 Sam liked it that way; too。 Basically; he was a very shy man and his years alone on the plains had not helped cure his shyness。 He developed a reputation in the town for being taciturn and stingy。 There were rumors floating around that actually he had a hoard of gold cached out on his place from the years he was a buffalo…hunter。
 By the time Max was eleven years old; he was as lithe and quick on his feet as his Indian forebears。 He could ride any horse he chose without a saddle and could shoot the eye out of a prairie gopher at a hundred yards with his 。22。 His black hair hung straight and long; Indian fashion; and his eyes were dark blue; almost black in his tanned face。
 They were seated at the table one night; eating supper; when Sam looked over at his son。 〃They're startin' up a school in Dodge;〃 he said。
 Max looked up at his father as Kaneha came to the table from the stove。 He didn't know whether he was supposed to speak or not。 He kept eating silently。 
 〃I signed you up for it;〃 Sam said。 〃I paid ten dollars。〃 
 Now Max felt it was time for him to speak。 〃What fer?〃 
 〃To have them learn you to read an' write;〃 his father answered。
 〃What do I have to know that fer?〃 Max asked。 
 〃A man should know them things;〃 Sam said。 
 〃You don't;〃 Max said with the peculiar logic of children。 〃And it don't bother you none。〃
 〃Times is different now;〃 Sam said。 〃When I was a boy; there warn't no need for such things。 Now ever'thing is readin' or writin' 〃 
 〃I don't want to go。〃
 〃You're goin';〃 Sam said; roaring suddenly。 〃I already made arrangements。 You can sleep in the back of Olsen's Livery Stable durin' the week。〃
 Kaneha wasn't quite sure she understood what her husband was saying。 〃What is this?〃 she asked in Kiowa。
 Sam answered in the same language。 〃A source of big knowledge。 Without it; our son can never be a great chief among the White Eyes。〃
 This was enough reason for Kaneha。 〃He will go;〃 she said simply。 Big knowledge meant big medicine。 She went back to her stove。
 The next Monday; Sam brought Max over to the school。 The teacher; an impoverished Southern lady; came to the door and smiled at Sam。
 〃Good morning; Mr。 Sand;〃 she said。 
 〃Good mornin'; ma'am。 I brought my son to school。〃 
 The teacher looked at him; then at Max; then around the yard in front of the school cabin。 〃Where is he?〃 she asked in a puzzled voice。
 Sam pushed Max forward。 Max stumbled slightly and looked up at the teacher。 〃Say howdy to yer teacher;〃 Sam said。
 Max; unfortable in his clean buckskin shirt and leggings; dug his bare feet into the dirt and spoke shyly。 〃Howdy; ma'am。〃
 The teacher looked down at him in stunned surprise。 Her nose wrinkled up in disgust。 〃Why; he's an Indian!〃 she cried。 〃We don't take Indians in this school。〃
 Sam stared at her。 〃He's my son; ma'am。〃
 The teacher curled her lip cuttingly。 〃We don't take half…breeds in this school; either。 This school is for white children only。〃 She began to turn her back。
 Sam's voice stopped her。 It was icy cold as he made probably the longest speech he ever made in his life。 〃I don't know nothin' about your religion; ma'am; nor do I mind how you believe。 All I do know is you're two thousand miles from Virginia an' you took my ten dollars to teach my boy the same as you took the money from ever'body else at the meetin' in the general store。 If you're not goin' to learn him the way you agreed; you better take the next stage back East。〃
 The teacher stared at him indignantly。 〃Mr。 Sand; how dare you talk to me like that? Do you think the parents of the other children would want them to attend school with your son?〃
 〃They were all at that meetin';〃 Sam said。 〃I didn't hear none of them say no。〃
 The teacher looked at him。 Sam could see the fight go out of her。 〃I'll never understand you Westerners;〃 she said helplessly。
 She looked down at Max disapprovingly。 〃At any rate; we can't have him in school in those clothes。 He'll have to wear proper clothes like the other children。〃
 〃Yes; ma'am;〃 Sam said。 He turned to Max。 〃e on;〃 he said。 〃We're goin' to the store to get you regular clothes。〃
 〃While you're at it;〃 she said; 〃get him a haircut。 That way; he won't seem any different from the others。〃
 Sam nodded。 He knew what she meant。 〃I will; ma'am;〃 he said。 〃Thank you; ma'am。〃
 Max trotted along beside him as they strode down toward the general store。 He looked up at his father。 It was the first time he had thought about it。 〃Am I different than the others; Pa?〃
 Sam looked down at him。 It was the first time he'd thought about it; too。 A sudden sadness came into him。 He knelt down in the dust of the street beside his son。 He spoke with the sudden knowledge that came from living off the earth。
 〃Of course you're different;〃 he said; looking into Max's eyes。 〃Everybody in t
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