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    Submenu〃)ntrols _  
      。Add(Type:=msoControlButton; Before:=1)。Caption = 〃Option 1〃   
    当你按下回车键,上面的指令会在工具菜单里的My Submenu里添加命令Option 1。如果你没有 
下面的过程将在内置菜单格式里添加自定义子菜单Colors,并且在里面放置四个选项:Red; Green;  
Sub Colors()   
     Dim myMenu As Object   
     Dim mySubMenu As Object   
     Set myMenu = mandBars(〃Worksheet menu bar〃)ntrols(〃Format〃)   
     With myMenu   


… 页面 260…

         ntrols。Add(Type:=msoControlPopup; Before:=2)。Caption = 〃Colors〃   
     End With   
     Set mySubMenu = myMenuntrols(〃Colors〃)   
     With mySubMenu   
         ntrols。Add(Type:=msoControlButton)。Caption = 〃Red〃   
         ntrols。Add(Type:=msoControlButton)。Caption = 〃Green〃   
         ntrols。Add(Type:=msoControlButton)。Caption = 〃Blue〃   
         ntrols。Add(Type:=msoControlButton)。Caption = 〃Black〃   
         ntrols(〃Red〃)。OnAction = 〃ColorRed〃   
         ntrols(〃Green〃)。OnAction = 〃ColorGreen〃   
         ntrols(〃Blue〃)。OnAction = 〃ColorBlue〃   
         ntrols(〃Black〃)。OnAction = 〃ColorBlack〃   
     End With   
End Sub   
Sub ColorRed()   
     ActiveCell。Fontlor = RGB(255; 0; 0)   
End Sub   
Sub ColorGreen()   
     ActiveCell。Fontlor = RGB(0; 255; 0)   
End Sub   
Sub ColorBlue()   
     ActiveCell。Fontlor = RGB(0; 0; 255)   
End Sub   
Sub ColorBlack()   
     ActiveCell。Fontlor = RGB(0; 0; 0)   
End Sub   


1。  在当前工程的模块里输入过程ShortcutMenus,如下所示:  
     Sub ShortcutMenus()   
         Dim myBar As mandBar   
         Dim counter As Integer   
         For Each myBar In mandBars   
              If myBar。Type = msoBarTypePopup Then   
                   counter = counter + 1   
                   Debug。Print counter & 〃: 〃 & myBar。Name   
              End If   
     End Sub   
 Excel 2002 的内置快捷菜单:                 Excel 2003 的内置快捷菜单:  
 1: Query and Pivot                          1: Query and Pivot  
 2: PivotChart Menu                          2: PivotChart Menu  
 3: Workbook tabs                            3: Workbook tabs  


… 页面 261…

4: Cell                                        4: Cell  
5: Column                                      5: Column  
6: Row                                         6: Row  
7: Cell                                        7: Cell  
8: Column                                      8: Column  
9: Row                                         9: Row  
10: Ply                                        10: Ply  
11: XLM Cell                                   11: XLM Cell  
12: Document                                   12: Document  
13: Desktop                                    13: Desktop  
14: Nondefault Drag and Drop                   14: Nondefault Drag and Drop  
15: AutoFill                                   15: AutoFill  
16: Button                                     16: Button  
17: Dialog                                     17: Dialog  
18: Series                                     18: Series  
19: Plot Area                                  19: Plot Area  
20: Floor and Walls                            20: Floor and Walls  
21: Trendline                                  21: Trendline  
22: Chart                                      22: Chart  
23: Format Data Series                         23: Format Data Series  
24: Format Axis                                24: Format Axis  
25: Format Legend Entry                        25: Format Legend Entry  
26: Formula Bar                                26: Formula Bar  
27: PivotTable Context Menu                    27: PivotTable Context Menu  
28: Query                                      28: Query  
29: Query Layout                               29: Query Layout  
30: AutoCalculate                              30: AutoCalculate  
31: Object/Plot                                31: Object/Plot  
32: Title Bar (Charting)                       32: Title Bar (Charting)  
33: Layout                                     33: Layout  
34: Pivot Chart Popup                          34: Pivot Chart Popup  
35: Phonetic Information                       35: Phonetic Information  
36: Auto Sum                                   36: Auto Sum  
37: Paste Special Dropdown                     37: Paste Special Dropdown  
38: Find Format                                38: Find Format  
39: Replace Format                             39: Replace Format  
40: Shapes                                     40: Shapes  
41: Inactive Chart                             41: Inactive Chart  
42: Excel Control                              42: Excel Control  
43: Curve                                      43: Curve  
44: Curve Node                                 44: Curve Node  
45: Curve Segment                              45: Curve Segment  
46: Pictures Context Menu                      46: Pictures Context Menu  
47: OLE Object                                 47: OLE Object  
48: ActiveX Control                            48: ActiveX Control  
49: WordArt Context Menu                       49: WordArt Context Menu  
50: Rotate Mode                                50: Rotate Mode  
51: Connector                                  51: Connector  
52: Script Anchor Popup                        52: Script Anchor Popup  

… 页面 262…

 53: Canvas Popup                            53: Canvas Popup  
 54: Organization Chart Popup                54: Organization Chart Popup  
 55: Diagram                                 55: Diagram  
 56: Add mand                             56: Layout  
 57: Built…in Menus                          57: Select  
 58: System                                  58: List Range Popup  
 59: Layout                                  59: List Range Layout Popup  
 60: Select                                  60: XML Range Popup  
                                             61: List Range Layout Popup  
                                             62: Built…in Menus  
2。  输入如下所示地过程AddToPlyMenu:  
     Sub AddToPlyMenu()   
         With ApplicationmandBars(〃Ply〃)   
              ntrols。Add(Type:=msoControlButton; Before:=2)。Caption = _   
              ntrols(〃Print。。。〃)。OnAction = 〃PrintSheet〃   
         End With   
     End Sub   
3。  运行过程AddToPlyMenu,然后返回到代码窗口,并且输入下述过程,当你从该快捷菜单上选择 
     Sub PrintSheet()   
     End Sub   
4。  切换到Excel应用程序窗口,并且在任何工作表标签上单击右键,选择Print选项,你应该可以 

图12…10 自定义选项可以添加到内置快捷菜单上(参见Print选项在过程AddToPlyMenu里被添加上 


… 页面 263…


1。  在当前VBA工程的代码窗口里输入过程Create_ShortMenu,如下所示:  
     Sub Create_ShortMenu()   
         Dim sm As Object   
         Set sm = ApplicationmandBars。Add(〃Information〃; msoBarPopup)   
         With sm  
              ntrols。Add(Type:=msoControlButton)。Caption = 〃Operating System〃   
              With ntrols(〃Operating System〃)   
                   。FaceId = 1954   
                   。OnAction = 〃OpSystem〃   
              End With   
              ntrols。Add(Type:=msoControlButton)。Caption = 〃Total Memory〃   
              With ntrols(〃Total Memory〃)  
                   。FaceId = 1977   
                   。OnAction = 〃TotalMemory〃   
              End With   
              ntrols。Add(Type:=msoControlButton)。Caption = 〃Used Memory〃   
              With ntrols(〃Used Memory〃)   
                   。FaceId = 2081   
                   。OnAction = 〃UsedMemory〃   
              End With   
              ntrols。Add(Type:=msoControlButton)。Caption = 〃Free Memory〃   
              With ntrols(〃
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