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MICHAEL: She’s fine。 她很好;
MICHAEL: She’ll be glad to see you again。 她会很高兴再看到你。
PEDRO: She’s missed you; too。她也想念你;
PEDRO: So has the rest of my family。 我们一家人都想念你。
: Eighty …eighth Street is usually a busy street; especially during the summer。 But sometimes; early in
the morning and in the heat of the afternoon; it is quiet。 八十八街通常是很热闹的; 尤其是在夏天
的时候。 不过; 有时候在一大清早和炎热午后里;八十八街却很安静。
“: No; not ““quiet”“; quieter。” 不; 不应该说很安静; 应该说比较安静一点才对;
: There are always kids playing ball。 随时都有小孩子在那里打球。
: They don’t seem to notice the heat; the darkness; or the passing cars。 闷热的天气、黑暗的夜晚以
及往来的车辆; 他们似乎并不在意。
: It’s a street like many others。 这条街和其他许多街道一样;
: Children run; and jump; and fall。 街上的小孩; 跑的跑; 跳的跳; 摔倒的摔倒。
: Parents push baby carriages。 Young men and women walk slowly; arm in arm; or hand in hand。 爸
爸妈妈们推着婴儿车走; 青年男女臂挽着臂或手牵着手慢慢地走着;
: The people of the neighborhood know each other。 左右邻居彼此都认识。
: When friends meet; they stop and say a word or two。 当朋友相遇的时候; 他们总会停下来寒喧
: Two women; both lost in thought; walk toward each other。 两个沉思的妇女彼此迎面走近;
: As they pass; they look up。 她们走过彼此身边的时候; 都抬起头来看。
: They stop。 They smile。 她们止步; 她们微笑。
: They start to speak at the same time。 然后同时开始讲话。
: They laugh; happy to see each other。 她们都很高兴彼此碰面。
: After a minute or two; one turns around and walks the other to her door。 过一两分钟; 其中的一个
: They stand and talk a few minutes more。 她们站在那里继续谈上几分钟;
: Then each one takes a few steps; turns; and waves good…bye。 然后一个走上几层台阶; 转身挥别。
: At noon on June 3; three men bought sandwiches and ice cream and sat on one of the benches in
front of the
International Bank。 在六月叁日中午; 有叁名男子买了叁明治和冰淇淋后在国家银行前的橙子
: This behavior continued on June 4 and 5。 他们在六月四、五号这两天继续这样做。
: They were trying to look and act like tourists; but they obviously were not。 他们尽力装出观光客
的模样和作风; 但是很显然的; 他们并不是。
: They never smiled。 他们始终没有露出笑容;
: They were not enjoying themselves。 心情也并不愉快。
: The suspects carefully noted the movements of each of the bank’s employees。 叁名嫌疑犯密切注
: They even noted when and where I moved my ice cream cart。 他们甚至注意我推冰淇淋车的时间

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: On June 5; at exactly 2:20; when two of the four guards were out to lunch; the three suspects moved
toward the
entrance of the bank。在六月五日下午两点二十分整; 当银行四个警卫中的两个人外出午餐的时
候; 这叁名嫌疑犯走向银行的入口。
: I immediately called for help。 Then I moved the ice cream cart closer to the entrance of the bank。 我
立刻通知同仁协助; 然后把冰淇淋车移近银行的入口;
: I wanted to be able to stop them from leaving the area。 希望能够阻止他们离开那个区域。
: One of the suspects stood at the door of the bank。 其中的一名嫌疑犯站在银行的门口;
: The other two entered the bank and stood in line。 另外两名则进去银行排队。
: When they got up to the tellers; they took guns out of paper bags。 当他们走到出纳员面前时; 就
: Most of the people in the bank didn’t know what was happening。 银行里的人大多不知道有事情
: I could see this through the windows of the bank。 这件事情经过; 我从银行的窗外可以看到。
: Meanwhile; the other non…uniformed policemen arrived。 在此同时; 其余的便衣警员也到达了现场。
: We spread out。 我们分布各处。
: Some went into the bank and some stood near the front。 有的到银行里面去; 有的站到门口近处。
: We wanted to wait until they had the money in their hands。 我们等待直到他们拿到了钱;
: Then we got them。 然后把他们逮捕;
: It was all over in twenty seconds。 这件事情只花二十秒钟的时间就结束了。
: I never stopped selling ice cream; although I gave one man too much change。 我始终一直地继续
卖冰淇淋; 虽然我多找给一位男士太多的零钱。
“: ““I like this old bar。” 我很喜欢这家老酒馆;
: I know it’s old…fashioned; but that’s what I like about it。 我明知它有点老式; 不过就因为这样我
: Sure; it’s dark。 当然啦; 里面固然很黑;
: Most bars are。 但是大多数的酒馆都是这样子。
: But that’s all right; some things look better in the dark。 那没关系; 有些东西要在黑暗里才好看。
: Besides; you don’t go to a bar to read; do you? 尔且; 人上酒馆不是为了看书; 对不对?
: This is a friendly place。 这是一个亲切的地方。
: You can get a beer on your way home from work; 你可以在下班后喝杯啤酒再回家;
: find some friends; relax;找几个朋友把身心放轻鬆;
: and forget about your kids; your job; and your mother…in…law。 把孩子、工作和丈母娘都忘掉。
“: Times are changing; but ““Joe’s”“ stays the same。” 时代在改变; 但是「乔之酒吧」没有变。
: Oh; there’s a difference。 哦; 对了; 有一点不同。
“: This kind of place used to be ““for men only。”““ 这个地方过去是「女宾止步」;
: Now; everybody’s wele。 尔现在却是来者不拒。
: If your money’s good; we’re glad to have you。 只要你喝完付帐; 我们就欢迎你来。
: I’ve been a bartender here for thirty years; and I’m still happy to e to work and see the old
mahogany bar。 我在这里当酒保已经叁十年; 每天上班; 看到这个老桃木盖成的酒吧; 仍然感到
: It still makes me happy to see the liquor bottles beside the old French mirror。 看到这个老式法国镜

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子旁边的酒瓶; 也仍然感到开心。
: It’s not a bad life。 这个日子过得还不坏。
: And; you know; it’s funny。 还有我告诉你一件很滑稽的事情;
“: I don’t drink。”““ 我从来不喝酒。
ALI: Hello; Mr。 Vegetable Man。 Do you remember me? My name is Ali。 卖菜先生你好。 你还记不
记得我? 我叫阿里。
MR。YAMAMOTO: Yes; Ali。 I remember you。 嗯; 阿里; 我记得你。
ALI: I met you when you were going to the Japanese Garden。 当我遇到你的时候你正要到日本花
ALI: Did you have a good time? 你玩得开不开心?
MR。YAMAMOTO: Yes; thank you; Ali。 Is this your mother; Ali? 很开心; 谢谢你; 阿里。 这位是
ALI: Yes; it is。 Mommy; I told you about this man。。。 是的。 妈; 我跟你讲过这个人。。。
MRS。NIKZAD: His name is Mr。 Yamamoto; Ali。 Be polite。 阿里; 他叫山本先生。 礼貌一点。
ALI: How do you know his name; Mommy? 妈; 你怎么知道他的名字?
MRS。NIKZAD: Because many of my friends have told me about him and his excellent shop。 It’s nice
to meet you; Mr。
Yamamoto。 Our name is Nikzad。 因为我有很多朋友曾经跟我谈过他以及他经营得很不错的商店。
很高兴认识你; 山本先生, 敝姓尼克萨德。
MR。YAMAMOTO: How do you do; Mrs。 Nikzad? 尼克萨德太太你好。
MR。YAMAMOTO: Your son helped me find my way around the Fair。令郎帮我在万博会附近找到路。
ALI: Are you famous; Mr。 Yamamoto? How e? 山本先生; 你是不是很出名? 为什么你会出
MR。YAMAMOTO: Because I have lived in this neighborhood a long time。因为我住在这附近很久了。
ALI: But that isn’t enough; is it? 但是这还是不够; 对不对?
MR。YAMAMOTO: You have to answer that question for yourself。 这个问题你得要自己答覆。
ALI: No。 不;
ALI: You have to do something special to be famous。 一个人必须作某种很特殊的事情才会出名;
ALI: You have to kill a dragon。 他必须杀死一条龙。
MR。YAMAMOTO: I’ve never done that。 I have seen many and fought with a few。 But to my
knowledge I haven’t killed any yet。 我倒没有杀过龙。 我看过不少龙; 还有几次和龙打斗; 不过
据我所知; 我还没杀死过龙。
CUSTOMER: Excuse me; do you have any lettuce? 老板; 对不起; 有没有萵苣?
ALI: Wow; have you ever。。。? 哇! 你曾经。。。
MRS。NIKZAD: Mr。 Yamamoto is a busy man。 Perhaps; Ali; 山本先生很忙; 说不定阿里;
MRS。NIKZAD: we have already taken too much of his time。 我们已经打扰他太久了。
MR。YAMAMOTO: I’ll be with you in a moment。 我马上来。
MR。YAMAMOTO: Not at all; Mrs。 Nikzad。 If I don’t have enough time; it is because I am old; not
because I am busy。一点也不; 尼克萨德太太。 就算我时间不够; 那是由于我老了; 并不是因为我

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ALI: I don’t understand。 我不懂。
MRS。NIKZAD: Mr。 Yamamoto is very wise。 When you have lived a little longer; you will
understand。 山本先生是个很聪明的人。 当你长大一点以后; 你就会懂得了。
ALI: I want to understand now。 我现在就要懂。
MR。YAMAMOTO: Then you must visit me again。 那么你必须再来看我。
ALI: Can I? I mean; may I? 我能吗? 我是说; 我可以再来拜访你吗?
MRS。FARIAS: When is Michael ing to pick you up? 麦可几点钟来接你?
JOANA: He said seven。 Would you get the door please; Mama? 他说七点。 妈; 请您开门好吗?
MRS。FARIAS: Hello; Michael。 How are you? 麦可; 你好吗?
MICHAEL: Fine; thank you; Mrs。 Farias。 And you? 很好; 谢谢法瑞斯太太; 您呢?
MRS。FARIAS: Well; as a matter of fact; 哦; 事实上;
MRS。FARIAS: I’m not feeling very well today。 我今天有一点不舒服。
MICHAEL: What’s the matter? 怎么了?
MRS。FARIAS: Oh; I’m sure that it’s nothing serious。 Joana; Michael’s here! 噢; 我相信并不严重。
琼娜; 麦可来了。
JOANA: Hi; Michael。 嗨; 麦可。
MICHAEL: Hi; you look great! 嗨; 你今天可真漂亮!
JOANA: Thank you。 谢谢。
MRS。FARIAS: Will you two please excuse me? I have some things to do in the kitchen。 二位失陪了;
MICHAEL: Certainly。 What’s up? 不要客气。 什么事情?
JOANA: I have some exciting news。 我有一个令人兴奋的消息。
MICHAEL: What is it? 什么消息?
MICHAEL: I hope you aren’t going back home。 你不会是就要回国
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