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 〃Nobody made me;〃 she whispered。 〃I came because I wanted to。 When she came; I knew how wrong I was。〃
 〃Why?〃 I asked bitterly。 〃Just because she had a belly way out to here? It wasn't even my child。〃
 〃What difference does that make? What if she did sleep with someone else before she met you? You must have known it when you married her。 If it didn't matter then; why should it have mattered just because she was going to have his child?〃
 〃It did matter;〃 I insisted。 〃All she was interested in was my money。 What about the half…million…dollar settlement she got when the marriage was annulled?〃
 〃That's not true;〃 she whispered。 〃She loved you。 I could tell from the hurt I saw in her eyes。 And if the money was so important to her; why did she give it all to her father?〃
 〃I didn't know that。〃
 〃There's a lot you don't know;〃 Rina whispered。 〃But I haven't time to tell you。 Only this。 I ruined your marriage。 It's my fault that poor child is growing up without your name。 And I want to make it up to her somehow。〃
 She closed her eyes for a moment。 〃There may not be much left in my estate;〃 she whispered。 〃I've never been much good with money; but I've left it all to her and appointed you my executor。 Promise me you'll see that she gets it。〃
 I looked down at her。 〃I promise。〃
 She smiled slowly。 〃Thank you; Jonas。 I always could count on you。〃
 〃Now try to rest a little。〃
 〃What for?〃 she whispered。 〃So I can live another few days in the mad; crazy world that's running around in my head? No; Jonas。 It hurts too much。 I want to die。 But don't let me die here; locked up in this plastic tent。 Take me out on the terrace。 Let me look at the sky once more。〃
 I stared at her。 The doctor… 〃
 〃Please; Jonas。〃
 I looked down at her and she smiled。 I smiled back and pushed the oxygen tent aside。 I scooped her up in my arms and she was as light as a feather。
 〃It feels good to be in your arms again; Jonas;〃 she whispered。
 I kissed her on the forehead and stepped out into the sunlight。 〃I'd almost forgotten how green a tree can be;〃 she whispered。 〃Back in Boston; there's the greenest oak tree you ever saw in your life。 Please take me back there; Jonas。〃
 〃I will。〃
 〃And don't let them make a circus out of it;〃 she whispered。 〃They can do that in this business。〃
 〃I know;〃 I said。
 〃There's room for me; Jonas;〃 she whispered。 〃Next to my father。〃
 Her hand fell from my chest and a new kind of weight came into her body。 I looked down at her。 Her face was hidden against my shoulder。 I turned and looked out at the tree that had reminded her of home。 But I couldn't see it for my tears。
 When I turned around; Ilene and the doctor were in the room。 Silently I carried Rina back to the bed and gently laid her down on it。 I straightened up and looked at them。
 I tried to speak but for a moment; I couldn't。 And when I could; my voice was hoarse with my grief。 〃She wanted to die in the sunlight;〃 I said。
 I LOOKED AT THE MINISTER; WHOSE LIPS WERE MOVING SILENTLY as he read from the tiny black…bound Bible in his hands。 He looked up for a moment; then closed the Bible and started slowly down the walk。 A moment later; the others began to follow him and soon Ilene and I were the only ones left at the grave。
 She stood there opposite me; skinny and silent; in her black dress and hat; the tiny veil hiding her eyes。 〃It's over;〃 she said in a tired voice。
 I nodded and looked down at the grave marker。 Rina Marlowe。 Now it was nothing but a name。 〃I hope everything was the way she wanted it。〃
 〃I'm sure it was。〃
 We fell silent then with the awkwardness of two people at a cemetery whose only link now lay in a grave。 I took a deep breath。 It was time to go。 〃Can I give you a lift back to the hotel?〃
 She shook her head。 〃I'd like to stay here a little while longer; Mr。 Cord。〃
 〃Will you be all right?〃
 I caught a glimpse of her eyes beneath the veil。 〃I'll be all right; Mr。 Cord;〃 she said。 〃Nothing more can happen to me。〃
 〃I'll see that a car waits for you。 Good…by; Miss Gaillard。〃
 〃Good…by; Mr。 Cord;〃 she answered formally。 〃And … and thank you。〃
 I turned and walked down the path to the cemetery road。 The morbid and curious were still there behind the police lines; on the far side of the street。 A faint sound rose up from them as I came out the cemetery gate。 I'd done the best I could but somehow there are always crowds of people。
 The chauffeur opened the door of the limousine and I got in。 He closed it and ran around to the driver's seat。 The car began to move。 〃Where to; Mr。 Cord?〃 he asked cheerfully。 〃Back to the hotel?〃
 I turned and looked out the rear window。 We were atop a small rise and I could see Ilene inside the cemetery。 She sat beside the grave; a pitiful; shrunken figure in black; with her face hidden by her two hands。 Then we went around a bend and she was gone from my sight。
 〃Back to the hotel; Mr。 Cord?〃 the chauffeur repeated。
 I straightened up and reached for a cigarette。 〃No;〃 I said; lighting it。 〃To the airport。〃
 I drew the smoke deep inside my lungs and let it burn there。 Suddenly; all I wanted to do was get away。 Boston and death; Rina and dreams。 I had too many memories as it was。
 The roaring filled my ears and I began to climb up the long black ladder out of the darkness over my head。 The higher I climbed; the louder the noise got。 I opened my eyes。
 Outside the window; the Third Avenue El rattled by。 I could see the people pressed together inside and on the narrow open platforms。 Then the train had passed and a strange silence came into the room。 I let my eyes wander。
 It was a small; dark room; its white paper already beginning to turn brown on its walls。 Near the window was a small table; on the wall over it a crucifix。 I was in an old brass bed。 Slowly I swung my feet to the floor and sat up。 My head felt as if it were going to fall off。
 〃So; you're awake now; are you?〃
 I started to turn my head but the woman came around in front of me。 There was something vaguely familiar about her face but I couldn't remember where I'd seen her before。 I put my hand up and rubbed my cheek。 My beard was as rough as sandpaper。
 〃How long have I been here?〃 I asked。
 She laughed shortly。 〃Almost a week;〃 she answered。 〃I was beginnin' to think there was no end to your thirst。〃
 〃I was drinking?〃
 〃That you were;〃 she said。
 I followed her eyes to the floor。 There were three cartons filled with empty whisky bottles。 I rubbed the back of my neck。 No wonder my head hurt。 〃How did I happen to get here?〃 I asked。
 〃You don't remember?〃
 I shook my head。
 〃You came up to me in front of the store on Sixth Avenue and took me by the arm; sayin' you was ready for the lesson now。 You were already loaded then。 Then we went into the White Rose Bar for a couple of drinks and it was there you got into a fight with the barkeep。 So I brought you home for safekeepin'。〃
 I rubbed my eyes。 I was beginning to remember now。 I had e from the airport and was walking up Sixth Avenue toward the Norman offices when I felt I needed a drink。 After that; it was fuzzy。 I remembered vaguely searching in front of a radio store for some whore who had promised to teach me some things I had never learned in school。
 〃Were you the one?〃 I asked。
 She laughed。 〃No; I wasn't。 But in the condition you were in; I didn't think it would make any difference。 It wasn't a woman you were looking for; it was a sorrow you were drownin'。〃
 I got to my feet。 I was in my shorts。 I looked up at her questioningly。 〃I took your clothes downstairs to the cleaner when you quit drinkin' yesterday。 I'll go down now and get them while you're cleanin' up。〃
 〃The bathroom?〃
 She pointed to a door。 〃There isn't a shower but there's enough hot water for a tub。 And there's a razor on the shelf over the sink。〃
 The clothes were waiting for me when I came out of the bathroom。 〃Your money is on the dresser;〃 she said; as I finished buttoning my shirt and put on my jacket。 I walked over to the dresser and picked it up。
 〃You'll find it all there except what I took for the whisky。〃
 Holding the bills in my hand; I looked at her。 〃Why did you bring me here?〃
 She shrugged her shoulders。 〃The Irish make lousy whores;〃 she said。 〃We get sentimental over drunkards。〃
 I looked down at the roll of bills in my hand。 There was about two hundred dollars there。 I took a five…dollar bill and stuck it in my pocket; the rest I put back on the bureau。
 She took the money silently and followed me to the door。
 〃She's dead; you know;〃 she said。 〃And all the whisky in the world won't be bringin' her back to life。〃
 We stared at each other for a moment; then she closed the door and I went down the dark staircase and out into the street。 I walked into a drugstore on the corner of Third Avenue and Eighty…second Street and called McAllister。
 〃Where in hell have you been?〃 he asked。
 〃Drunk;〃 I said。 〃Did you get the copy of Rina's will?〃
 〃Yes; I got it。 We've been searching the whole town for you。 Do you realize what's happening over at the picture pany? They're running around there like chickens with their heads cut off。〃
 〃Where is the will?〃
 〃On the foyer table of your apartme
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