作者:李小龙扉页题诗神游任自逍遥Into a soul absolutely free无思无欲From thoughts and emotion虽猛虎之利爪Even the tiger finds no room难扰此境To insert its fierce claws共沐和熙轻风One and the same breeze passes拂山端松林Over the pines on the mountain及深谷之橡栎And the oak trees in the valley而其声异韵And why do they give different notes?无思亦无所虑No thinking, no reflecting入太虚之境Perfect emptiness有物似有所动Yet therein something moves皆自然之变Following its own course唯目之所视The eye see it而手不可及But no hands can take hold of it-本文来源:互联网版权声明:本文只供截拳道爱好者做私下交流...