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training sessions ; but these emphasized the petitivethreat from
Blockbuster and the need to provide the best cus…tomer service possible。
The primary points of these sessionswere directed toward informing
customers ;as they checkedout ;of how many rentals they had before they
could obtain a free rental ;the customer's ability to reserve videos ;
and Video cepts ' willingness to deliver videos to a customer's home
atno extra charge。(These were all services that Blockbuster did not
Unfortunately; Video concepts' revenues hit a plateau of just
under $40;000 per month and stayed there ;with the nor_ uring this
time ;Chad attempted several marketing promo…tions inchrding rent
one…get one free on the normally slownights (Mondays; Tuesdays; and
Wednesdays); mailedbrochures to all Videl Concepts customers; which
included a brief highlighting of the advantages of shopping Video
Con…cepts over Blockbuster(lower price and additional services);and
a free rental coupon。
The promotions seemed to help Videl Concepts maintainthe current
renue level; but they also decreased the prof…itability of the
operation。 To try to improve the profitability;Chad examined his
operation for ways of making it more efficient。 By studying the hour…by
…hour sales patterns; hewas able to schedule his emplouyees more
efficiently。 Healsoused the information provided by the software
program to de…termine when the rentals of 〃hit〃 and/ or new releases
had peaked。 Chad learned that there was a fairly good market for used
tapes for a short period of time ;but ;if the tape was not sold
during this time; he would end up with a tape that hadvery little rental
demand and little resale value。
The problem with the 〃hit 〃videos was twofold。 The firstproblem
was the determination of how many tapes topurchase。 There semmed to
be little correlation between a hit at the box office and a hit from
rentales。 When the video was firstreleased for rental; Chad would buy
forty to fifty videotapes at a cost of about 60 each。 The demand for
these videol wouldlity;Chad examined his operation for ways of making
it more efficient。 By studying the hour…by …hour _ 1he demand would
drop sinificantly 。The second problem;therefore; was the
determination of when and ow many of the tapes to sell before the
demandwould drop to the level of non… hit videos。 Chad believed that
he had solved the secondproblem by carefully watching the sales figures
for the tapes;Analysis of this information helped to minimze his
investmentin his inventory of tapes which marginally improved cash
Two years after Blockbuste had opened its store; Chadcarefully
analyzed the financial statements for Video Concepts。The pany was
profitable and had been abvle to maintain its market share。 (See
Exhibits I and 2。)What wal evident wasthe fact that the arrival of
Blockbuster had increased the de…mjand for videl rentals in
Lexington to and estimated 1;300000 a year; Blockbuster's share was
estimated to be about 700 ;000 a year and the few remaining
independents hadaround 100;000 as year in revenues。
To Chad the current situation was fairly straight forward。Videl
Concepts had a store that was parable to Blockbuster's in tape
selection; personnel costs; and efficiencyof operation Videl Concepts
had a cost advantage in havinglower store leasing costs( 3。50 per
square foot versus 8。50);but Blockbuster had b bigger advantage in
being able to use its purchading power to purchase Videotapes at a much
which marginally improved cash flow。
THEower rental price ( 1。99 versus 3。00);but Blockbuster uti…lized
a much larger advertising budget to attract customers。(All of the
Blockbuster stores in the region charged 3。50rental except the one in
As had happened nationwide; the growth oif videl rentalrevenue
leveled off in the Lexington area starting in 1992。(Na…tionwide in 1992;
sales increased only 4。7 percent for block…buster stores the had been
in operation more than one uyear。)future growth did not look bright
as indications that advancesin cable television technologggy cousd
render videl store rentalsobsolete ad foberr optics allow cable
subscribers to order a widevariety of movies at home through pay …
per …view services。This technology; bhwever; is still in developmental
stages;and its spread to small towns is certainly many years away。
Looking to the future; Chad felt that for all his efforts;;the net
ine fromthe Videl Concepts operation would notproved him as high
a return on his time and his capital as hehad expected。 He was still
paying only the interest on his long…term loans and paying off the debt
seemed several yearsaway。 From Chad's viewpoint; he had several
options。 Chadconsidered raising the price of and overnight rental to
2。49 to make the business more profitable but was afraid of what the
consequences of such a move might be 。He also considered hir…ing
someone to manage the business and find another job for himself。 He
had offers of corporate jobs in the past and was yearsaway。 From Chad's
viewpoint; he had several _ as to try to sell the business As Chad
pondered these alternatifves; he tried to think of a solution that he
may have overlooked What he was sure of ;however; was that he did not
wish to keep working twelve…hour days at a business that did not seem
to have a bright future。Exhibit 1Video Concepts; Inc。 Revenues
465;958Ine Statement Cost of goods 192;204One Year Ending Gross
profit 273;754June 30;1993 Expenses Salaries 10/;532 Payroll taxes
11;544 Utilities 20;443 Rent 23;028 Office expeses 26;717 Maintenance
6;205 Advertising expenses 4;290 Interest expenses 27;395 Total
expenses 228;154 Ine before taxes 45;600 Taxes 10;944 Net ine
34;656 Cost of goods=purchase price minus market value of tapes This
method is used because most of the tapes pur… chased are depreciated
over a twelve…month period Salaries include Chad's salary of 15;000
246es 4;290 Interest expenses 27;395 _ nventory4。162 Sales taxes
payable 2。415Prepaid xpenses 1。390 Withholding/FICA payable;
3。270Total current assets 20。826 Total current liabilities
21。1144Office equipment 48。409 Bank term loan 24y;518Furniture&
fixtures 53;400 monstock 20;800 Video cassette tapes 303;131
Retained earnings 24;153Leasehold improvements 39;800 Accumulated
depreciation (151;981)Total assets 313;585 Total liabilities &equity
131; 585*includes the depreciation of tapes 247o_o_Office
equipment 48。409 Bank term loan 24y;518Fu
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