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 He whirled back to the dealer。 〃Not a centime less than twenty…five hundred and a mission to do the sculpture of the woman from whom this was taken!〃 he shouted。
 Leocadia looked down at the floor。 〃How can I undertake such a mission when I do not know the model?〃
 Pavan spun around。 The models looked at each other curiously; wondering which of them had posed for that particular portion of the statue。 But it was none of them。 Suddenly; Pavan's arm shot out。 〃You!〃 he shouted; pointing。 〃e here!〃
 They turned and followed his pointing finger。 Rina stood frozen to the spot。 Her face began to flame; then hands pulled her forward; propelling her toward the sculptor。
 Pavan seized her hand and turned toward the dealer。 For once; Leocadia looked。 Almost immediately; he looked away again。 〃Agreed!〃 he murmured。
 A deep bellow of triumph arose from the sculptor's throat。 He lifted Rina into his arms and kissed her excitedly on both cheeks。 〃You will live forever; my lovely one!〃 he cried proudly。 〃I will carve your beauty into the stone for all eternity to worship!〃
 Rina began to laugh。 It was crazy。 They were all crazy。 Pavan began to sing lustily; dragging her with him in an erratic dance。 He lifted her up onto the pedestal where the statue formerly stood。 She felt hands tugging at her dress; at her clothing。 She reached out her arms to brace herself; to keep from falling。 Then she was pletely nude on the pedestal。 A strange hush fell over the room。
 It was Pavan himself who led her down。 He threw a cloth around her as she started to walk toward the bathroom。 One of the models handed her her torn clothing。 Rina took it and closed the door behind her。 A moment later; she reappeared。
 Peggy was waiting for her。 She half led; half dragged Rina toward the door。 The door slammed behind them。
 Suddenly; one of the curtains in the mind of Amru Singh lifted。 Through the thin wooden partition behind his head; he could hear dim voices。
 〃Are you crazy?〃
 〃It wasn't that important; Peggy。〃
 〃What if it gets into the papers? The next thing you know; it will be picked up and spread all over the front pages in Boston!〃
 Rina's laughter echoed gaily。 〃I can just see the headline now;〃 she said。 〃Boston girl chosen as most beautiful cunt in Paris!〃
 〃You sound as if you're proud of it。〃
 〃Why shouldn't I be? It's the only thing I've ever done for myself。〃
 〃Once it gets around; every man in Paris will be after you。 I suppose you'd like that。〃
 〃Maybe I would。 It's time I began to grow up; stopped taking your word for everything。〃
 There was the sound of a vicious slap; then an angry voice。 〃You're a whore; a cheap whore; and that's how a whore should be treated!〃
 There was a moment's silence。 〃I told you never to do that again!〃
 He heard the sound of another slap。 〃Whore; bitch! That's the only language you understand!〃 There was a pause; then 〃Rina!〃 The hidden sound of fear was in the voice。 Amru Singh thought it sounded much like the trainer of the tiger who steps into the cage only to find his kitten has bee a full…grown cat。 〃What are you doing? Put down that shoe!〃
 Then there was a half…pitched scream and the sound of a body falling; tumbling erratically down the long; steep stair well。 And for the first time in the memory of anyone there; Amru Singh left a party before the last guest had departed。
 Rina was standing at the railing; her face ashen; looking down the stair well。 Her sharp…pointed high…heeled shoe was still in her hand。 He took the shoe from her fingers and bending down; slipped it on her foot。
 〃I never even touched her!〃
 〃I know;〃 Amru Singh said quietly。
 She collapsed suddenly against him。 He could feel the wild; frightened beating of her heart against his chest。 〃She slipped and fell over the railing!〃
 〃Don't say anything to anyone!〃 he whispered mandingly。 〃Leave the talking to me!〃
 Then the door behind them opened and two departing guests came out into the hall。 Amru Singh turned toward them; his hand pressing Rina's face against his chest so that she could scarcely breathe; let alone speak。 〃There's been an accident;〃 he said calmly。 〃Call a doctor。〃
 He felt Rina begin to cry against his shoulder。 He looked down at the shining blond head。 A strange satisfied look came into his dark; deep…set eyes。
 His portent had e true。 The evil goddess; Kali; had struck。 But this time; she was not to receive the innocent as a further sacrifice to her power; no matter how carefully she had contrived to plant the guilt。
 Rina was standing on her head; the length of her body against the wall; when Jacques entered the apartment。 He stood there for a moment; looking at her slim body; sheathed in the tight black leotard; her hair shining as it spilled over on the floor。
 〃What are you doing?〃 he asked politely。
 She smiled an upside…down smile at him。 〃Standing on my head。〃
 〃I can see that;〃 he answered。 〃But why?〃
 〃Amru Singh says it is very good for the brain。 The blood washes the brain and a new perspective is given to the world。 He is right; too。 You just don't know how different everything looks upside down。〃
 〃Did Amru Singh also tell you how one goes about kissing a girl who is standing on her head?〃 he asked with a smile。
 〃No;〃 she answered。 A mischievous smile came over her face。 〃I thought of that myself!〃 She arched her back quickly and moved her legs。
 He laughed aloud。 There was no mistaking the invitation of the Y she made against the wall。 He bent forward quickly; placing his head between her outstretched legs; and kissed her。
 She collapsed on the floor in laughter。 〃It is good to hear you laugh;〃 he said。 〃You did not laugh much at first。〃
 〃I wasn't happy at first。〃
 〃And you are happy now?〃 he asked。
 The laughter was still in her eyes as she looked up at him。 〃Very happy。〃 She was a very different person from the dazed girl he had seen that night several months ago。 He remembered the telephone ringing beside his bed。
 〃Monsieur Deschamps?〃 a deep; quiet voice had asked。
 〃Oui?〃 he replied; still half asleep。
 〃My apologies for disturbing your rest;〃 the voice continued; in French with a peculiar British and yet not quite British accent。 〃My name is Amru Singh。 I am with a friend of yours; Mademoiselle Rina Marlowe。 She needs your help。〃
 He was awake now。 〃Is it serious?〃
 〃Quite serious;〃 Amru Singh replied。 〃Mademoiselle Bradley had an accident。 She was killed in a fall and the police are being very difficult。〃
 〃Let me speak with Mademoiselle Marlowe。〃
 〃Unfortunately; she is in no position to e to the telephone。 She is in a state of plete shock。〃
 〃Where are you?〃
 〃At the studio of Monsieur Pavan; the sculptor。 You know the place?〃
 〃Yes;〃 Jacques answered quickly。 〃I will be there in half an hour。 In the meanwhile; do not let her talk to anyone。〃
 〃I have already seen to that;〃 Amru Singh said。 〃She will not speak with anyone until you arrive。〃
 Jacques did not quite understand what Amru Singh had meant until he saw Rina's ashen face and the blank look in her eyes。 The police had efficiently isolated her in the small dressing room of the studio。
 〃Your friend seems to be in a very bad state of shock; monsieur;〃 the Inspector said when Jacques introduced himself。 〃I have sent for a doctor。〃
 Jacques bowed。 〃You are very kind; Inspector。 Perhaps you can tell me what happened? I just arrived; in response to a telephone call from a mutual friend。〃
 The Inspector gestured broadly。 〃It is nothing but routine; Monsieur。 Mademoiselle Bradley fell down the stairs。 We require only a statement from Mademoiselle Marlowe; who was the only person with her at the time。〃
 Jacques nodded。 There must be more to it than that; he thought。 Or why would Amru Singh have sent for him? 〃May I go into the dressing room?〃
 The Inspector bowed。 〃Of course; monsieur。〃
 Jacques entered the small room。 Rina was seated on a small chair; half hidden behind a tall man wearing a turban。
 〃Monsieur Deschamps?〃
 Jacques bowed。 〃At your service; Monsieur Singh。〃 He glanced at Rina。 She didn't seem to see him。
 When Amru Singh spoke; his voice was soft; as if he were speaking to a child。 〃Your friend Monsieur Deschamps is here; mademoiselle。〃
 Rina looked up; her eyes blank; unrecognizing。
 Jacques looked at Amru Singh questioningly。 The man's dark eyes were inscrutable。 〃I was at the scene of the accident; Monsieur Deschamps。 She was very upset and seemed under a pulsion to accept blame for her friend's accident。〃
 〃Did she have anything to do with it?〃 Jacques asked。
 〃As I already explained to the police;〃 Amru Singh said blandly; 〃nothing I saw led me to think so。〃
 〃What did she say to them?〃
 〃I thought it best that she not speak with them;〃 Amru Singh replied。
 〃Are you a doctor?〃
 〃I am a student; monsieur;〃 Amru Singh replied。
 Jacques looked up at him。 〃Then how were you able to keep her from speaking to the police?〃
 Amru Singh's face was impassive。 〃I told her not to。〃
 〃And she obeyed?〃 Jacques asked。
 Amru Singh nodded。 〃There was little else she could do。〃
 〃May I speak to her?〃
 〃If you wish;〃 Amru Singh answered。 〃But I suggest someplace other than here。 They would perhaps
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