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brown of calaveras
brown of calaveras 2019-08-06
热度:4   大小:23K
简介: BROWN OF CALAVERASA subdued tone of conversation, and the absence of cigar sm...
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dr. faustus
dr. faustus 2019-08-06
热度:5   大小:136K
简介: Dr. Faustusby Christopher MarloweTHE TRAGICAL HISTORY OF DOCTOR FAUSTUSBY CHR...
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26-the goose-girl
26-the goose-girl 2019-08-06
热度:5   大小:12K
简介: THE GOOSE-GIRLONCE upon a time an old queen, whose husband hadbeen dead for m...
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the book of prognostics
the book of progno 2019-08-06
热度:4   大小:36K
简介: 400 BCTHE BOOK OF PROGNOSTICSby HippocratesTranslated by Francis AdamsTHE BOO...
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a millionaire of rough-and-ready
a millionaire of r 2019-08-06
热度:4   大小:160K
简介: A Millionaire of Rough-and-Readyby Bret HartePROLOGUEThere was no mistake thi...
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king henry vi part 1(亨利四世ⅰ)
king henry vi part 2019-08-06
热度:53   大小:164K
简介: King Henry VI, Part 1King Henry VI, Part 1William Shakespeare1- Page 2-King H...
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the high price of bullion
热度:4   大小:150K
简介: The High Price of Bullionby David Ricardo1810The High Price of Bullion, a Pro...
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the life of charlotte bronte-1
the life of charlo 2019-08-06
热度:5   大小:520K
简介: The Life of Charlotte Bronte - Volume 1by Elizabeth Claghorn GaskellCHAPTER I...
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christmas eve
christmas eve 2019-08-06
热度:4   大小:24K
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a theologico-political treatise [part iv]
a theologico-polit 2019-08-06
热度:4   大小:169K
简介: A Theologico-Political Treatise [Part IV]by Benedict de SpinozaAlso known as ...
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the lumley autograph
the lumley autogra 2019-08-06
热度:4   大小:62K
简介: The Lumley Autographby Susan Fenimore Cooper[Not long since an American autho...
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the crown of thorns
the crown of thorn 2019-08-06
热度:4   大小:212K
简介: The Crown of ThornsA token for the sorrowingby E. H. ChapinPREFACE.One of the...
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those extraordinary twins
those extraordinar 2019-08-06
热度:5   大小:119K
简介: Those Extraordinary Twinsby Mark TwainA man who is born with the novel-writin...
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the book of tea(茶书)
热度:4   大小:134K
简介: The Book of TeaThe Book of Teaby Kakuzo Okakura1- Page 2-The Book of TeaI. Th...
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09-the ponds
09-the ponds 2019-08-06
热度:4   大小:51K
简介: The PondsSometimes, having had a surfeit of human society and gossip, andworn...
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the book of nonsense
the book of nonsen 2019-08-06
热度:4   大小:22K
简介: Book of Nonsenseby Edward LearThere was an Old Derry down Derry,Who loved to ...
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of the balance of trade
热度:5   大小:31K
简介: Of the Balance of Tradeby David HumeIt is very usual, in nations ignorant of ...
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the comparison of numa with lycurgus
热度:4   大小:13K
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confessio amantis
confessio amantis 2019-08-06
热度:7   大小:1105K
简介: Confessio AmantisorTales of the Seven Deadly SinsBy John Gower, 1330-1408 A.D...
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the metal monster
the metal monster 2019-08-06
热度:3   大小:466K
简介: The Metal Monsterby A. MerrittPROLOGUEBefore the narrative which follows was ...
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martin guerre
martin guerre 2019-08-06
热度:4   大小:99K
简介: Martin Guerreby Alexandre Dumas, PereWe are sometimes astonished at the stri...
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