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 〃Now take off your bathrobe and let me see all of you;〃 she said。
 As if in a daze; he let the bathrobe slip to the floor。 With a groan; he sank to his knees beside the bed; holding himself。
 Quickly she rolled across the bed and looked down at him。 A faint sound of triumph came into her voice。 〃Now;〃 she said; 〃you can do it for me。〃
 His hand reached up to touch her breast。 She let it rest there for a moment; then suddenly moved away from him。 〃No!〃 she said sharply。 〃Don't touch me!〃
 He stared at her dumbly; the agony pouring through him in waves。
 Her heavy…lidded eyes watched him。
 〃Do it for me;〃 she said in a husky voice。 〃And I'll do it for you。 But don't touch me!〃
 ALL THROUGH THE MOVIE; LADDIE COULD HEAR THEM giggling and whispering。 He could imagine what they were doing in the darkened theater; even though he couldn't see。 His mind flamed with visions。
 Now Tommy was offering Rina a gumdrop。 He could see him casually holding the bag toward her; the back of his hand seemingly accidentally pressing against her breast。 Laddie shifted restlessly in his seat; trying to pierce the dark out of the corner of his eye; but it was a waste of time。 He couldn't see anything。
 〃May I have some candy?〃 Joan's voice came from the darkness。
 〃What?〃 he asked; startled for a moment。 〃Yeah。 Sure。〃 He held the bag toward her。
 She turned as she helped herself from the bag and he felt the soft press of her breasts。 But it served only to remind him of Rina。 He sank back into his seat unhappily。
 They stopped in front of Tommy's cottage on the way home。 〃How about some pop?〃 Joan asked。 〃We've got a big bottle in the icebox。〃
 Laddie shook his head。 〃No; thanks;〃 he said quickly。 〃It's almost eight o'clock and I promised Mother we'd be home before dark。〃 
 Rina didn't say anything。
 〃Maybe you could e over later?〃 Joan asked。 〃After you've taken Rina home?〃
 Rina looked at him。 He flushed。 〃I don't think so;〃 he answered。 〃I'm pretty tired。 I wanted to get to bed early。〃
 Joan shot a curious look at him; then silently turned and walked into the cottage。 There was an awkward moment until Tommy spoke。 〃Well; good night; then;〃 he said。 〃See yuh on the beach tomorrow。〃
 They walked the rest of the way home in silence。 It was already dark when they climbed up the steps to the porch。 He opened the screen door and held it for her。
 She started to enter the house; then stopped when she saw he made no move to follow her。 〃Aren't you ing in?〃
 He shook his head。 〃Not right now。 I think I'll stay out for a little while。〃
 〃I think I will; too;〃 she said quickly; stepping back onto the porch。
 He let the screen door swing shut。 Its clatter echoed through the house。 〃Is that you; children?〃 Geraldine Marlowe called。
 〃Yes; Mother;〃 Rina answered。 She glanced quickly at Laddie。 〃Can we stay outside for a little while; Mother? It's so hot tonight。〃
 〃All right。 But only for half an hour; Rina。 I want you in bed by eight thirty。〃 
 〃O。K。; Mother。〃
 Laddie crossed the porch and sat down on the large wicker chaise。 Rina followed and sat down beside him。 〃Why did Joan want you to e back?〃 she asked suddenly。 
 He didn't look at her。 〃I dunno。〃 
 〃Did she want you to do it for her?〃 
 〃Of course not!〃 he said indignantly。
 〃I don't like Joan;〃 she said suddenly。 〃She's a… she's a hyp… a hypo… 〃
 〃A hypocrite。〃 He supplied the word for her; surprised by the unexpected depth of her perception。 〃What makes you say that?〃
 〃Tommy wanted me to touch him in the movies; but when I wouldn't; he took Joan's hand and she did。〃
 〃No!〃 The word escaped him involuntarily。 Rina was right。 The little bitch was a hypocrite。
 〃And she never even looked at him once;〃 Rina continued。 〃She was always looking at the screen and once she even asked you for some candy。〃
 He stared at her wonderingly。
 〃I wonder if they're doing it now;〃 she said thoughtfully。
 A picture of Joan and Tommy flashed through his mind。 He began to get excited。
 〃I'm not a hypocrite; am I?〃 she asked。 A slow smile came to her lips。 She moved and he felt her fingers brush across his thigh。 She looked into his face。 〃Would you like to do it now?〃 she whispered。
 〃Now?〃 he said in a stunned voice。 He glanced over his shoulder back to the house。
 〃They won't e out;〃 she said quietly。 〃Father is reading his newspaper and Mother is knitting。 I saw them through the doorway。〃
 〃But… 〃 he stammered。 〃But… how?〃
 She smiled again; her fingers taking the handkerchief from his breast pocket。
 Geraldine looked up at the mantel clock。 It was just eight thirty。 She heard the screen door slam and Rina came into the room。 Her daughter's eyes were bright and shining and her face wore a happy smile。 The smile was infectious and Geraldine smiled back at her。 
 〃Did you have a good time at the movies; dear?〃 
 Rina nodded。 〃A wonderful time; Mother;〃 she said excitedly。 〃It was such fun。 You don't know how great it is to be able to see a picture without all those brats squalling and running up and down the aisles like they do in the afternoons。〃
 Geraldine laughed。 〃It was only yesterday that you were one of those brats。〃
 Rina's face suddenly turned serious。 〃But I'm not any more; am I; Mother?〃
 Geraldine nodded her head gently。 〃No; darling。 You're quite grown up now。〃
 Rina spun around happily。 〃That's right; Mother;〃 she said gaily。 〃I'm quite grown up now。〃
 Geraldine laughed。 〃Now up to bed with you; young lady。 You still need your rest。〃
 〃O。K。; Mother。〃 Rina bent over her and quickly kissed her cheek。 〃Good night。〃
 She crossed the room and kissed her father's cheek。 〃Good night; Father。〃
 She ran out of the room and they could hear her feet running up the stairs。 Harrison Marlowe lowered his paper。 〃She seems quite happy。〃
 〃Why shouldn't she be?〃 Geraldine said。 〃Her first date。 Every girl is excited after her first date。〃
 He put down the paper。 〃What do you say we go out on the porch for a bit of air?〃 
 They came out into the night。 〃Laddie?〃 she called。 
 〃Over here; Mother。〃
 She turned and saw him rising from the chaise。 〃Did you have a good time?〃
 〃All right;〃 he said shortly。 
 〃Rina wasn't any bother; was she?〃 
 〃You don't sound happy about having to take her with you。〃
 〃It was O。K。; Mother;〃 he said tensely。 
 〃Sometimes; son;〃 his father said; 〃we have to do things even if we don't like it。 One of them is looking after your sister。 That's a brother's job。〃
 〃I said it was all right; Father;〃 he snapped。 
 〃Laddie!〃 his mother exclaimed in surprise。 
 Laddie looked down at the floor。 〃I'm sorry; Father;〃 he said in a low voice。
 She moved over and looked into his face。 〃Are you feeling all right; Laddie?〃 she asked with concern。 〃You look flushed and warm to me and your face is all perspired。 Here; let me wipe it for you。〃 Her hand sought his breast…pocket handkerchief。 〃Why; Laddie; what happened to your handkerchief? I saw it in your pocket when you left。〃
 For a moment there was something in his eyes that reminded her of a stricken animal; then it was gone。 〃I… I guess I lost it;〃 he stammered。
 She touched his forehead。 〃Are you sure you haven't a fever?〃
 〃I think you'd better go up to bed; son;〃 his father said。
 〃Yes; Father。〃 He turned to his mother and kissed her。 〃Good night;〃 he said and went quickly into the house。
 〃I wonder what's the matter with him?〃
 Harrison Marlowe snorted。 〃I know what's the matter with him。〃
 〃You do?〃
 He nodded。 〃He's spoiled; that's what。 He's so used to having everything the way he wants it; he sulks when he has to do a little thing like chaperon his sister。 He's angry because he couldn't sit over in the Randall's yard and spoon with Tommy's cousin Joan。〃
 〃Harry; you're being horrid!〃
 〃No I'm not;〃 he said。 〃Take it from me。 I know boys。 What he needs is a little discipline。〃 He began to pack his pipe。 〃And you're doing the same with Rina。 Giving her everything she wants。 She'll be spoiled soon; too。〃
 〃I know what's bothering you;〃 she said。 〃You just don't like the idea of them growing up。 You'd like to keep them children forever。〃
 〃No。 But you have to admit they are spoiled。〃
 〃Maybe they are a little;〃 she admitted。
 He smiled。 〃Well; anyway; it's a good thing they'll be going back to school next month。 Barrington's good for Laddie。〃
 〃Yes;〃 she agreed。 〃And I'm glad Rina's been accepted at Jane Vincent's school。 They'll make a little lady out of her。〃
 For Laddie; it was a summer of pain and torture; of wild physical sensation and excruciating; conscience…stricken agonies。 He couldn't sleep; he couldn't eat; he was afraid to look at her in the mornings and then; when he saw her; he couldn't bear to let her out of his sight。 Jealous tortures flamed inside him when he saw her smiling or talking to other boys。 Visions born of his knowledge of her would fill his mind and he could see them with her the way he had been。 An uneasy; frightened contentment would steal through him when they were together。
 And lurking all the while in the deep recesses of his mind was the fear … the fear of discovery; the fear of seeing the hurt and shock and loathing e to the faces o
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