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And the stage went to black except for the spotlight on Jennie。 A roar burst from the audience as she cautiously and tentatively; in the manner in which she had thoroughly rehearsed; walked out on the stage; covered pletely by the full mink coat。
The noise washed over her and she felt its vibrations in the wooden floor beneath her feet as she came to a stop in front of the microphone。 She stood there quietly; looking at them; her blond page…boy haircut catching and reflecting the gleaming light。 The soldiers whistled and screamed and stomped。
After a few minutes had passed; during which the noise showed no signs of abatement; she leaned toward the microphone。 〃If you men will give me just a minute;〃 she said in a low voice; letting her coat slip from one shoulder。 〃I'll take my coat off。〃
If possible; the noise grew even louder as she slowly and deliberately took off the coat。 She let it fall to the stage behind her and stood there; revealed in a white; diamond…sequined; skin…tight evening gown。 She leaned toward the microphone again and one shoulder strap slipped from her shoulder。 Quickly she caught at it。 〃This is most embarrassing。 I've never been with so many men before。〃
They roared enthusiastically。
〃Now I don't know what to do;〃 she said in a soft voice。
〃Don't do nothin'; baby;〃 came a stentorian roar from down front; near the stage; 〃Jus' stand there!〃
Again; pandemonium broke loose as she smiled and peered in the direction of the voice。 She waited until the sound died down slightly。 〃I have a little song I'd like to sing for you;〃 she said。 〃Would you like that?〃
〃Yes!〃 The sound came back from a thousand throats。
〃O。K。;〃 she said and moved closer to the microphone; clutching again at her falling strap。 〃Now; if you'll just pretend you're at home; listening to the radio; if you'll close your eyes… 〃
〃Close our eyes?〃 the stentorian voice roared again。 〃Baby; we may be in the Army but we're not crazy!〃
She smiled helplessly at the roar of laughter as the music slowly came up。 Slowly the spot narrowed to just her face as silence came down on the audience。 The music was the studio arranger at his best。 An old torch song but done in beguine rhythm with the piano; the winds and the violins playing the melody against the rhythm of the drums and the big bass。
She came in right on cue; her eyes half closed against the spotlight; her lower lip shining。 〃I wanna be loved by you;〃 she sang huskily。 〃And nobody else but you。
〃I wanna be loved by you。
The roar that came rolling out from the audience all but drowned out her voice and for a moment she was frightened by all the repressed sexuality she heard in it。
MAURICE BONNER WALKED INTO THE HOLLYWOOD BROWN DERBY; THE THICK BLUE…PAPER…BOUND SCRIPT UNDER HIS ARM。 The headwaiter bowed。 〃Good afternoon; Mr。 Bonner。 Mr。 Pierce is already here。〃
They walked down to a booth in the rear of the restaurant。 Dan looked up from a copy of the Hollywood Reporter。 He put down the paper next to his drink。 〃Hello; Maurice。〃
Bonner dropped into the seat opposite him。 〃Hello;〃 he said。 He looked over at the trade paper。 〃See the write…up our girl got?〃
Dan nodded。
〃That wasn't the half of it;〃 Bonner said。 〃Al Petrocelli told me he never saw anything like it。 They wouldn't let her get off the stage and then when it was over; they almost tore her clothes off while she was getting to the car。 Hope called me first thing this morning and said he wants her any time she's available。〃
〃More proof that I'm right;〃 Pierce said。 〃I think she's bigger now than Marlowe ever was。〃 He shot a shrewd glance at Bonner。 〃Still going up there one night a week?〃
Bonner smiled。 There were no secrets in this town。 〃No。 After The Sinner opened in New York; Cord tore up her old contract and gave her a new one。〃
〃I don't get it。〃
〃It's simple;〃 Bonner said。 〃The morning she got the contract; she came into my office。 She borrowed my pen and signed it; then looked up at me and said; 'Now I don't have to fuck for nobody。 Even you!' And she picks up the contract and walks out。〃
Pierce laughed。 〃I don't believe her。 Once a cunt; always a cunt。 She's got an angle。〃
〃She has。 Jonas Cord。 I got a hunch she's going to marry him。〃
〃That would serve the son of a bitch right;〃 Pierce said harshly。 〃He still doesn't know she was a whore?〃
〃He doesn't know。〃
〃Just shows you。 No matter how smart you think you are; there's always some bint that's smarter。〃 Pierce laughed。 〃How's Jonas doing?〃
〃Making nothing but money;〃 Bonner said。 〃But you know Jonas。 He still isn't happy。〃
〃Why not?〃
〃He tried to get into the Air Corps and they wouldn't take him。 They refused to give him a mission; saying he was too important to the war effort。 So he leaves Washington in a huff and flies to New York and enlists as a private; the schmuck。〃
〃But he still ain't in the Army;〃 Pierce said。
〃Of course not。 He flunked the physical … perforated eardrums or something stupid like that。 So they classify him 4…F and the next week; they take Roger Forrester back as a brigadier general。〃
〃I hear David's going up for his physical soon;〃 Pierce said。
〃Any day now; the jerk。 He could easily get a deferment。 Married; with a baby; especially now the industry's got an essential rating。 But he won't ask for it。〃 He looked across the table at Pierce。 〃Even Nevada's taking his Wild…West show out on the road to work for free on the War Bond drives。〃
〃It just proves that there are still some people around who think the world is flat;〃 Dan said。 He signaled the waiter for another round of drinks。 〃All those guys。 I practically started them in the business。 Today they all got it made and where am I? Still trying to make a deal。〃
Bonner looked at him。 He didn't feel sorry for Pierce。 Dan was still one of the most successful agents in Hollywood。 〃Yeah;〃 he said sarcastically。 〃My heart bleeds for you。 I already heard the story of your life; Dan。 That isn't why I came to lunch。〃
Dan was a sharp enough agent to know he was in danger of losing his audience。 He turned off the plaints and lowered his voice to a confidential tone。 〃You read the script?〃
Bonner picked the script up from the seat beside him and placed it on the table。 〃I read it。〃
〃Great; isn't it?〃 Pierce asked; the selling enthusiasm beginning to creep into his voice。
〃It's good。〃 Bonner nodded his head pedantically。 〃Needs a lot of work; though。〃
〃What script doesn't?〃 Pierce asked with a smile。 He leaned forward。 〃Now; the way I see it; this script needs a strong producer like you。 Wanger; over at Universal; is nuts about it。 So is Zimbalist; over at Metro。 But I can't see it for them。 They just ain't got the feel and showmanship you got。〃
〃Let's skip the bullshit; Dan。 We both know the script is good only if we can get a certain girl to play in it。 And we both know who that is。〃
〃Denton;〃 Pierce said quickly。 〃That's my thinking; too。 That's why I brought it to you。 She's under contract to your studio。〃
〃But Jonas has the final say on what pictures she makes。 And he's turned thumbs down on some pretty good ones。〃
〃What's he trying to do?〃 Pierce asked。 〃Hide her away in a closet and keep her for himself? You can't do that to a star。 Sooner or later; she busts out。〃
Bonner shrugged。 〃You know Jonas。 Nobody asks why。〃
〃Maybe he'll like the script。〃
〃Even if he did;〃 Bonner said; 〃once he sees you're the agent; the whole deal goes out the window。〃
〃What if the girl puts the pressure on and says she's got to do it?〃
Bonner shrugged。 〃Your guess is as good as mine。 But I'm not going to give it to her。 I'm not getting into trouble over any script。 No matter how good it is; there's always another。〃
Pierce stared at him; his fleshy lips tightening grimly。 〃I got an idea we can make her see it our way;〃 he said。 〃I got my hands on… 〃
Bonner stopped him。 〃Don't tell me。 If it happens; let it e as a pleasant surprise。 I don't want to know anything about it。〃
Pierce stared at him for a moment; then relaxed back into his seat。 He picked up the menu。 〃O。K。; Maurice;〃 he said; smiling。 〃What you going to eat?〃
The mail was on the small desk in the living room when Jennie got back from the studio。 She walked over to the desk and sat down。 〃We'll have dinner about eight thirty;〃 she said。 〃I want to take a bath and rest up first。〃
〃Sí; se?orita;〃 Maria answered and waddled away。
Jennie looked at the mail。 There were two envelopes; one large manila one; which from experience she guessed contained a script; and a letter。 She opened the letter first。 The letterhead across the top read: St。 Mary's College of Nursing。 Her eyes flicked down the page。 It was in Sister M。 Christopher's precise script。
This is just a short note to express the appreciation of the students and the staff of St。 Mary's College for the special screening of your picture which you were kind enough to arrange for us。
The Reverend Mother and the sisters; including myself; were all most impressed by the moving expression of the faith and love for our Saviour; Jesus Christ; that you brought to your interpretation of what must have been a most exa